View Full Version : We have "company" at the Ranch ...

Cinder & Smoke
06-10-2005, 10:30 PM
RE-Uppie-Date ... Moments of PANIC that turned out (sorta) OK ...

Uppie-Date ~
July 3 > July 11, 2008 (or there-abouts) ...
Lil Miz HEIDI has moved in for the week ... Let the *PHUNN* begin!
New Visit starts in Post #32 >>>

Thurzday Nite (in June of 2005): <RING>
Dad sez "Herrow ... SURE B, we'll take her! Be rite over."

Where we goin, Dad?

Minnits later *YIPP *YAPP* ... Dis is Amos' Howze!
(Seemz "B" wuz kookin dinner kuz he wuz alone -
Dad helped kleen up da extras!) WE wuz stuck inna Bus!

Lil while later da Missuz pulled in wiffa SoftBall Playin Dawter ...
da reason we wuz dere.

Few minnitz later, Dad starts haulin out *stuff* ...
Wicker Baskit Bed anna tub a Krunchies ... inna trunk.

?? Amos won't fit in DAT!
Den lil Heidi pranced out onna Zip-Leash ...
EBBERbuddie outta da bus ta say "Hellow"!

Big Amos wanted to PLAY - so Cinners & SmokeMutt did sum
*rippin* and *tearin* round da yard wiff him ...
Bowz sed "Howdie" ta Lil Heidi.

So da *skoop* is: Mom, Dad, an SoftBall Dawter wuz leavin fur
New Joizy at real DARK:Thirty ta get to da SoftBall Tourney ...
Mite not be back till Sunday Nite - late.
Big Brudders werkin an chazin Gurlz - not too ree-liabul fur tendin
to da lil MuttSis ...
Big Amos kan feed hizzelf an stay inna yard purdy gud -
('lektric Fence Collar werkz great wiff him)!

Ebberbuddie thunk SUMbuddie asked da relatives to take Heidi -
NUNbuddie made da call! Anna relatives took a powder - not home!
Call Phred!

Load Up!
Da Lil Squiwrt got ta ride inna frunt seat so'z she dint get *squwirshed*!

We'z HOME - Hey KAT - >Lookit< whut we brung ya - LIL kid ta play wiff!!

Lil Heidi wuz here a year or so ago - fur a Day Stay - so da Kat haz
seen her affore - an since Heidi LIVES wif Three LIL Kittiez ...
da BIG Kat anna LIL Dawg dint seem too *stressed* ta see each udder.

Dad got sum *snappiez* ~

Lil Heidi an SmokeMutt >>>

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34dfa8539da00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Here's Bowz, aftur jest gettin a *Noze Punch* inna ribz by Heidi -
her invite ta *Romp* & *Run* >>>

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c9fd7596e00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Bowz: "Duz dis lil Mutt EVER just "walk"??" (Answer = NO!")

"HEY! Whut'z dis gud *Squeeky Toy* doin hidin unnder dis chair?"

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34d0567f8ef00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Dat PT Gift Box *Squeeky* nebber been *Squeek'd* dat much
since day day it got here!!

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c9483989700000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

*Squeek Break* ~ Heidi put da Squeeky down -
da <*BARK*> atta naybur's HORSES inna pasture behind da houwze ...
Anna Donkey hadda start "Braaaayin" back at her!

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34d88e2398400000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Uhhh-Ooooh... Where'd *Squeek* go??
She >tossed< it while on a dead run around the living room ...
*Squeek* wound up outta sight inna chair!

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34db0b439ce00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Boots wuz so *stressed* wiff Heidi he wuz layin onna hearth
the whole tyme she wuz *rippin* round da livin room (rite past da Kat)
**SQUEEKIN** da toy!!

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34d753c79bc00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

(*Fuzzie Foto* kuz Dad *shot* inna hurrie - DAD din't know da Kat
wus eben IN da room!)


06-10-2005, 11:08 PM
Wow, what a great time you are all going to have this weekend. Dawg bonz all around.....

Heidi, you are so sweet and I just know that you are going to be spoiled while you are there.:)

06-10-2005, 11:20 PM
Sounds like it's going to be a fun weekend for everyone. Heidi is a cutie.

06-11-2005, 12:18 AM
sounds like someone will be BIZZY!

Cinder & Smoke
06-11-2005, 12:57 AM
Last Nite - BigBed Tyme ...

Dad set up Heidi asside da TV stand inna Bunk Room ...
Uzed her lil Zippy-Leash tied to da Baskit handel ta give her a
kuppla feet to <roam> wiffout havin too much ta <chaze> da Kat.
Ebberbuddie makin"Zzzzz" noizez...

Almost sunny-UP tyme ...
We onna BigBed feel a ka-ThUUmp! anna lil ball of
*Squirmin FEETZ* landz onna Two-Dawg/Wun Dad heap onna BBed ...

"OOOOOOF!" sez Dad ....
Eeee-Yipes!" sez SmkeMutt ...
OMG! - **KAT**! sez I ...

"HI!" sez Heidi ... "been tryin ta get ober here ALL nite ...
Durn Zippy-Winder woodint "trip" an let me loose!"

Dad'z <mumblin> "KAT - jump up here wiff a lil more CARE wiffa feetz!"

Uhhh, Dad ... Dad ... Wake UP, Dad ... it'z not da KAT ...
Careful, Dad ... yur gettin all <snarled up> inna Zippy-Leash!

Bout by den lil Heidi wuz jumpin Up & Down on Dad'z TUMMIE;
an <lickin> hiz face-bonez like a Lolly-Pop!

Dad figgered maybe she needed an "outie" (We 'member her Mom
sed sumpin bout DEY all getz up UR-lee - sumpin Dad duzzint do!)
So we all stumbelled to da door an gotta Sun-Rize Outie!!


Heidi izza "Lappie-Dawg" ...
When ebber Dad sitz down;
Miz Heidi wanderz by, cocks her hed, den duz a lil Paw-Spring an
<<WHUMP>> - she'z STANDIN in Dad'z Lappie!!
(An usually passin out Face-Warshin **KISSEZ** a mile-a-minnit!)


Da KAT iz *bigger* dan lil Heidi!

Dad wuz gettin reddie ta jump on Odd Job to tow Woody around fur
him ta <munch> up da grass; so Dad wuz inna Baffroom "powderin up"
whenna *KLAPP* a Thunder hit ...
FOUR Dawgz anna KAT showed up in half a heart-beet inna Baffroom ...
"KOOZIE" it wuz!

Da Kat wuz <pushin> hiz way thru da Pile a Dawgz trying
to jump onna vanity fur a lil snack ...
Boots an Heidi wuz side-by-side - OMG!!
Da KAT iz an inch taller; an SEVERUL inchez *WIDER* than lil Heidi!!


Heidi dont take no *stuff* frumma KAT!

She's a "nibbler" - so Dad had her lil Krunch Kup inna puter room;
puttin it onna desk tween her eatin a byte or two every so oftin.

Kup wuz onna floor, rite asside Dad, an Heidi wuz takin a byte or two ...
In walkz da KAT an <sitz> down a foot frumma kup ...
<Wiggelz> a bit closer ... Heidi gibz him "Da <LOOK>!"

Kat's a lil *s*l*o*w* ... He <leanz> in towardz da kup fur a byte ...

Heidi turnz her hed, <CULRZ> her lip, an sez a lil "Grrrr!!" ...

Bootz iz SLOW, but not STOOPID ... he wandered off!


He went out ta play Mow-da-Grass wiff Odd Job & Woody -
an left Heidi's Krunch Kup onna desk ...
Later, whilst Dad wuz Ba-Ha-in round da yard on OJ;
Lil Heidi sed she wuz HUNGREE - "Where'z my Krunch Kup???"

Think it'z up onna desk, Kiddo ... Hafta wait fur Dad ta comes in ...
She *SPRINGS* up onna puter chair ...
den *SPRINGS* up :eek: ONNA desk!!

"I dont see it up here!"

Mite be burried unner sum papurz by now ...

"OK - Ill check!" ... <PAW> - <PAW> - <PAW>
(Papurs flyin off desk like a Tornado hit da room!)

"OK- I gotz it!" <munch> - <munch> - <munch>

(Wait till Dad seez DISS!) :rolleyes:


06-11-2005, 02:01 AM
Oh my sounds like the little Heidi is quite the brave one getting on the desk for some food. A little mischievious (sp?) it sounds like. :)

06-11-2005, 05:38 AM
Sounds like it will be an exciting weekend at the ranch!! Heidi is a cutie!!

06-11-2005, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
Sounds like it will be an exciting weekend at the ranch!!

Yup, that's what I was thinking too. Not a dull moment this weekend and it looks like Dad will have all the kissez he needs. Nothing like an Early Riser to turn the tables on a bunch of Night Owls either. Open them peepers and enjoy that first bird song and the light just skimming the horizon.

Our Dad and Hannah are the Night Owls here, with Mom and Tucker being the Early Risers.

Heidi is precious.

06-11-2005, 07:47 AM
Phred, you'll have a lot to see to this weekend, but it sure will be fun! :D Heidi seems to fit right in, she is a sweet girl. :)

Boots, do what you can to keep them all in control! ;) ..... btw, what ARE you eating? - or should I ask, how often? You have grown so big! :eek:

Have a great time, all of you! :D

Ginger's Mom
06-11-2005, 08:49 AM
Oh yeah, you are in for a fun weekend, Phred. :) Thanks for the update, Cinder, keep them coming.

Cinder & Smoke
06-11-2005, 10:44 AM

"phunn weekend ..."
"exciting weekend ..."

Iffin ya only knew ...

Poor Dad ~ He's been know ta have a Brane PH@RT ebery
wunst inna while ...
He had a reelee *STINKY* wun last nite ...

Bout wunna-klok ... WE all thunk it wuz past BigBed Tyme...

"Wunna go *OUT*??"
Zzzzzz...t ... HUH? "OUTIE"?? ... Sure, guess so ...
Four *sleepie* dawgs stumble to da door...
Dad jest >opinz< da door - NO Zippy-Leashes or tethers ...
he jest >opinz< da door ...

DAD! Arn'cha FURGETTIN the "stay close" stuff??

"Naw ... yur all too *sleepie* ta wander off ... Stay Close!"

OUT we go ...
Bowz WUZ so *sleepie* Dad hadda <push> him down da stepz ...
Smoke ran out, did a Quickie-Pee, and ran rite back inside an lay down ...
I took off ta check fur Kritterz by da pond ...
Bowz had *watered da bush* an wuz headed in ta lay asside SmokeMutt ...
Lil Heidi kept *cockin her hed* an *lookin* at Dad ... "Are you NUTZ?"

"Go ON, Heidi - GO PODDY!"

Heidi wuz a few feet past where da Zip-Line shudda stopped her ...
When da Bull-FROG hollered ... *Zoomie* an she takes OFF!
I seen da two lil eyeballz *streak* past ...

"CINDER ... HEIDI ... C-mone IN!"

I stepped up onna porch ...
Uhhh, DAD! Didja furget whut her Mom tell'd ya ~
She likes to go FROGGIN by the pond at nite."

:eek: Dad startz *HOLLERIN* - "Heidi - COME!!"

Dad heads fur da pond ...
DAD! Yur not *wearin* verry much!! Whut'll da nayburs think!??

He ran in ta toss on jeans anna hard-feetz ...
Back towardz da pond - *HOLLERIN*!

SmokeMutt an da Bowz boff had Panik-Attacks wiff allua *hollerin* -
dey wuz <hidin> inna bunkroom ...
Kat'z inna frunt window - <watchin> da phunn :D ...

"C-mone, Cinnerz; go FIND her!!

Off we went - round da pond twice tymes...
Heard a LOTTA "excited" Froggy-*CROAKIN* ... an a lotta
Froggy-*Splisshin* & *Splashin* ... but NO Heidi "talkin" ...

Back inna Howze fur a room-by-room check (MAYBE she *snuk* back in??)
Dad getz da 'lektrik lite stick outta da Bus ...
Nudder Pond-Check = NUFFIN.

Dad! Maybe we otta uze da BUS - found Bowz wiffa Bus da
last tyme HE went huntin ...

OFF we go inna Bus - UP & Down da road ...
LOTTA "lil eyeballz" out at nite ... a Kat, few Rakky-Koonz, anna 'Possum -
NO lil Min Pins ...

Pulled inna driveway ebery tyme we passed da Ranch ...
*HONK* da honker an Dad *Hollerz* ... NUFFIN ...
(cept a LOTTA Froggy-Talk around da pond).

Dad'z thinkin we otta go back out onna Footz ...
pull inna drive agin ...
Dad'z *talkin* to da Big Guy Upstairz ... more "Wild Promissez" ...

We'z backin da Bus inna barn when da litez pick up two
lil *eyeballz* - headed back frumma pond ...

Dad! <Opin> yur door ...
**Zoomie** an da Missin FurKid hopz up on Da'z lappie ---
wiff a verry *soggy* bamdanna an two wet, muddy frunt pawz!

SHE dint get no *treet* when we gotz uppystairz!
Dad sed she wuz prolly fulla :eek: Frog Legz! :(
*I* got THREE Bisquitz!

Dad *check'd her ober* REEL gud - no injuriez ... jest a lil MUDD!

WELLLL, dat wuz **PHUNN**!

Our "quick outie" turned inta a HOUR anna Half "Adventure"!!

Wunder whut'z *UP* fur Tooday?? :confused:

NEBBER a "dull moment" at da Ranch!!


06-11-2005, 11:57 AM
Oh NO !!!! That Lil Heidi is a nawtee girl. But I bet she had fun frog hunting. LOL So much for a quick potty break huh? I bet after that adventure last night lil miss nawtee pants wasn't up to early this morning for another one.

Quite an adventurous weekend. I think you will all need a vacation for this fun stay with lil miss nawtee. :D

06-11-2005, 11:57 AM
Poor Phred.....maybe a little TOO exciting at the ranch, eh?

06-11-2005, 12:30 PM
Amos sure is a big guy & very handsome too. Guess heidi didn't
read all the rules about late night outies. Those darn frogs were
way to tempting.Your visitor Heidi looks like a ball of energy. Have
fun ya'll. :)

06-11-2005, 02:51 PM
OMG (and I don't use that term lightly)! Having a guest visitor (Miss Rita) here myself right now, I'm knowing the heart stopping panic that hits when your charge makes a break for it. Well I should clarify that Miss Rita hasn't done it yet this time, but she's done it before and we have positioned eyes in the back of our heads to check her where abouts every time we open the front door. Rita is small and moves like a bat of of hell.

Instead of using the *come*, have you ever tried *treats, ebberbuddie...treats* or one that used to work real good *cheese*. Some really special food that they don't get too often, but often enough to associate the word, is sometimes an enticement to do a 180 degree turn and head back to the house. But the deal is if you call out the name of it and they come, you gotta produce. Fair is fair.

06-11-2005, 02:51 PM
Looks as if a pajama partee with a bunch of little human girls could not have been more *phunn* than the Heidi stopover:)

Never a dull moment over there;)

06-12-2005, 11:18 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke


Poor Bootz looks less than enchanted with your visitor!!!

Sounds like you have your own circus act going on this weekend!

Heidi looks a lot like the dog we had when I was growing up. Her name was Monko! She liked frogs too!;) :D

06-12-2005, 03:28 PM
Can't wait to hear more reports from the weekend. I'm sure Heidi managed to keep ebberbuddie a bit more active... well at least Dad.

Maybe this hunting frogs isn't such a bad thing. I've heard that frog legs are supposed to be a delicacy.

06-12-2005, 05:02 PM
Yes Phred, when you have rested after the weekend, we'd all love to hear more of what happened - and possibly see the pics. ;)

You must remember to warn us in good time, when you next have an exiting visitor who entice you to an outdoor pyjama party - we'll be there to get it on video!! :eek: :D

Hope you didn't catch a cold! :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2005, 11:29 PM
Bus Driver sez he'z **TIURD** - an So Are WE!!

URLEE Sunday AM we had anutter FROG Hunt ...
BOWSER this tyme!
Onlee stayed "out" fur an hour ... :rolleyes:

Tooday we had a BUS TRIP!!

Dawg Park Tour #2 - Three Cleveland area Bark Parks ...
#1 = Lakewood, Ohio
#2 = Cleveland City
#3 = Mentor, Ohio

Detailz tumorrow ...

Heidi DUZ *SWIM* - she tooka Dip in da Rocky River;
Dipped a Toe in Lake Erie, too!!

Sorrie ta say - We hadda give her Back ...
Her Mom called whilst we wus still in Mentor ...
Asked iffin dey shuld "come over" ta pick her up?

Dad sed OK - iffin ya wanna go see da KAT! :p

Mom asked "Where IS she??"

Dad sed we'z about ta walk down ta da shore - of Lake ERIE!

Mom sed "OMG! ... Well, "stop over" when y'all get back in towne!"

We just dropped her off at her Howze ...
Dad sed she ran around sayin "HI" ...
then jumped up onna kowch an curled up wiff da Big SkinKid Brudder.

Dad told her Mom she "otta sleep purdy gud tanite ...
she's hadda kinda *bizzie* day!!

We'll do sum *snappiez* toomorrow!

06-13-2005, 08:15 AM
Oh how nice to have a houseguest! Heidi is sure a cutie pie, too bad you had to give her back:D

06-13-2005, 10:59 AM
Holy Moly, visitors to The Ranch sure get a dose of expeditions and activities. Heidi's folks must be thinking maybe she can stay home next time and they'll go to the Ranch!

06-13-2005, 08:44 PM

Looks like a "phun" time was had by all :D

Cinder & Smoke
06-14-2005, 03:17 PM
Wuzzint 'zaktly at da Krak-a-Dawn; but we did get onna road
affore Noon ... headed nort-west.

"Bus Trip"?? Iz dat sum kinda code fur da VET??

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c98b6199400000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Heidi liked da FRUNT Seet - less gettin <*squwished*> by da
unruly mob inna back seet ...

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34db060391a00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Sine sed "Lakewood" - a western 'burb of Cleveland.
"Directions" were a bit "iffy", but we spotted a MetroParks sign,
got "close", and pointed across da "Detroit Bridge" by da Guard
atta Private Yatch Klub (who I think just wanted us OUT of his
Fancy Joint affore da "members" noticed da riff-raff!)

Across da bridge, anutter MetroParks sine, and down the hill into da Park ...
Looking fur da "Wastewater Treatment Plant" -- inna PARK??
Furst turn wuz inna combo Park, Boat Launch, an Private Klub ...
out an on we go ... cross da creek (Rocky River) an "WHOA, Dad!! -
Der it is!! Onna left - LOOKIT da Dawgz runnin! *YIPP* *YAPP*"

Turn around; wound up back at the First Park just to *park*...
across the bridge and IN we go ...
About a dozen dogs, all Freindly, greeted our Foursome and
the *Phunn* bagan ...

Heidi - <DWARFED>by the huge trees ...

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34cd8bb988900000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Cinder headed for the Main Entrance and the Dawggie Fountain >

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34dbf20f8f500000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Heidi goes to look for a friend HER size;
Smokey checks out a Big Buddy >

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34d578f791e00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Bowser: Lookin fur
a) da "way out" or
b) someone to "pat" him onna head ...
whichever comes along furst!

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34db889b8c700000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

After a 2-hour Visit ... We wuz *HOT* - so Dad sed we'd go *SWIMMIN*
over where we parked da Bus ...

More commin ...

06-14-2005, 03:26 PM
*chuckles* Have fun! :D

Cinder & Smoke
06-14-2005, 03:49 PM
Back to the MetroPark Boat Launchin rampz ...

Smokey hits the Rocky River as Cinder just touches down
behind him >>>

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c014659b000000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Heidi after her first *dip* in the Rocky River ...

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c25e9d83d00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

"I *think* that wuz *phunn* ...
but I mite need anudder lil >shove< <SHOVE>ta do it agin!"

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c05ee591a00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Heidi: "4-Paw Drive" engaged ... next stop - Dry Land!

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34cb50c59a000000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

She kept *prancing* back out on the dock, so Dad jest

kept *tossin* her in ... we gots us anudder lil **PHISH**

"The Ole Swimmin Hole" at MetroParks - Lakewood -
on the Rocky River near it's discharge into Lake Erie >>>

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34db2cb39b000000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Lookin north towards Lake Erie - the launch ramps and a Private
Klub in the background >>>

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34d61d3f86900000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/


Uhhh-Ohhhh ...

Thunder-BOOMER storm blowin in - FAST -
We're shuttin down fur a while...

Cleveland - commin up ...

06-14-2005, 05:36 PM
Looks like a great swimming hole. Seems the kids approve whole heartedly of your selection for the day trip. Can't wait to see the next batch. Send that thunder boomer storm back this way. We need the rain bad.

06-14-2005, 05:41 PM
Wow! Looks like fun!! :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-14-2005, 08:31 PM
Next stop onna Dawg Park Tour wuz da brandy New wun at
the City of Cleveland's Clark Fields Park in the South Tremont area ...

Crushed Stone Surface, 4 groups of 2 Benches on concrete pads,
security lights on tall poles, *pooh* baggies,
an a bunch of very Young not-so-shady-yet Trees ...
but not a Dawggie in site - cept us 4 ...

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c745d983900000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Smokey "crashes" onna bench, in Dad'z shadow,
using Dad's leg for a pillow ...

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c63e3592400000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Mentor, Ohio - (East of Cleveland at rte 44) -
the Trail from the parking lot back to the Dog Park area ...

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34db4ee399600000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Wunder iffin *Runnin* & *Barkin* are OK ??
Surface is 80% Bark and ground-up tree mulch wiffa few baldez
of grass here an there ...

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34cd72ed88300000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Big Dog Side - Wun Picnik Tabul anna Bench;
Porta-Poddy fur da 2-Leggerz visible beside the entrance walk;
Lil Dog Side about half as large, wiffa bench ...

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c9fc8d84100000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Mentor did a lot nicer job of Landscaping out by the road sign ...
but Hey - they HAVE a Dog Park!! More than some of us have! >

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c7322d8dd00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Off to "find" Lake Erie ...
Dad figgered she wuz diss klose; Heidi mite az well *dip a paw*
inna BIG Water! We headed north ...

Anna Phone <RANG>... "Herrow ..."
Heidi - it'z yur MOM!
Mom hadda hard tyme *buyin* we wuz about ta <STEP>in Lake Erie ...
but den she "knowz" Dad ... she sed ta "stop by" wiff Heidi
when we gotz back in towne!

FOUND da Lake ... outta da Bus an walk down to da wadder ...
Heidi kept >a close eye< <LOOKIN>az da wadder came IN and went OUT ... ??

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34c72f8989f00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

<EEK>FAST Back-Up after she "followed" a wave out -
and it *chased her* back IN!

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34d9bfd790a00000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

Smokey: "Where's the DOCK!??
I needa DOCK ta jump/dive off of - I don't DO just *wadin in*!

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df33b3127ccec34dcd0ff8e300000010O08IaOW7lwyag9 vPgA/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

And that's just about when the BIG Rainy Dropz started fallin!
We all beet-feet back to da Bus, piled in ... anna rain quit!

Well, it wuz startin ta turn dusky; an we hadda hour anna half drive
ta get da Lil FurKid home ...
We sed G-Bye to da Lake anna durn *skeeterz* ...
an headed South ...

Heidi spent a kupple minnitz "fluffin" Dad's sweat shirt into a bed;
then spent mosta da trip home makin lil "Zzzzzz" noizez
<CURLED up>beside Dad.

Lil while later we woke up to a Terribul <*Grrrowlin*> Noize!
Whut'z dat NOIZE??

Dad: "My tummy - wanna stop for a MickyD Burger??"

We *polished off* da furst Dubbil Cheeze affore we hit da street ...
Dad passed out half da sekund wun affore he realized he shudda gotz
THREE of em. He made do wiffa big Chawklit Shake!

We stopped atta Ranch fur a poddy break whilst Dad went in ta fetch
<FETCH>Heidi's Wicker Basket lil Bed an Buckit of Krunch ...
den it wuz over to Heidi's Howze!!

BIG FruKid Brudder Amos met us inna drive - He an Heidi seemed
REEL HAPPIE ta see each udder ...
Den it wuz INside ta see da Fambily!!

Mom *laffed* an sed "Oh Heidi - you're a Phred Dog now -
with your Bandanna on!!"

Heidi jumped up on Dad'z Lappie an gave a buncha "Thank-yew"
an then curled up wiff Big Skin-Brudder onna kowch an started
makin more "Zzzzzzzz" Noisez!!


Durn-It ~ We'z ALL *missin* dat lil Shrimp-Dawg!!


06-14-2005, 08:39 PM
Gorgeous Pics and story Phred.

Doggie Heaven on earth = Phred house!!!

Ginger's Mom
06-14-2005, 08:57 PM
Boy Phred, you know all of the best places for dogs. :) No wonder they all want to vacation at the ranch.

Cinder & Smoke
07-04-2008, 02:18 PM
We wuz *dancin* & *prancin* an all reddy ta go, when those dreaded wurds:
"Youze Guys get to WAIT - I'll be rite back" :mad: telled us WE weren't going onna grocery trip.
He sed it wuz "too hot" an we're too short ta push da buggy. NUTZ!

Well, he wuz gone WAAY too long ... found out he went to B&T's Howze -
an Dog-Napped our lil Min Pin Buddie - Heidi!
Seems B&T, anna Dawter anna Girl-Friend, are goin to a fambly wedding down south ...
BIG White German Shepherd (Amos) takes care of guardin da howze inna daylight;
Skin-Kid Brudders are "supposed" to bring him in at nite so he doesn't chaze *critters* all nite.
Dad sed WE'd keep Heidi ... nunbuddie seemed to object.

HEY - SMOKE ~ Lookit here ... lil Mutt wiffa Bamdanna inna driveway!
Dummie - that'z HEIDI! *Yipp* & *Yapp*!

Well, she's IN - an makin herself RITE at home!
Dad couldn't *find* her last nite ... SOUND asleep in his 'kliner chair! :rolleyes:

Outies? She only came back REEL Late wun tyme (so far). An she came back frum
behind da howze - mitta been sayni "HI" to da horses out back.

Dad set up her beany-bag bed asside the TV, in frunta da klozit ...
took her an HOUR of *skratchin* onnit, but she finally got it da way she likes it,
an we didn't hear a sound outta her all nite!

Rumor hazzit that "we're" all doin Fiur Werks at Newton Falls tanight ...
Oh Joy, Oh Rapture, Oh NUTZ! :p

At least da Bus Driver parks far enuff away da Bus doesn't *shake* on every *BOOM* ...
an iffin anybuddie doesn't wanna *watch* ... we kan duck behind da seats inna back.
We're decidin iffin we should tell Heidi whut'z up, or jest let it be a s'prize.

There's a "threat" of showers tanite ... Dad's doin a Moon Dance;
an we're doin a RAIN Dance. :D

More Tails latur!


07-04-2008, 02:51 PM
Aww, another Heidi visit - that will be fun! :D You all enjoy yourselves at Newton Falls tonight, but stay clear of the fireworks!

Looking forward to more reports! ;)

07-04-2008, 03:24 PM
Hee hee, enjoy your company! ;)

07-04-2008, 04:43 PM
Oh, my! She is back! LOL. This should be entertaining.

07-04-2008, 05:37 PM
[I]Outies? She only came back REEL Late wun tyme (so far). An she came back frum
behind da howze - mitta been sayni "HI" to da horses out back.


Oh gee, if I were watching someone else's dog, I have that pupper leashed up tight, the responsibility would worry me too much! (Maybe that's why I don't pupper sit!) Have a nice time wiffa visitor!

Cinder & Smoke
07-04-2008, 06:35 PM
Oh gee, if I were watching someone else's dog,
I'd have that pupper leashed up tight,
the responsibility would worry me too much!

We only "accept" reasonably well-behaved and somewhat obedient Mutts for
Sleep-overs at Phred's Place. And for the First Visit, the newcomers are assigned to
a Resident Mutt who escorts by being TIED to the new kid's collar.

Not that that's altogether foolproof ... Cinder and Bowser proved the fallicies of
togetherness on an outie more than once! :eek: :mad:
But Heidi, the Mini-Mutt, HAS been here before and has been (mostly) cooperative in
staying on the Ranch property. We won't mention the *Froggin* at and IN the pond ...
but the pond IS "ON" the property.

Her *door dart* in the shopping center parking lot was MY fault ---
I climbed out without checking where she was in the Bus. She's *QUICK*!
We've written a Momo covering that, now.

And tonight, they'll ALL be chained together with the Three-Way-Y-Thingie,
AND an attached ropey, before we even leave the Ranch.


Cinder & Smoke
07-04-2008, 11:12 PM
Oh JOY! :(

Yeah, Dad ~ we all hadda Great Tyme - jest *phantastik* (NOT!) :eek:

Smokey turned out his lites 45 minutes affore da Show started ---
wun 'test shot' (of about a dozen or so) wuz enuff ta send him to da korner behind da seats.

I lasted till the furst aerial volley inna Show ... enuff fur me! Lites out -
holler when it's ober!

Mini Mutt kept *lookin* around fur where da guns wuz. She DID *watch* a few aerials ...
then kinda curled up tween Dad's leg anna center console, facing aft!

We all stayed *low* till we felt da familiar bumpity-bump of da potholes on our road ...
pulled inna garage to be greated by da Nayburs *shootin off stuff*.
Good GRIEF ... when will it end!??

Did AnyDawg get drug off to *enjoy* da local Fiur Werks?
We weren't alone tanite - lil Beagle watched frum two cars down, anna
kupple lil Lappy-size pups got out an joined da folks in lawn chairs.

Just wunderin how many more daze this 4th of July partee is gonna last?
< deep sigh >

/s/ da FurKids +Plus Wun


07-04-2008, 11:17 PM
Aw, furkids + wun, I'm wif you!!!

Day 2 for us here and it's 11:15 at night and sounds like a war zone!!!
I'm exhausted and Chester is hiding under the bed. Don't know where the other cats are except Leonardo. He don't hear so good any more so is sleeping through all this.

Since it's only Friday, I fully expect at least one more night of this. Why does the 4th of July last a week? :(
(they started shooting fireworks off around the 28th June here. Enuff is enuff we say!!! I'm so glad school starts next month!!!)

Ginger's Mom
07-05-2008, 06:22 AM
Welcome to the Ranch, Heidi. Gee, you made it just in time to go to the fireworks, what great timing. ;) At least Cinder and Smokey were there to show you there was nothing to be too worried about, and that if you curl up and go to sleep it will be over soon. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week at the ranch. :)

4 Dog Mother
07-06-2008, 08:16 AM
Take dogs to see fireworks? No Way Jose! This crew here are a bunch of crazies. Ever seen a 120 lb black and white horse try to hid under a small computer desk --- or behind a chair? Dakota is very much afraid of firecracker noise! Taggert barks every time one goes off. Sierra and Destiny hide but they head for the bathroom with no windows or try to become of whatever person will allow them to. Poor Jack doesn't care much for those loud noises (and now we know why). Tucker isn't too sure of the noise which leaves Dazzi - I haven't noticed any reaction from her but ....

This was Dominic's first year to see the fireworks and he liked seeing the pretty colors but not so much the noise especially with other people setting off fire crackers close enough to hear.

Yes, we, too, will be glad when the 4th is over - it started last weekend here but hopefully last night was the last of it.

Glad Heidi is getting along so well with the gang. Always nice to have "well-behaved" extras around (did I really say that)? Since I don't remember Heidi and the pictures from the first thread are no longer available , could we get a picture of Heidi? And the duo?

Cinder & Smoke
07-06-2008, 03:06 PM
Take dogs to see fireworks? No Way Jose!
This crew here are a bunch of crazies.
Ever seen a 120 lb black and white horse try to hid under a small computer desk --- or behind a chair?
Dakota is very much afraid of firecracker noise!

Glad Heidi is getting along so well with the gang.
Always nice to have "well-behaved" extras around (did I really say that)?

Since I don't remember Heidi and
the pictures from the first thread are no longer available ,
could we get a picture of Heidi? And the duo?

But your "Visitors" are "FAMILY" - they're always "good". :p

Since I've *sprained* my left wrist, taking *snappies* whilst herding three Mutts
is a bit of a *pain* ...
I went back and replaced all those 2005 ImageStation snappies with the
similar ShutterFly photos, so you can see what Heidi looks like.
Recheck the posts on the first few pages of this thread.

We'll try to get some fresh ones before the week is over.

4 Dog Mother
07-07-2008, 09:32 AM
And just, may I ask, how did you sprain your left wrist????? Taking care of 3 dogs with a bad wrist can be diffciult you know! Mom, the worry wart

Just got done looking at the first pages again - Heidi is very cute - and it looks like the whole crew had a good time that first sleep over! A little bittersweet seeing pictures of Bowser however. Sure miss our RIP pups, Bowser and Snoopy!

Cinder & Smoke
07-07-2008, 10:54 AM
And just, may I ask, how did you sprain your left wrist?????
(Mom, the worry wart.)

I shudda kept quiet ... I stove or sprained it a MONTH ago whilst we were out on the BigLake
practicing with the "new Fire/Rescue Boat". The shifter got mounted too close to the wheel,
so steering with the dominant right handpaw is almost impossible :mad:
So the DUMMpaw 'forgot' where the wheel was more than once - and ran it up against
the motor stops a few times ... at least one time too many. :rolleyes:

I gave up after two weeks and went to the ER Clinic ...
"Not broke; 'just' a sprain" the WhiteCoat said gleefully after glancing at the X-rays.
I've been icing, wrapping & splinting ever since; it feels good for a day or three,
then starts to ache or throb for a while. We're in an 'ache cycle' right now.

Just got done looking at the first pages again - Heidi is very cute ...

A little bittersweet seeing pictures of Bowser, however.
Sure miss our RIP pups, Bowser and Snoopy!

I though about leaving Bowz out ... but as much as I *miss* the lil FluffBall;
I really enjoy remembering all the crazy antics he pulled off and how WELL he got along
with every Dawg, Kat, and Hoomin he ever met! :) His snappies bring tears, every time;
but they're slowly becoming tears of fond memories.
**Miss** ya, Bowz!! ;)

Cinder & Smoke
09-03-2008, 07:48 PM
Please ~ NO Scolding or 'I told ya so's' ...

Oh gee, if I were watching someone else's dog,
I'd have that pupper leashed up tight;
the responsibility would worry me too much!

We only "accept" reasonably well-behaved and somewhat obedient Mutts for
Sleep-overs at Phred's Place. And for the First Visit, the newcomers are assigned to
a Resident Mutt who escorts by being TIED to the new kid's collar.

But Heidi, the Mini-Mutt, HAS been here before and has been (mostly) cooperative in
staying on the Ranch property. We won't mention the *Froggin* at and IN the pond ...
but the pond IS "ON" the property.

Words to regret! :(

Sunday (7/06/2008) should have been the tip-off of things to come ...
Mini-Mutt had been good about staying in the front yard whilst under a sharp eye
and constant reminders of 'Heidi, stay CLOSE!" Sunday afternoon the Hiking Ferrie
beckoned for her attention ... I looked away for a moment and like a shot she was
rounding the back of the pond and headed east ... HEIDI!!!!!
She paused at the front corner of the neighbor's house ... slowly turned and trotted back.

Monday we started out *tethered* to the Big Mutt - MUCH to Cinder's dismay. Since I
wasn't sure either of them had paused long enough for a pooh, Monday afternoon
I sent them out UNtethered ... and dual Pooh-Stops were soon accomplished.
Cinder trotted back to the porch ... Mini-Mutt turned towards the pond and quickly beat-feet
east to the neighbor's house. HOLLERIN did nothing to slow her down ...
She circled their house and *vanished*! :eek:

I threw on enough clothes to not get arrested if I had to get out of the car,
threw the Search Dawgs in the Bus, and we headed east ... to find NOTHING! :(

We put a couple hundred miles on the Search Bus Monday evening, knocked on doors,
drove the Church Camp, and visited Heidi's House a dozen times.
Pat & Joan hopped in their truck and did road patrols for a few hours.
I *hollered* out the front door every hour, all night.
By noon Tuesday we had a hundred 2-photo Lost Dog fliers printed and were passing
them out to houses, businesses and gas stations, 2 Post Offices, and had the Sheriff and
County Dawg Pound alerted. Wednesday we dropped fliers at three Vets and the Dog Pound.
Heidi's older Skin Brudder came home every night and either drove or walked our block.
We all searched for SEVEN Days ...
On Monday, the WEEK after she vanished, the Horse Guy charged up our drive on his
lawn mowin tractor ... and told me "I think I know where 'that dog' you're looking for is!"
WHERE, Peter?
"Back our driveway, where it turns into the woods. She's hurt ... tried to bite me."
I tossed the Search Dawgs in the Bus and we flew up Peter's drive ... he was sitting
on his tractor *pointing* towards the woods where his lil Muutt was sort of circling ...
And THERE was HEIDI!! :)

She was shaking, hold up her left rear leg, but the paw was drooping and limp. She was
covered in something semi-white ... I gently called her name ...
She seemed to panic and acted like she'd take off, then thought better of it.
I got close enough to touch her head ... then scooped her up and dashed back to the Bus.
I blurted out a heartfelt Thank You to Peter, who just returned a HUGE GRINN!
I had the Fancy Clinic on the phone before we cleared the driveway --- a fast summary
of what I saw and that she was a Doc Mike's patient got me a "Bring her Right IN!"

I dumped the Mutts at the Ranch and streaked towards the Crago Clinic.
Called Doc Mike on the way; Debbie answered and said she'd call Crago and Fax Heidi's
records over before we got there.
Called her Mom - no answer. Called Skin Brudder Adam ... "I FOUND HER!!
Call your Mom - we're on the way to Crago's - she's pretty sick."

I scooped her up and carried her into an empty waiting room (lunch time).
The Girls took one look and ushered us into an exam room.
I sat on the docs' roller stool and gave her a good look ... :eek:

Heidi was in shock - a blank stare was all I got. She lay on the bad leg (her choice),
showing me her back ... where the lil white crawly things bagan to appear from nowhere.
I began gently flicking them off with tissues into a pile, spraying the pile with table disinfectant,
and moving them off with more tissues. UGGH!
I was gaining on the lil crawly things when Doctor Jamie D. came in ...
"What ARE these things??"

"Those are *Maggots* and blood - she's been attacked by flies.
She has a broken paw for sure - we need X-rays to see if her hips are damaged.
I'll start cleaning her up (she'll have to be shaved and bathed) and get the X-rays.
Be back in a while."

Doc D. came back and offered "good news" = "only" her paw was broken and her back
would take a while to heal, but she'd recover with few problems. She'd be staying a night
or two to stabalize things; but she'd already *perked up* just a bit.
I was allowed a quick visit - she had a large Lower Bunk with piles of blankies.
I told myself she recognized me ... but I'm not so sure. She dozed off ... Bye, Kiddo.

I paid off the estimate and hundred or so more.
I called Mom (Tami) for the third or forth time and headed home.

I picked her up a couple days later (Mommy had a last-minute Dawter Crisis).
She appeared with her paw in half-leg cast/bandage, and a Body Wrap covering
the front half of her back where the worst skin damage was.

Better 'save' this ... more in a minute ....

Daisy and Delilah
09-03-2008, 08:14 PM
Now there's a scary story, Phred!! Oh my gosh. How awful. Through the whole thing I'm worrying about you with heart trouble on top of everything else:( I'll read the next part after this but right now, thoughts and prayers going out to Heidi and you and everybody else.:eek::(

Edit: I just read the Labor Day Gathering thread. Stupid me, I thought this just happened. I guess I scanned too fast.

Believe me Phred, this could have happened to anybody. When pups feel like running, that's what they do. I hope all of you are better now. Heidi is a cute little doggie.

Cinder & Smoke
09-03-2008, 09:03 PM
She was going back every few days for a Bandage Change on her back and
eventually her paw wrap.
I had the Vet Call one day because Tami had to go somewhere ...
I handed Heidi off to one of her now MANY Vet Tech Fans in the waiting room and she'd
either *prance off* beside the girl or *Hop UP* and "Ride" back for treatment. As they'd
pass into the treatment areas, I could always hear multiple "Hey, it's Heidi", Heidi's here",
HI Ya, Heidi"! They did their thing, filled her up with threat, and she pranced back
across the waiting room to go home. I was going to keep her overnight if Tami was late.

About 8:00pm I felt her brush past and flop down under the 'puter.
A lil later I moved my foot and stepped on something "squisshie" ... ???
I looked under the desk --- :eek:
The "something squisshie" was Heidi's brandy new BODY WRAP - with a Neeked Dawg
laying beside it! OMG! Tami will never believe this!
Heidi had managed to CRAWL OUT of the Vet Wrap bandage - almost like a turtle
'walking out' of it's shell.

I took her home ... yuppers, Tami did NOT believe she "crawled out"!
We tried to *stuff* her back in ... no go.
Tami tied the wound dressing down with surgical tape and gave her a stern
"GO to BED, Right NOW!"
I took he back to the Vets' Place the next morning ... NObody believed she had
"crawled out" of The Wrap. OFF she trotted for a RE-wrap.

Heidi returned a lil while later --- sportin a Monster Wrap from in front of her front arms,
arm holes, and then extending the length of her body.
"She won't get outta THAT One!" said the Tech!
Heidi mumbled something about it fitting a lil *snug*!

She improved to NO wrap on her back and side, and a smaller cast / bandage on
her leg, exposing more of the toes. (BAD Idea!)
She appeared after the body UN-wrap and promptly began *licking* her back. I said we
NEED a Cone, please. She was whisked off and returned with a normally-sized cone.

All was well for the week (other than Heidi terrorizing the House Kats and Big Brudder Amos,
the White Shepherd, with her *bonking* of everyone with her cone).
BIG Trouble developed over the weekend --- she managed to kick her bum paw INSIDE
the cone ... and started a destructive licking & chewing when no one was watching.
By Sunday night she had raw bones exposed and had lick off her paw pads.
Tami called me in hysterics ... I said I'd take her in on Monday, not knowing how
BAD it really was.
Tami called Monday to say she had an appointment after lunch ... and that SHE'd
take her in, "Probably for the last time." :eek:
I said I'd be over at 1:00 and I'D take her in.

I didn't really get an argument, and managed to leave with Heidi and withOUT Tami.
I never *looked* at the paw closely --- but it did look gross!

We were seen by Doc B - the Head Guy. Doc D. was off ...
It's a Bad Sign when the Vet takes one look and lets out a >>GASP<<!

He looked some more, touched it, and said "We're going to have a hard time saving
that foot. We'll TRY; but I'm really not sure it can be saved. She'll for certain loose
the two outer / opposite toes - there's just nothing left of them.
She'll have to stay here for several days --- probably the week.
Who should I call?"

I told him to call her Mom, but not to listen if she said to pull the plug ...
I said this is Paid Up to whatever it takes.

Jumping ahead ... PROGRESS was made all week - HydroTherapy on her back AND
her chewed up foot did wonders. Doc Jamie bagan to tell Tami that Heidi's foot was
actually Looking Better!
Tami visited Heidi twice during the week; and asked if *I* wanted to ride in with her
for a Saturday visit? YEAH!!
Heidi about crawled through the apartment bars when she heard us ...
I asked for a leash ... "What for?" asked Tami.
We're going for a hike out back, sez I.
"We can't take her outside, can we?"
SURE ya can, sez the Tech ... she was out this morning!

... more in a minute ...

09-04-2008, 12:05 AM
Goodness me Phred - what action at your ranch ......

Cinder & Smoke
09-04-2008, 12:07 AM
We headed for the back door ... Heidi pranced out and PULLED us toward
the grassy patch ... she needed to be there!
She bounced around with her shorty tail *waggin* in a blurr.
Tami said "She hasn't been this happy in a month!"

Back inside, Doc D met with us and for the first time hinted that The Foot
just might be OK! Doc D was coming in HERself to feed, water, walk, and
bandage change Heidi - once again Saturday night, and twice on Sunday.
If all went well, she'd go HOME on Monday.

Tami called on Monday --- come over before 2:00 and I could ride in to
pick her up and hold her on the ride home! :cool:

We had to schedule DAILY Clinic visits for Hydrotherapy on her back and
on The Foot; with a bandage change every day.
The Girls started bringing her back with reports from Doc D that The Foot
"REALLY looks GREAT! It's actually growing new flesh!"
I got Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and kept her straight through. Heck,
Monday is so close, I'll just hang onto her for the weekend.

I DID take her "home" for frequent visits with Mom and the Kids.
Monday, I asked Doc about a Road Trip to Findlay and the Dawg Park.
"Sure - just keep it DRY!"
I asked Tami ... "She LIKES other dogs ... Oh, go ahead and take her!" :)

We were scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday ... guess
where she stayed all week?
Doc said to "Have Phunn at the Dog Park tomorrow!"
We went back on Tuesday - "Almost Healed" was the observation.
Her Tech said that Doc said this (Tuesday's) bandage would probably be
the LAST one!! :D

We're due back at 3:00 pm tomorrow (Thursday) for a check-up.
I'm going to ask for a light-weight "protective wrap" rather than NOTHING;
and Miss Licker IS going to be wearing that ole Hood for a few more days ...
I can't afford to let her make a meal out the New Foot again!

And now "You know the REST of the Tail!"

09-04-2008, 01:06 PM
good luck at the white coats today Miss heidi and Smokey.

what happened to Heidi could happen to any one of us. Trust is a thing we take for granted when it comes to our dogs.
I would like to see anyone and I mean any one pipe up and say - "this wouldn't happen to me b/c I'm a perfect pet owner" b/c there is no such thing.

Cinder & Smoke
09-04-2008, 08:40 PM
;) THANKS, Staci !!!


THANKS, God!!!
THANKS, PTers!!!

Those PT Prayers did their Magic
and God musta been lissnin!!

Bipp & MiniBipp (who looked like Mutt & Jeff when they pranced in to
the Clinic), pigged out on bisquits from the office staff during check-in.
We all crowded into the powder room for a minute, then soaked up more
attention at the counter. Doc D brought a chart to the counter, then
began to fawn over her 'favorite' mini-patient. SmokeMutt was NOT to be
ignored, and Doc raved about how 'soft' his fur was. I said Fish Oil Pills did it, and it became obvious SHE was a Fish Oil Fan, too.

I took the opportunity to suggest I wouldn't be unhappy if Heidi got
another bandage to protect the tender spots on her "new paw". Doc D
admitted she'd tought about that, too. She promised to give the paw a
very close exam before deciding on NO bandage. "Here, I'll take her back!"
And off trotted Heidi with her Favorite Doc!

Heidi returned with a >grinning< Doc B in tow ... and MiniMutt did have a
bright new wrapper on the foot. Doc said till she builds up a callus where
tha pad is missing at the base of her toes, we'd better protect the new
skin. OK by me! We return on Wednesday IF we keep it dry till then.

Twenty minutes later Doc B came back and said Smokey was OK except
for a bad case of Arthritis in that knee - NO TUMOR!! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
He's now OFF the Rimadyl unless he has a relapse of knee pain ... then he
gets a few days of Rimadyl until the pain stops.

We bought a few more shares of Vet Stock at the counter, made a 10:30
am Appointment on Wednesday for MiniMutt, and we ALL pranced out!

So tender-foot Heidi is making GOOD progress;
and Gimpy SmokeMutts has his trick knee back - but it won't kill him.
I'd say it was a GREAT DAY at the Vets!!


for your thoughts, Prayers, & Well-Wishes!!

/s/ Smokey, Heidi, DAD, & Cinder, too! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/wink.gif<!-- / message -->

09-04-2008, 09:19 PM
Great Update :D:D

So happy to hear that Smokey is in no danger of losing a leg and that with a little help, now and then;), can be moving right along:D

And poor little Heidi what an ordeal for such a little cutie; good thing she has Uncle Phred to take care of business;)

Well done! It's all GOOD:D:love::D

09-05-2008, 07:44 AM
What a great update!!! So glad it was a good trip to the vet!!!

09-05-2008, 12:27 PM
Phred, sorry but I'm just now getting all caught up on Heidi & the problems
she's been having. Sounds like you both have come a long way. I'm so glad
her paw & leg recovered so well. better than anyone thought was possible.:)

Praying that she and Smokey are both doing so much better.

Kona & Oreo's mom
09-05-2008, 01:00 PM
Hooray! That's great news for both pups! :D

09-05-2008, 07:05 PM
Great, Phred. That's the news we want to hear.:D

Cinder & Smoke
09-18-2008, 01:47 PM
Here we are at Thursday, September 18, 2008 ...
And NO major crisiseze since the last one! :)

The first two weeks post-Findlay were rather quiet ... Heidi's been at the
Ranch the whole time, and the New Foot has been doing quite well.
She's been good about not bothering it - so the cone has been OFF since
the Findlay Gathurin. Too soon ...

Monday, the 8th, she 'bothered' the wrapper - Big Time!
The New Foot seemed to survive the attack ... we did a Tuesday PM
Vet Visit instead of our scheduled Wednesday morning appointment.
Doc D. gave her a re-wrap, but hinted it was about time for her to start
bare-footin it ... I look at that idea with some misgivings ...
That's now become a VERY Expensive New Foot - and I keep thinking that
it's "safe" inside the wrapper! Maybe she should get 'training wheels'?

This last week has been a Trial of many Tribulations ... the New Wrap was
*shreded* on last Thursday ... Cone ON! and I did a re-wrap myself.
She *IS* a good lil patient - stands on the puter desk and lets me work
with The Paw without much of a flinch or a wiggle.

DUMM me - I'd let her go coneLESS for meals and if I was *watchin her*.
Ever try to *watch* a lil Min Pin? :p

On Saturday evening I was re-wrappin for the THIRD time ...
I did a *super job* with Wally's imitation Vet Wrap ... she'll NEVER get
this one off! Then I worried I made it too tight ...

She pranced in (coneLESS) to see Doc D. on Wednesday (yesterday).
I saw the Tech parading MiniMutt in the hall while Doc D. observed ...
Doc appeared a few minutes later (in surgical scrubs) - my heart
fluttered. Tell me I didn't ruin her paw!

"NO more Bandages!" announced Doc D! We're doing more harm than
good to keep it wrapped up ... it needs air to finish healing.
"BUT - she cannot be allowed to lick it!!)

In came Heidi leading her Tech Buddie ... and BARE FOOTIN it!
She had a new collar - WAAAY too short to keep her away from the foot!
Tech said the next size would be way too big ... OK - I didn't argue. Her
BIG collar was at the Ranch - I'd refit her as soon as we got home.
Doc suggested we stop at the Pets Supplies Plus and grab a bottle of
"Bitter Apple" - use it on her toes, not the raw spots.
And we got a pill bottle of "Novalsan paste" to smear on The Foot.
"Oh, you can use the "Preparatioh H", too. Alternate that with the
Novalsan. And ... DON't let her lick that foot!"

Doc's last words - "Call me tomorrow --- I'm going to worry until I know
she's OK with The Foot."
(I just called Doc --- I think I could feel her *smiling* over the phone!) :D

Since yesterday, Heidi has been "using" the New Paw a little more every
hour. Yesterday it was usually "tucked & stored" up tight to her body.
By evening, it was partially lowered and occasionally "touched down".
Today, she's almost always on all FOUR when she's standing; and I've
seen her both walking and running with all FOUR a few times.
Wish us luck with wearing it in without any more problems!

I hope we're 'ready' for Sunday ... Unka Pat & Miz Joan are headed West
to celebrate Daughter Leslie's Birfday on Sunday and return on Monday.
THAT means we're Dawg Sittin for Miz Cali (the easy one) ANNND ...
Miz MOLLY - the rather Ruff & Tumble Houndy Girl I helped get adopted
at Cali's Howze. (Wonder if Pat & Joan will ever forgive me for that!??) :p

It's going to be a *challenge* to keep Molly from using poor lil Heidi as a
soccer ball / Squeekie Toy ... but we dropped in at Cali/Molly's Place
yesterday on the way home; and lil Heidi stood up and gave Molly a
faceful of Cone + Attitude after Molly got way too rough with MiniMutt.

Hopefully, by keeping Molly either leashed to ME or my chair, we'll be able
to prevent any TOO ruff playing with the Smallest Rancher.

As always, Wish us Luck; and whisper a Prayer if you can.


09-18-2008, 11:52 PM
Aww, Phred, I won't whisper a few prayers, I think I might shout a few - you need a break!!!

God Love you for all that you do for your pupsters.

There is a bench and some trees waiting for you in Heaven, I am sure!!
And sitting there waiting for you will be a few that you will immediately recognize - but that's a while off - so be patient.:love:

09-20-2008, 05:05 PM
Prayers being whispered in God's ear every morning from me for you and the pups too! :love:

09-20-2008, 06:47 PM
Wow, never a dull day?

Glad things are "bettur"!

Cinder & Smoke
09-20-2008, 07:32 PM
MiniMutt (aka Heidi) has been a GOOD Kid all day!

I took pity on her about noonish and ditched the Lampshade ...
she traded it for the long 2-way Y-thingie clipped between her and the
puter desk. I figured 4 feet to wander is better than *smackin* your cone
into everything in the Ranch, including the poor BigMutts and ME!
(I hope nobody *tattles* to Dr. D. about this!)

She's been practicing her Lap Jumpin; the New Paw has increased her
success rate to about 50% of all attempts ... two or three tries and she
can make a Lap Landing; she's got the Up Onna Furniture Leaps down to
almost 100% on the first attempt. ;)

So Far (knocks on wood) she has made NO attempt to lick, chew upon,
wash, gnaw, or otherwise *molest* the New Paw. :D
I just coned her and sent her out with Cinder ... let's not have wunna
'those' accidents, either.

In case anyone wonders - sleeping with THREE Mutts inna BigBed is a
real treat - ESPECIALLY when one of the lil Darlings is sporting a rather
largely 'oversized' Lamppy Shade - and she insists on being one of the
two approved Under-the-Covers members of the BigBed Crew!

Loading the BigBed is interesting - the BigKids flee in panic ...
Cone-Head bounces up & down till she either makes it up or gets a
butt-grab from above & leaps on with assistance. I try to slide in / under.
*Watch* the flying cone ... she wants the "knee-spot" - and flounces
around till she's happy. Never mind the leg gouging that's involved.
SmokeMutt is next - he leaps into his spot mid-thigh up to my lower
shoulder (he makes a great extra pillow).
Cinder is last aboard - she's a No Covers, Please, sleeper and demands
about the lower third of the BigBed, begrudgingly allowing space along the
edge of the bed for my two feet.

Last night Heidi churned around till she had the cone stuffed OVER poor
Smokey's butt & tail ... not sure how she managed to breathe.
This morning I awoke while all three of 'em were still in SlumberLand ...
I always try to *wiggle* my pieces & parts to see what's had it's
circulation cut off by dog parts laying on top ...

* MY feet were hangin off the side - Cinder had her full 1/3 of the
bottom. I convinced her to get UP, please; and whilst she was doing her
required 3 Spins before Laying Down, I got my feet back on the bed.

* Smokey was in good shape - pinning down my underside arm, back of
his head tucked into my face, his body spooned into my chest & tummy.

* Where's ConeHead?
She had the cone pointing off the side of the bed, tucked up tight to
Smokey's butt. Her back against his butt and my knees.
HUH? What's these two extra FEETS doing??
(Fumble, feel, pick up covers & LOOK!)
Smokey musta felt the need to *stretch out* - his back legs & feet were
laying on TOP of Heidi's back and against her cone. She didn't mind.

We should really get a bigger BigBed!


Cinder & Smoke
09-21-2008, 04:10 PM
Sunday Morning - The Dinger >dinged< with Miz Joan saying they were
on the way to Leslies's Howze. The Kids were in the kitchen - ready to GO

I sent the Local Tribe out and then fed 'em; gave the "Be Rite Back" fib
and headed out to fetch the Visitors. Waited in their kitchen for a lil while
till Miz Molly finally managed to keep all FOR feet on the floor for longer
than 2 seconds; grabbed their 'stuff', and took a spin around the block.

Miz Joan had mentioned that BigFoot, aka The Mouth, had been through
one of her go out, come back in, and then BARK her fool head off for 20
minutes periods this morning. She'd been given the "Mom's GLARE" and
finally caught on and shut up. I said we'd try Cinder's NO-Bark collar.
I pulled it out of the glove box and set it for the lowest #1 setting.
*Zipp* and it was on --- no adjustment required.

We were greeted from the dining room window with two visible and one
unseen but quite well heard "Greeters". We stumbled up the stairs to
a hallway cluster of the Welcome Wagon.

Other than an initial attempt in the hall to 'Reach Out & PAW Her',
BigFoot Molly has been *really mellow* with MiniMutt! :D (Wonder if the
Power Steering (Pinch) collar and the tightly held leash had anyting to do
with that?) I'll take success any way I can get it.

I have to admit we "lost" the MiniMutt ... somehow she wound up on
the cellar side of the door whilst we were having the Meet & Greet at the
top of the stairs. I was calling her to de-cone her - and thought she was
Yipp Yappin from the bunkroom. Went in thinking she became stuck under
the BigBed with the cone ... NOPE, not under there. Another Yipp Yapp -
sounds like she's in the living room ... NOPE. Another YippYapp ...
I just LOOKED in the bunkroom ... is she throwing her voice?

Molly & I had just RE-searched the bunkroom and were in the hall when
Mini YippYapped again ... I opened the cellar door and the Lost became
the Found. :rolleyes:

Since she's been de-coned, Mini has seemed to accept that BigFoot is
going to be here for a while, and the two of them appear to have agreed
to co-habitate without any major phuss or bother. I hope this continues
when I *don't* have a handpaw on Molly's leash! Mini has skipped past
Molly's nose a dozen times; leaped off my lap and landed among Molly's
outstretched feet; and in general taunted the BigFoot a few times.
Molly's Mom will never believe these tails!

Soooo Far, I don't think she's pushed the NO-Bark collar to the firing
point. She's made about every sound known to man & dog, but never
guite *BARKED* yet. I hope she doesn't panic when it finally happens!

Now, if I can manage to feed this herd without anyone getting overly
stressed with the serving order ... this may turn out to be a Good Gig!

Maybe wish us a lil bitta Luck!


/s Dawg Watcher

Cinder & Smoke
09-21-2008, 06:16 PM
I snuck out on 'em - NASCAR on ABC has a less-louzy signal on the
bunkroom TV. The finish was gonna be good ...

* Cinder found me first - and hopped up on the BigBed
* Smokey wandered in next --- "Whatch doin, Dad?" He joined us.
* MiniMutt dashed in and FLEW up onto the BigBed pile - *Cozzie* bunch.
* Cali sauntered in - not a bed-jumper, she piled up beside the bed
* "WOOOF*! from the den ... BigFoot realized she was alone!
* Jingle-Jangle - BigFoot's here. She decided there wasn't room.

Later, I was in the puter/den when I heard THUNDERING PAWZ in the
living room. I assumed it was Cinder & Smokey doing a game of chase.
THEN I hea rd an excited small-voice "YippYapp" ... looked down and found
Cinder & SmokeMutt both at my FEET - THUNDER PAWZ still thundering!
Maybe we better *Look*!

MiniMutt was sprinting around the living/dining room with BigFoot not all
that far behind ... I HOPE they're havin PHUNN with this!
I guess they were - Mini dove under the table for a breather and Molly
didn't attack ... so I'll assume it was a mutually agreed upon play romp.

Will Molly's Mom EVER believe this?

Still not *BARKING* except one short one ... and I heard no "reaction" to
that one. Would be really nice if Molly accepts a NO-BArk as well as Miz
Cinners has. I can put it on Cinder and leave it *OFF* and she won't bark.

/s/ The :) Watcher

02-09-2009, 12:43 PM
Phred, is Heidi a permanent resident now? :confused:

Cinder & Smoke
02-09-2009, 04:26 PM
Phred, is Heidi a permanent resident now? :confused:

Is Mini~Mutt (aka Heidi) the new #3 Member of the Herd?

Well, I guess so ... she's now wearing a County License Plate that has The Ranch
as the registered address; and her new Name Tag says "HEIDI M." and
shows the Ranch address ...
She's got her own box of Heartworm Chewables on the shelf ...
and her Mom asks if I'll bring her over for a "visit" ...

So I guess this is HOME!
