View Full Version : Jet lag??

06-10-2005, 01:54 PM
This started on another thread so I thought I would move it here. I returned home last night after a total of 26 hours of either flying, riding a bus or waiting in the airports. (flew home to the states from Japan) I *TRIED* to start the new time zone right on the airplane by setting my watch and pretending I was already there, napping (well as much as THAt is possible squished in coachclass:rolleyes: )

I arrived home just after midnight last night and spelt ok during the night - sort of half awake/half asleep and hungry. Got up, ate breakfast and went back to bed for 7 hours:o

I feel AWFUL. My head aches, my throat is still like sandpap[er and every joint aches. It really feels like a terrible case of the flu.

*Going* to Japan was not nearly as bad as this return trip.

What do YOU do for jet lag??? Please give me a remedy:(

PS I know I already messed up this day by going back to bed!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-10-2005, 02:15 PM
According to Rick Steves (Rick Steve's Europe on public TV) the best thing to do to fight jet lag is drink lots and lots of water and get some exercise. According to him "jet lag hates bright light and exercise." He was just on the other night giving travel tips and that's why I remember so distinctly what he said. ;) So, put those kitties of yours in that little stroller and out for a walk with you - aches or no aches! ;)

06-10-2005, 02:16 PM
Welcome home from a very long flight.

06-10-2005, 02:49 PM
Having relatives in so many different parts of the world, we travel a lot, and have to deal with jetlag quite often. What do I do to deal with it? Well........if I do what everyone tells me to and DON'T sleep, I begin to feel sick, dizzy, and not-so-well.....so for the first few days, I DO sleep. Not when my body demands sleep....I make it wait about 3 or 4 hours from the first 'sleepy attacks'...and everyday, I increase another 3-4 hours. It helps. If you sleep right when you feel like sleeping, the jetlag will stick around for weeks, but with this method, you're pretty much 'over it' in a few days. Its not much of a problem when we go to Europe and there's an 8 hour difference...but when we go to the Middle East/Asia.....the 12+ hour difference is overwhelming, and you do NEED to sleep for a few days after returning home, to help your body recover. Just be sure to adjust the time every few days.....but don't kill yourself by waiting 12 hours or so.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-10-2005, 03:47 PM
We travelled quite a lot in the past, so I have some experiences with jetlag:D ! First of all, that about sleeping is so true! My hubby always gave in too, and the result was always that he needed much more time than I did! I refused to nap, no matter how tired I was :rolleyes: . It is also true that drinking a lot helps, but adjusting to the new hour as soon as possible, that is the MOST important thing!!
I also found out that "losing hours" is far more difficult than getting hours "in double"! Meaning: travelling back in time is easier than skipping hours!

Good luck recovering, Debbie! I missed you here and I want you back here asap!!!

ps. Also try to eat on the hours of the new place too, that is perfect to keep your stomack "awake" ;) :)

06-10-2005, 07:55 PM
Having flown extensively when in the Air Force, I have to agree with Lut on this one. Whenever you fly, it's most important to not dehydrate. Drink lots of water, and even use a water spray on your face. Trick is to slip into the current zone as quickly as possible, so sleep sometimes is not the best option.