View Full Version : Do your dogs have a lot of toys?

06-09-2005, 04:28 PM
It seems whenever I go to walmart or I see some clearance toys I have to buy them for Lucy. She has sooooo many toys. I keep her favorites out all the time but she has a toy box full of them! Do your dogs have a lot of toys?

06-09-2005, 04:38 PM
YES!!!! They have a ton. I always buy them new ones too. They are spoiled rotten. I get in trouble from the Fiance when I get more because he says they don't need anymore. I think he's jealous....:D

06-09-2005, 04:41 PM
We don't have very many, toys get thrown away about every week and bought whenever we gp to Wal-mart or the dollar store, the only problem is that the dogs destroy them and de-stuff them before we can buy more!

06-09-2005, 04:49 PM
Oh My Gosh yes,. LILLY Has SOOOOO Many toys, itis impossible to get up in the middle of the night and NOT step on one...lol........she had a toy box, but the minute you pick one up to put it in the box she wants it, then you pick up another, and she wants it too! There's no winning, cause if you don't give it to her, then she goes and gets it herself, lol, so we gave up on the box idea, lol, and the backyard, full of balls!!! LOL....she loves ALL stuffed animals, she eventually slowly chews them up, but she loves them, we call them her "babies", and if you say, Lilly, go get your baby, she will! Lol....well...just wanted to comment,
Cassie and Lilly

06-09-2005, 04:57 PM
Autumn has more toys than imaginable. I like going to the clearence sections or walmart's 88-cent dog toy boxes in the check out area. We also win toys from walks and other events. If they are toys she can't have because she gets chunks off them I put them away because I plan to have other dogs in the near future and perhaps they won't be as strong at chewing.

06-09-2005, 05:17 PM
oh yea my dog's get tons of toys where ever i go to

it seems like i never walk outta the store without something for them

finn's mom
06-09-2005, 05:27 PM
Not really. Finn has a couple floaty toys I keep just for lake play. And, three red rubber toys that he's allowed to have whenever, because they're virtually indestructable. He also has a treat dispensing ball. I bought him a stuffy today at Goodwill, but, I'm sure that won't last long. :) So, unless I get him a stuffy once in awhile, he has six toys. And, a frisbee that I take out with him sometimes.

06-09-2005, 05:58 PM
I just posted this pic in games....
....and there is 2 or 3 thirty gal. bags in the storage room. It's good to know we're not the only ones.

06-09-2005, 06:03 PM
YES! We have a big basket full out for them - and 3 large garbage bags full in the garage. We switch them out once in a while so they have "new" toys.

Ginger's Mom
06-09-2005, 06:46 PM
You see that picture of Maximus' toys. A corner of our diningroom looks just like that. But Ginger only has one garbage bag of extra toys in the closet. Hmm...sounds like I have been depriving her after all. ;)

06-09-2005, 08:16 PM
Also, whenever Lucy rips up a toy, I sew it back up for her. LOL so she still has all her toys from puppyhood.

06-09-2005, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by katienoonan
Also, whenever Lucy rips up a toy, I sew it back up for her. LOL so she still has all her toys from puppyhood.
Some of MAXIMUS puppy toys have had major surgery :D

06-09-2005, 08:27 PM
we really don't have a lot. We used to but Maggie always tears them up within 2 days. Now the dogs hardly play with them since we have 3 dogs now, the two youngest play with each other at all times except when at sleep. They rarley use toys though...

06-09-2005, 08:41 PM
my dogs have tones of toys you just cant tell because we dont toss destuffed toys, if they rip open the toy we just pull out the stuffing and give it back, we have a total of ONE still stuffed toy, everything else is in shreds. toys in my house dont last 5 minuts and we cant afford to replace them.

06-09-2005, 08:49 PM
Mine have enough! We trip all over them, they're all over the place! :D

Suki Wingy
06-09-2005, 09:31 PM
Nope, as a matter of fact, he DOESN'T! My parents say "No way am I buying that, he already had too many!!" so I am forced to buy toys for him. I don't get that much money!! He only has about 4 squeakies, 4 plushies, and 6 balls!

06-09-2005, 09:35 PM
oh yeah. Im guilty. haha Ive only had brock for a year & a half and when I moved last month it took 2 people to carry the huge box full off all his stuff- mostly toys (and clothes! ;))

06-10-2005, 04:38 AM
Snowy only has 3-4 toys at a time. I usually replace her toys after a period of time.

BTW, look at Maximus... he can have any toy he wants but he's happy playing with a water bottle :D funny dog!

Pawsitive Thinking
06-10-2005, 05:36 AM
Tobey has loads of toys but this has always been a favourite......closely followed by Brody

06-10-2005, 08:09 AM
Bijou has about six or seven -- the best toys are her rope toys, her Kongs and her Nylabones. She's a strong chewer so no stuffies here -- even rubber squeakies don't last long because she tears them apart (we got her a Dino Cuz and she tore off the feet and a few of the spikes in the first two hours!). I do love shopping for her though, so I buy something new maybe once a month. She loves balls but those are outside toys -- she tosses them in the air and chases them which means that my living room furniture is at risk if she plays with them in the house! ;)

06-10-2005, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by k9krazee
We don't have very many, toys get thrown away about every week and bought whenever we gp to Wal-mart or the dollar store, the only problem is that the dogs destroy them and de-stuff them before we can buy more!

Same here. Gracie only has a handful of toys. We took most of her toys outside for her. I think she has 3 indoor toys, and about 5 outdoor toys. We need to get her more though. It's just hard to find a toy she can not destroy.

06-10-2005, 08:41 AM
not really. i use to buy foxy a new toy every second week or so, but i stoped because he desn't play with them. i've tried using them in agility training to make them more fun, but he still doesn't like them. i've bought him balls, squicky toys, soft toys and all sort of other ones. at agility trials they usually give away toys at the end of the trial and whenever i get one i just give it to someone else.

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-10-2005, 02:18 PM
Oh, Blaze has toys ALL over...from squeeky toys, to tennis balls and bones, etc...that dog just loves and protects his toys!:D

06-10-2005, 06:15 PM
Yep! They have two large baskets in the den that are filled up to the top with squeaky toys, stuffies, frisbees, kongs, tennis balls, etc. I'm constantly finding more toys all over the house that I didn't even know they had. :p They've also got some toys to play with in the backyard (mostly tennis balls).. who knows HOW many are out there!

06-10-2005, 09:31 PM
Mine don't have many toys, they seem to use each other as toys most of the time! Speedo is ball crazy, so I bought him a few tennis balls. He spends all his time at the dogpark carrying them around. Sherman had a really cool glo-ball, but Star took it away from him eons ago and he doesn't seem to be too interested in anything that isn't edible. Star has her "squeaky babies" in the house-a few stuffed (or rather un-stuffed) toys. she gets really possesive about "her" toys (aren't they all hers? :rolleyes: ) so I keep them separate.

06-10-2005, 09:51 PM
This was too sweet. I had to post it.....:p

06-11-2005, 12:04 AM
Oh my gosh yes.....literally hundreds.....it's insane how many toys he has. I think I could open my own pet store. :o Pretty much any toy you name, he has it.

Sometimes Petco (where I work) clearances toys for really cheap plus I get a 20% discount so I totally stock up when that happens. Plus gift swaps and if I see a toy that I find amusing I'm usually tempted to buy it.

Nebo doesn't destroy toys anymore (he was quite the toy murderer as a pup but I guess he grew out of it...) so yeah when I buy new ones it just keeps building up. I saved the ones he put holes in for a while but I ended up just giving them to my friend for her dogs to finish off instead of sewing them up.

06-11-2005, 01:45 AM
Has anyone else gone to do laundry and found a few toys in their pile of clothes? :o It seems I find 2-3 everytime I do laundry. :p

06-11-2005, 01:52 AM
Gonzo has a basket-full in the living room and a bone-shaped toy box full in my room. On top of those that are in *his* shelves in the laundry room. Waay too many, I feel soo strange when I go to Petsmart and literally have to search to find a toy that he doesn't have :p

Kay, I *always* find toys in my clothes pile, my closet when I clean it out, under my bed..... especially tennis balls :rolleyes: