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View Full Version : my first sucessful kitty rescue

06-08-2005, 07:40 PM
hello everyone i rescues a kitty today that lived in my friends yard he was looking bad off so i took him to the vet where my cousin works he stayed there all day and they did combo tests and checked him over he has a jaw problem that is like gengivitis but worse his jaws are eroding and other animals can catch it so easy so my other friend who didnt have cats took hgim in but i paid for it all:( it was only 63 bucks after my cousin got her discount otherwise it would have been 144 dollars and i couldnt afford that but hes being medicated and has his foster home and maybe his forever home ( crossing my fingers because hes a special needs kitty he can only have wet food )

xso my first ever rescue went very smoothly!!! yay but im pooped almost had 2 wrecks today in the pouring rain but we got around it ( it flooded alil and me and 3 other cars hydorplained almost into each other :eek: and then i pulled out infront of someone oops....) other wise it went well and im going to bed it was an all day thing

06-08-2005, 08:54 PM



06-09-2005, 03:24 AM
That's really nice, one more happy cat now that he's been rescued.

06-09-2005, 07:33 PM
now im pissed i am still in this thing for this cat with 3 other people one of which i got the cat from to save and im trying to do what the vet said because it will be whats best but the girl i got it from doesnt want to do any of it because she doesnt think it needs it she thinks it will be torturing the cat she says it doesnt need it because its not screaming out in pain so therefore its not in pain cats mask their pain and she said it doesnt need to be on its soft diet because it ate the hard food. IT ONLY ATE THE HARD FOOD BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING ELSE FOR IT TO EAT!!! ahh i wish i could just slap her im on bad terms with her but im about to write her a nasty letter saying all of this and im going to get a few quotes offline to help back me up GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i thaught she was my friend well i was wrong i hate her

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-10-2005, 09:47 AM

I sure hope you can help to educate her. I find that getting mad and yelling at them or giving them a piece of your mind will do nothing, but calmly providing information to them so they can learn is much more effective. Provide them the information and then let them think it's their idea to take them to the vet and praise them for having such a wonderful idea! :rolleyes:

06-10-2005, 11:46 AM
IS the cat safe at your friends? I'm sorry I got confused... i hope he is in good hands - that was so sweet of you! You know the money matters to all of us but the kitty cats just don't care about money - you did a wonderful thing!!! :) The kitty thanks you very much!!! Debbie :) :)