View Full Version : I MIGHT have found a new place to live!!

06-10-2005, 10:44 AM
A co-worker of mine told me of apartments she lived in that are 5 minutes away from work. I called.

The place is called South Pointe Square.

For $575/month, I get 620 sq. feet of living space which includes heat, hot water, parking and central air conditioning. It has a pool and intercom access. The security deposit is only $99!!

The only down side is it only accepts 2 pets. :( I have 5 cats. I asked them if they would accept a pet deposit on 2 cats and they said no exceptions. :(

I'd hate to sneak 2 of them in after the sun goes down. :( I could probably re-home Eli and possibly Shortie, if I have to. (my friend Kathy said she'd take her). But Mollie Rose and Maya Linn are like two peas in a pod. And there is no WAY I would part with my bud MooShoo.

The rent is only $25 more than what I'm paying now and includes alot. Any suggestions???

06-10-2005, 10:47 AM
I would keep my pets if I really loved them...I dont know your situation though...but that is what i would do. Or i would beg the owner of the apartments and do everything I could to have them there and do whatever it took.

06-10-2005, 10:55 AM

I know. It's just a thought and in the early stages. I haven't applied yet or made any definite plans. The rent is VERY reasonable for what you get.

06-10-2005, 11:14 AM
That is a tough one. I know you haven't had a very good landlord where you currently are and this certainly sounds like a wonderful place. If re-homing is a possibility that might be one way to go and I would say sneaking in at night is what you would have to do in order to keep the other 3. It doesn't sound like he is will to make any exceptions. By the way, what happened with Parker, did I miss a thread?

06-10-2005, 11:15 AM
Maybe apply for the apartment, etc., and then *officially* tell them about Mollie Rose and Maya Linn as your "two cats." Then add that you have a third pet, but he's not really like other "cats" - he's bald so he doesn't shed, and he's nearly blind, so he is really bonded to you, and doesn't cause any trouble. It sounds like a great deal, and while I know you wouldn't want to rehome Li'l Eli and Shortie, it sounds like at least one of them already has a potential good home, where you'd still know and hear about the kitty.

06-10-2005, 11:16 AM
if your furkids are going to super homes,, then go for it,, I would.... I hope that doesnt sound,, indifferent? I love my pets but if my accomadations were not good,, and this place is what youre looking for,, I think its worth considering for sure!

Now if you decide to sneak,, be prepared to be kicked out,,,,,

06-10-2005, 11:18 AM
Well I mean if it is a better place to live, and closer to work...then I guess you could. I couldnt do that to my rebel though. I'd have to keep trying to find a new place that would allow my big boy! 1 more month and he turns 1 yr old!! YAY! Cant wait. Over here where I live in my State of Mississippi i think rent is like $250 and up. Even for a house to rent that is really good is about $300 or $400.

06-10-2005, 11:20 AM

Parker would go to PurrsAbound. LilEli (oh Kimmmmmyyyyy!!), if Ramanth would agree to it, would go with her. It breaks my heart to think of re-homing Shortie (or ANY of them for that matter!). Again, it's in the early stages so nothing is set in stone.


I called the place back (didn't give my name) and asked if there was ANY way I could pay a pet deposit for an extra cat and she said no exceptions.

I'll keep you posted.

06-10-2005, 11:21 AM
as long as your babies will find a good home and you can go see them then it will beo k i guess. but i cant live without my rebel. wherever i go to live (one ofthese years lol) he is going with me if he is still alive by then...which i hope and pray nothinghappens to him. p.s. i might get me a new dog one day. i used to have a lab mix and he got ran over and i might go adopt another pet. i dont know yet i might wait until later. but rebel needs a play mate and i have a lot more love to give!

06-10-2005, 11:22 AM
that's a toughie Donna.
But it sounds like it is a better situation then what you are in now with the coming and goings of the druggies and the landlord giving you problems etc.
I guess you could try what Karen said.

By the way, what happened with Parker, did I miss a thread?
I think Parker is a foster.

Speaking of which what would happen to your fostering if 2 is the limit?

06-10-2005, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by moosmom


I called the place back (didn't give my name) and asked if there was ANY way I could pay a pet deposit for an extra cat and she said no exceptions.

I'll keep you posted.

But he's not reeeeally a cat, right? Not like any they're ever seen!

06-10-2005, 12:17 PM

My place thinks I only have 2 cats.... ;)

Do whatever is right for you honey. I know you'll make the best decision for you and your furkids. You love them dearly and I'd never question you.


P.S. The new place sounds great!! Yay!

06-10-2005, 12:22 PM
Keep looking!!! If you sneak, you are just asking for trouble...I'm sure that there is a decent safe place somewhere that will take both you AND your pets! Private landlords are usually the best bet....
Complexes have lots of rules and can change them often, leaving you out inthe cold and spending hundreds or thousands to fight them or move!!

06-10-2005, 12:34 PM
I'm with Jenn.......it is not worth the risk to lie in my opinion. I remember a thread a long time ago where people talked about what had happened to them when they got caught with pets in the apartment that weren't allowed. It was enough to scare anyone. Besides, when you need maintenance to be done on your apartment, and you're at work and they see more cats than they should be seeing, they will nail you. Plus, if it were me, I would live in dread and guilt of being found out. I did that one time, right after I got out of college and I had a cat and I wasn't supposed to. Well she gave it away by lying in the window every day while I was at work. One old lady who was a real stickler for the rules told me that she saw my cat in the window. Thankfully, she didn't turn me in, but she certainly could have because as a renter, I was not allowed to have a pet at all.

Have you considered a rental house, Donna, rather than an apartment? Sometimes those are more lenient because you're more than likely dealing with the owner, not some huge, nationwide property management company. To me, I would pursue any other avenue possible than lie or be forced to find new homes for some of my crew.

Just my opinion.
Best intentions.

06-10-2005, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by jennifert9
Keep looking!!! If you sneak, you are just asking for trouble...I'm sure that there is a decent safe place somewhere that will take both you AND your pets! Private landlords are usually the best bet....
Complexes have lots of rules and can change them often, leaving you out inthe cold and spending hundreds or thousands to fight them or move!!
I agree. Plus, it then makes it harder for other pet owners in the future. And it's hard enough right now, as it is.

06-10-2005, 02:59 PM

You're right. The way MY luck has been going lately, I'm not sure I want to chance it. But...if I only had 3 it'd be alot easier to "stash" one should maintenance come in while I'm at work (they have to give you 24 hours notice before entering when you're not home).

Parker is a foster who now belongs to PurrsAbound. They could easily find her another foster home if need be.

*sigh* I never thought I'd have to rehome ANY of my first 4 kitties!!

06-10-2005, 03:01 PM
Please don't get mad at what I am about to say. But I cannot tell you how MUCH it bothers me when people get rid of their pets so that they can move somewhere else. I see it all the time in flyers and newspapers, and I just cannot understand it at all.

I know that not all people are the same, but I just cannot, cannot think of the possibility of leaving Marigold, Emerson or Malone behind because it was convenient for ME to get a better place to live.

If you can't take your pets with you, then I have doubts that it is the right place for you. Keep looking!! I'm sure that the perfect place will come up.

I do feel that there are exceptions to that rule under dire circumstances and you need, need, need to get out. But I would stick it out until a place comes up that will allow you to take all of them.

Donna, please don't think that I am being harsh with you. But I just want to encourage you to think about the consequences. I know times are tough, but stick it out a little longer and hopefully a better place will turn up that will allow you to move all your cats!

06-10-2005, 03:36 PM

No offense taken, honestly. I value everyone's opinion on PT. I don't get angry at people who re-home their pets into loving homes. Only when they dump them off at a shelter because they aren't allowed in their new place. Re-homing is a totally different situation.

Every apt. that I've called either requires you to declaw your cat (I absolutely WON'T!!) or don't allow pets. I don't need those places. It's not crucial that I move out RIGHT NOW. I've driven 30 minutes one-way for over 6 months. But I'd like to find a place closer by the fall and before winter sets in.

I'm keeping my options open.


I guess I'll have to give up fostering kitties. :(

06-10-2005, 06:15 PM
Oh, Donna {{{{HUGS}}}}! I feel really bad being too far away to help you out. I know you would give up your right arm than rehome any of your fur family. If I were closer, I would adopt one in a heartbeat! That new apartment sounds great, but be sure to think out ALL of your options. I love you, honey, but I wish I lived closer to you!

06-10-2005, 08:18 PM
Thanks Davidp.

I've been thinking about it all day. As I was laying on my bed, Shortie came up to me and laid on my chest. That's when it hit me.

I absolutely, positively CANNOT rehome her!!! I just love her way too much to think about losing her.

So, as much as that apartment is perfect for me, I'll keep looking for one who will take ALL my furbabies!!!

06-10-2005, 08:42 PM
I have no advice but I wish you the best of luck that allows pets(all of them) :)

06-10-2005, 09:02 PM

Thanks! I actually went online to the local newspaper and got 2 pages of rental ads in my work area alone!! I'll be calling them to see what I can find.

06-10-2005, 09:30 PM
Good for you, Donna. :) I know you will find something that works. I wish you could just buy yourself a little house where no one could tell you what to do because it would be yours.

There is a lot of mortgage money out there. You ought to think about that. (It's the banker in me talking, but I had a mortgage broker tell me recently that just about anyone who wants to buy a home can).

06-11-2005, 09:42 AM
I spoke with the management office at South Pointe apartments, the original apartment I had my eye on.

I leveled with the lady and told her I had 4 cats. One was blind and hairless and the other is 11 years old. I told her that I didn't want to take a chance of moving in with all 4 without letting them know and would be more than willing to put down a pet deposit, but absolutely could not part with any of them. She said she didn't see a problem!!!!! :D:D:D There is a $275 non-refundable pet deposit. I told her that my cats do NOT scratch the furniture or carpeting and are litterbox trained.

I'm going to look at the apartment on the 15th and apply for it then. I get 1 month free rent and $0 security deposit!!!

I am SO excited!!!!! This place has a pool, and they have neighborhood parties. She also said they have a clause where if you lose your job or are transferred more than 30 miles away, you can break your lease with no penalty.

I think I'm gonna love it there!!!

06-11-2005, 09:58 AM
The place sounds fantastic Donna! :eek: Sure hope it does work out for you, and that the living conditions are better than what you are in now. I'd still be careful bringing the extra kitties in (even w/permission) some of the other tenants might get nosy & nasty. :rolleyes:

06-11-2005, 05:05 PM
Oh, Donna, SUPER!! I wouldn't worry about the other tenants, I think since you've done such a beautiful job of raising your fur family, everyone will fall in love with them! I'm also happy that you will be getting out of your old place. With everything going on there, I really worry about something bad happening to you. BTW, when will I be invited up there?? LOL! {{{{HUGS}}}}

06-11-2005, 08:44 PM
Donna I am thrilled for you, it sounds an awesome place to live, and way better and safer for you, and you must be relieved you can take all the furbabies, I know it would have broken your heart to part with any of them, see things have a funny way of working out don't they? glad you took some time to think about and enquire more, a great outcome.:)

06-11-2005, 10:05 PM
I was just going to remind you of how well it went rehoming to a Pet talker, but it sounds like you worked it out . I 'm so glad no more drugges and being afraid of the visitors. Praying hard for you.
PS just the sceptic in me but I would get it in writing that you have approval to have 4 cats.

06-12-2005, 02:40 AM
This is wonderful news!!!:D I hope that everything works out for you and your furkids.:)

06-12-2005, 09:22 AM
Good news Donna! I've always believed that something better awaits us "just around the corner" and this is proof again. I also urge you to follow Corinna's advice and get it in writing about the kitties.

06-12-2005, 10:25 AM
Donna this sounds perfect! I really hope it works out:D

06-12-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
I spoke with the management office at South Pointe apartments, the original apartment I had my eye on.

I leveled with the lady and told her I had 4 cats. One was blind and hairless and the other is 11 years old. I told her that I didn't want to take a chance of moving in with all 4 without letting them know and would be more than willing to put down a pet deposit, but absolutely could not part with any of them. She said she didn't see a problem!!!!! :D:D:D There is a $275 non-refundable pet deposit. I told her that my cats do NOT scratch the furniture or carpeting and are litterbox trained.

I'm going to look at the apartment on the 15th and apply for it then. I get 1 month free rent and $0 security deposit!!!

I am SO excited!!!!! This place has a pool, and they have neighborhood parties. She also said they have a clause where if you lose your job or are transferred more than 30 miles away, you can break your lease with no penalty.

I think I'm gonna live it there!!!

THat's awesome! :D Good luck! :D

06-12-2005, 02:58 PM
Good luck, Donna! :)

06-13-2005, 01:27 PM
I spoke with the woman I talked to on Saturday about my cats. Unfortunately, the management said the criteria is only 2 cats per apartment. No exceptions. :(:(

I'm not letting it get to me though. I've got tons of places still yet to look so I'll keep you posted. I would have LOVED to have a swimming pool, but I guess not.

Oh well...

06-13-2005, 03:15 PM
Oh no, I was just going to congratulate you on the apartment.

I pray that you get out of that nasty place you are in now and find a decent place that will accept all your furbabies, very soon.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

It WILL happen Donna, so try not to worry or be too disappointed when it doesn't.

06-13-2005, 03:27 PM
I'm a little disappointed but certainly not swayed. I know something better will come along.

I'm not moving anywhere without my cats!! And I do mean ALL of them!! ;)

06-13-2005, 03:31 PM

Remember what you told me?? The right one WILL come along...and you'll love it because it'll be meant to be.

I know in my heart that the right place will come along for you, honey. Just look at how your job worked out...sure, it took time and lots of headaches, but it'll work out.

Kelly :)

06-13-2005, 04:14 PM
:( I do hope you find a place. This would be really fuststrating to me. Sending lots of positive vibes, prayers, and hugs your way! :)