View Full Version : The elusive Lucky

06-11-2005, 12:13 PM
I don't post many pictures of this guy because he hates the camera.
He is currently marking and spraying all over the house and I'm gonna kill him if he doesn't stop!!! Ok, so I'm not gonna kill him but I'm going to have to try some medication. I hate doing it to him because he already has so many issues. The one good thing is that he is becoming more loving and friendly as he gets older. Everything just takes ten times longer with Lucky! He's four years old and just now figuring out that momma's lap is a nice place to be.

These pictures were taken while he was sitting in my lap getting some lovins. I was surprised he let me flash this many times without him bolting. I think it's because of his vision issues and the flash really throws him. His depth perception seems to be off but he manages just fine.

Here's Lucky


Here he is in my lap






Sorry that the pictures weren't that great but it's hard to hold, pet, and snap pictures at the same time!;)

06-11-2005, 12:22 PM
Hooray! Lucky pics! I have always loved this shy beauty. How does he do with Rosco and Abigail? I see Abigail has worked her magic on Grampy Goo, how about shy Lucky? Does pesky Rosco torment him?

06-11-2005, 12:24 PM
Lucky is such a cutie. Looks like he wasn't too upset with the camera but then again... http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid172/p4f922ec6a4e8768f74f5a7f383daf602/f3bfb816.jpg ...looks like he is starting to get pretty poed here. LOL Looks at those airplane ears

06-11-2005, 12:50 PM
He is currently marking and spraying all over the house and I'm gonna kill him if he doesn't stop!!! Ok, so I'm not gonna kill him but I'm going to have to try some medication.
Just curious as to what medication you use for nawtee cats? Impy is being very bad spraying everywhere. I'm investing in Scat Mats again (battery operated this time, as the cords got chewed thru on old ones) to put on the counters. Someone's spraying up there, and of course I never see who...but Impy is once again on the suspect list. :rolleyes: Lucky is one very handsome looking boy. Is he part Maine Coon?? :confused:

06-11-2005, 01:25 PM
Kim, Rosco chases him and makes him growl!:rolleyes: There are times when Lucky starts it so I think he is playing sometimes but other times he really wants Rosco to stop it! Abigail has not been able to work her charms on this loner boy. He isn't interested in friendships, just momma and daddy loving occasionally.

Jan, we will have to wait for Jen to reply with the name of the medication that she uses. It's that Amatryptaline (I know I'm way off here!) I think!:D I'm going to tlak to the vet because I'm having a huge problem with him.
The worst part is that Peanut Butter goes behind him to remark things as his so I guess I'm gonna have to kill them both!!!!!!!!;) :D

06-11-2005, 01:35 PM
Either amytriptiline or clomicalm are supposed to be good. Bassett took amytriptiline too but it never really worked for her.. I never bothered to try anything else though because I didn't like how it changed her personality.

And I'm pretty sure I spelled it wrong too :p

06-11-2005, 03:19 PM
Sam,is spraying,a bit,but it doesnt smell,it has riuned a few things,thatwere low,to the ground.And those are WONDERFUL Shots,of the Aptly Nmaed Lucky,he is a Lucky Cat,to have such a Loving,and Tolerant Guardian.


06-11-2005, 03:38 PM
Lucky is sure beautiful. He has a very wild and dangerous look to him that is so exotic. One of the catshows I went to had a judge describing things he looks for in Maine Coons and "wild and dangerous" was one of those things. Of course, MC's are far from that!!:D

Glad that Lucky has discovered your lap and that you were able to get some pictures for us:)

06-11-2005, 03:42 PM
Lucky is such a handsome boy! :D

06-11-2005, 04:08 PM
Oh gosh, Lucky is one handsome fella. He is just like Mooky in regards to not wanting his picture taken and has become quite the loner.

I thought those were fabulous pictures Lisa. I especially love this one.

"Oh yeah, Ma, right there. That hits the spot." :D

06-11-2005, 04:13 PM
I've threatened to super glue and cork Impy's lil' whizzer shut! Joey hates him, and antagonizes and him non-stop. Impy retaliates by doing what he does best GRRR!! Once in a while the fur flies something fierce! Both Impy& Joey hate each other, and are constantly gearing for war! I'll look into those meds before the super glue & cork are used. :eek: :rolleyes: The joys of multicat madness. :rolleyes:

06-12-2005, 11:13 AM
Awww handsome Lucky, warming up to the ways of the lap.

Lisa, back a few months ago when Ripley was spraying I thought for sure it was just behavioral but he did have a slight infection. I'm sure he hadn't had if for years because he sprayed back when we changed the paint, carpet and furniture in the living and dining rooms. He hates change. Anyway besides antibiotics the vet put him on Valium and let me keep him on it for a couple of months to help ease his behavioral spraying. It seems to have helped but we also set Ripley up a bachelor's pad in the garage with his own private litter box, food and water bowls. He tells us when he wants to go out and he doesn't stay long. So far all that has stopped the spraying as far as I know.

06-13-2005, 02:27 PM
Hi,guys!!! Really nice to see beautiful Lucky. Yes, he does have that shy look about him. But so pretty. Too bad we can't be treated with his pictures more often! Come on, Lucky. Vogue for us!!! :)
We have Lydia on amitriptyline for her aggression. Can't see any improvement but it may be that her dose needs increasing. Another drug I've heard used for urinating issues is Buspar. It is an anti-anxiety drug used in people that is now also used in the vet world. There is a generic of that brand name available now, too so it should be cheaper then when they could only sell the brand name product.

06-13-2005, 03:08 PM

Lucky is GORGEOUS!!! How big is he?? He's so lovely!! I hope that with time, the spraying will stop and he'll become even more of a love bug.

Kelly :)

06-13-2005, 08:07 PM
Lucky is such a handsome boy.

As for the medication, yes, the vet put Jim and Sterling on Amitriptyline (calling it a kitty prozac). It is suppose to help reduce the stress that causes them to think they need to spray mark. As I told Lisa, I do not know if it is working 100%, but I do know that is DOES work. (because if they spit out a dose, or if I try to reduce the dosage, they definitely start to get caught spraying again).
But I know there are other choices, because my vet even mentioned an alternative if this did not seem to work. (can't recall the name, though)

06-13-2005, 08:19 PM
Hello there, Lucky! You are one handsome kitty cat and it's so nice to see your picture. So, don't be so camera shy, okay Good Lookin?????