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View Full Version : Poor Nala girl... (thunderstorms) :(

06-09-2005, 12:32 PM
Apparently while I was gone at Valerie's yesterday, we had a very bad storm at home - lots of thunder and lightning.

Nala gets very nervous during storms. She paces around and refuses to go outside. The poor girl was throwing up all day yesterday and was freaking out. :(

This makes me really scared because we're now in hurricane season, so besides worrying myself sick about the hurricanes, my poor girl is going to be scared as heck.

Is there some sort of name for this - when dogs are afraid of storms? And besides keeping calm, is there anything I can do to help her?

I'd really appreciate any advice. And moving unfortunately isn't an option. The second I get a chance to get out of this craphole i'm taking it!

06-09-2005, 12:38 PM
Its just referred to as thunderstorm phobia. Lolly has it really bad too. She shakes, pants, trembles, hangs her head, and won't go outside or do anything until the storm has passed. I have tried every distraction possible and nothing works. I've also tried desensitizing her with tape recordings of thunderstorm sounds (start off very softly for short periods and gradually increase volume/length), but she knows the difference between the recording and the actual storm so that didn't help.

I have been using rescue remedy during storms, which does help a bit. I really don't want to have to break down and get her a mild sedative, but I will if she keeps suffering through them like this.

06-09-2005, 12:38 PM
Tasha suffers extreme stress with thunderstorms too. She will sometimes start crying the moment the wind picks up outside before the storm actually moves in. For Tash, I try to take her downstairs into the basement to her nest on the sofa. It's underground down there and the sounds of the storm are muffled, and she can't see the lightning down there either. I'll have her curl up in her ball and even put her blanket over her (she likes sleeping that way), and it seems to help quite a bit unless there's some really loud crashing like when lightning strikes. In that case there's not a lot I can do other than try to be calm for her, even though those huge crashes can even shake ME up!

I know that in severe cases, there might be an anti-anxiety sedative you could give her... I can't remember names right now but I know there are ones for dogs with severe separation anxiety and that type of thing. Maybe this would be an option for Nala since it's to the point where she actually becomes sick. I'd talk to your vet about it and see.

Best wishes and many hugs for Nala :)

06-09-2005, 12:48 PM
Hi K,

Sorry to hear that Nala is nervous around storms. The only piece of advice I can give you is to not make a big deal about it when there is a storm.

Beenie used to go crazy too when she was a puppy. We used to ignore her reactions and the storm. We'd continue with our routine. She eventually got into the habit of going into her crate or on the bed and sleep through it.

I agree with K9soul. You may want to try a light sedative if she's nervous to the point of making herself sick.

I know that this year we are in for some big storms (again). I still have some light damage from last year... I hear there is already a tropical storm in the gulf that will hit sometime this weekend. I hope we havea better season.

06-09-2005, 12:52 PM
Recently at college we got told about how to deal with dogs and their fears like thunderstorms, We was told that you shouldn't make a big deal over the storm and ignore it because if the dogs can pick up that you are worried about them then they start to feel unsafe and start to panic and become nervous so maybe you could turn on some music or something to try and block out the sound a bit more or play with her and her toys maybe if she see's the other dogs playing she would feel less nervous?

Also I dont know if you can get it in america but Rescue Remedy is meant to work well with nervous dogs and its all natural ingredients so it wont harm your dog :)

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-09-2005, 01:28 PM
Aw, poor Nala! Blaze is so freaked out with thunderstorms too, I feel so bad! Whenever he hears thunder or sees lightning, he runs downstairs in the basement with his tail between his legs and finds the darkest spot he can!:( Sedatives do work as well like everyone else said...our neighbors have a border collie that is even more terrified than Blaze, and sedatives really calmed him down.:)

06-09-2005, 01:36 PM
I didn't notice a difference in Kai when I gave it to him but Rescue Remedy worked really well on my anxiety. It couldn't hurt to try it out. :)

06-09-2005, 02:08 PM
Nanook had that phobia since I got him. Keep in mind this was 14.5 years ago and I was young. But I actually disciplinded him for acting up. I'd lock him in the basement. He got over the storms in one season.
I feel bad for doing that but hey it worked like a charm. So I've been passing it on & I'll be damned if it hasn't worked or at least helped every one else who has tried it.

He still gets scared during fireworks & gunshots but not as much as he used to. He must be able to tell the difference.

Dixieland Dancer
06-09-2005, 02:31 PM
Storm Phobia... Don't coddle the dog during the storm. Act like nothing is wrong as best as possible. Try to find something that stimulates the dog positively during the storm. A favorite fun game or something yummy to eat. You need to act as if everything is ok because she will pick up on your reactions. I know this is hard when hurricanes are pounding down on you but you have to try for Nala's sake. I would suggest you also take her to a room with no windows and play music or turn the TV on loud enough to cover the sound of the storm while you stimulate her with positive things she loves.

Rescue Remedy is a definite medical help. You can also try desensitizing but this doesn't always work as in Aly's case. It is very time consuming too.

Storm phobia is usually associated with noise phobias too. That is why I always make loud bangs and disturbing noises when my dogs are pups. The earlier you start... the better chance you have of avoiding this problem. Especially when they are around 12 weeks old. But you have to do it in a non threatening and non chalant way because you don't want to create any phobias either. I only mention this for when you get your next pup!

Daisy and Delilah
06-09-2005, 02:33 PM
Kay, Delilah is terrified of storms and stays scared almost all summer. Fourth of July is the worst day of the year here. I had to get her vet to prescribe something because she is so frantic she gets sick almost every day. I give her a low dose of Valium at the first sign of her beginning to panic. I hate to sedate her but it's for her own safety and well-being. I refuse to give it to her every day but if it looks like that severe panic is setting in, I have to give her a little pill. It's so sad to see them like that and you feel so helpless. In this house, we love the days without storms and loud noises. I sure hope Nala gets better. We feel for all of you.

Terry and the girls

06-09-2005, 04:01 PM
Kay I'm really sorry to hear that Nala is being affected so bad by the storms that she was throwing up:(
I know Angus used to be scared of wind, storms, thunder and lightening. He was fine in the house though, guess he felt safe.

There have been some great ideas mentioned here, I hope one of them work. Good luck and kisses to your sweet girl.

06-09-2005, 04:10 PM
Two of my 4 are afraid of the thunder and lightening too.

Rescue Remedy was suggested to me as well as Melatonin. Perhaps you could speak with your vet about trying either of those or just get some and try it. I don't know about how much of either you should try.

I'll admit I have given Zipper and Lilly Benadryl before to try to settle them a bit and I always turn on the radio to distract them. I worry about the storms that come up when I am not here, though. It is a constant concern and I really think that Zipper probably became a stray due to a thunderstorm and maybe being outdoors while it was happening. He really does freak out. :(

06-09-2005, 04:16 PM
awww poor Nala!!:( I have that problem with Chewie...but not as severe...she will just start whining:( ..I will take her to my room and put her on her bed and cover her up with a blanket....turn on some music and try to get her to play or either sleep

06-09-2005, 09:45 PM
Star gets really scared during thunderstorms, she cries and hides. But Sherman and Speedo don't seem to be affected at all, and I've noticed that she doesn't get so anxious with them close around. How are Ki and Simba? Maybe try to keep them together so Nala senses that they aren't afraid. Seems to be helping Star.

06-09-2005, 09:59 PM
Awww poor Nala. Kay, that's terrible that she gets so scared because like you said with hurricane season upon us it doesn't look good for her. Give her some hugs from all of us here.