View Full Version : just a wee bit stressed...

06-09-2005, 08:38 PM
ok tomorow morning I have a social studys test, also tomorow I have my english play which is totaly screwed because our group has no idea what we are doing, its like we know our lines until we have to do it then were like "LINE"(to the prompter) half way through every line, we have no idea what action we are doing and when, this play is like half our grade, I have tonight to perfect my lines AND memerize everything from the start of confederation to 1995 by tomorow, I am not risking failing social studys or anything I mean I have an 81% in his class right now but it is still a huge test. tomorow I also have to hand in my journal from christian ethics, wedsday is my presentation for ethics as well as when I have to hand in my finished volenteer project in which I am to have 16 hours of volenteer work.. the problem? my friend and I have been going around and calling tons of differnt places not even one is willing to let us volanteer, why? because they all already have volanteers from others schools and they dont want anymore. we then went to a thing that was supoosed to be today, we show up, on time and not one single other person shows. frankly? we give up we dont have to have forms for the people to fill out, so we will just BS the report and work on it together so we dont contradict eachother, I even told my mom, she does not care lol but when everyone of your clases gives you a huge project and give you NO school time to work on them you get rather screwed, I dont know how we are going to pull this off, but I guess it will be at least over with tomorow. :o

06-10-2005, 12:06 AM
I am sorry. hang in there...

06-10-2005, 12:54 AM
Be positive and do your best mate, and you will be fine.:)

06-10-2005, 12:06 PM
I am starting to feel better now, the SS test is over with and my frined came over after school yesterday and helped me with my lineswe went over the thing like 3 times then I went over it twice myself, and after the SS test this morning I started writing out my lines, to see what I remebered, in the practice a few minuts ago, I only had a few problems with my lines, most of it I got though, and we have another practice in 5th then the real thing in 7th. now to figer out how the heck to just start crying lol that used to be a problem for me(crying a lot) so I kept working till I stoped crying a lot, only now, everytime I need to be able to cry all I can do is laugh lolits a serious play, my daughter in the play was in an accident and declaied brain dead, and we are debating pulling the plug, I cant exactly laugh when I find out my daughter is brain dead... :eek:

06-10-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by cali
my daughter in the play was in an accident and declaied brain dead, and we are debating pulling the plug, I cant exactly laugh when I find out my daughter is brain dead... :eek:

unless your 13 yrs old and your "daughter" wont stop making stupid faces at you, causing you snort/laugh/giggle :rolleyes: been there done that.

what always worked for me to cry is to imagine my most loved pet injured, or a pet whos already crossed over that you miss.

06-10-2005, 09:51 PM
*feels load lifted off shoulders* the play went terrable lol but all of us in out group can safley say "thanlk god its over and we never have to do it again" lol chelsea and I had our lines quite good, but Aaron did crappy, his lines were good in practice but during the actual thing, he knew nothing , and Lauren was having problems lol in the beginging she was ok, but as the play went on she litterlly could not get 2 words without needed a prompt, she got so pissed off that she was like "and something about chance or whatever" lol he really liked the script though but said our mark wont be real high. I am just glad its over with though.