View Full Version : Tender roses? Roses? What?

06-11-2005, 04:11 PM
Hi. I live in central Canada, and I would like to plant some roses. I would like to overwinter a tender variety. I have called some greenhouses asking if they carry the type of rose that I want, but none of them seem to have it. The type of roses I want are called "Tender roses" I beleive. You know the kind that you buy in a florist? They are the ones in the picture and most of the times I've seen them they've come in a bouquet:
Anyways, I was wondering if I could plant those. But, every time I call a florist and ask for tender roses, they just say "Tender roses?...uh...no...we don't have those...". They always sound really confused at my question, so I was wondering if there was another name for them or something. Do they grow in a rosebush like other flowers, or do you just plant them in the ground? Also, are they expensive?
I prefer the white and pink varietys.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

06-11-2005, 04:22 PM
Here (http://www.cren.ca/content_view2?CONTENT_ID=1103) is one link about growing tender roses in Canada. If you search google or something like that, there are lots of links. I don't think these are like what are sold in florists, though. They are bushy roses that usually only grow for one season - also called tea roses.