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06-08-2005, 06:33 PM
We have had something similar before, but I just wondered if there was one place or country in the world you would love to visit or intend to , what would it be? and why? now just one.

Mine would be Greece, the beautiful islands, the lovely beaches and I adore all the white buildings, I hope oneday to go there, it is just an awesome looking country, and so pretty.

06-08-2005, 06:38 PM
The Virgin Islands... St. Thomas/St. Croix.. cause' I'm a sucker for BEAUTIFUL waters and beaches... oh, palm trees too.. oh, and SUNSETS! :)

06-08-2005, 06:38 PM

06-08-2005, 07:00 PM
Hi, Carole from hot & humid Pittsburgh! Carole, I'll be honest with you. From what you have been telling of your fabulous country of New Zealand, I for one would like to visit it someday. I'm sure that it will be different from Pittsburgh!

06-08-2005, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by carole
Mine would be Greece, the beautiful islands, the lovely beaches and I adore all the white buildings, I hope oneday to go there, it is just an awesome looking country, and so pretty.

Mine too Carole !!! I just love all the histroy that runs through that country too. I mean you are talking about the cradle of modern civilization. Isn't it just wonderful. When hubby and I go back to Italy I think it will be probably the first vacation we take. It may be a few years away but I am definately going to visit soon.

I have been to Scotland, England, Germany and Italy. I am dying to visit portugal, greece, spain and turkey. They are tops on my list.

06-08-2005, 07:45 PM
I've been to Rome, Ireland and Portugal. I'd LOVE to go to New Zealand and Australia.

06-08-2005, 08:25 PM
I would also love to go to Greece and Italy. I've been to Australia and New Zealand and would love to go back again some day.

06-08-2005, 09:01 PM
My parents are in Austria (Vienna) right now and headed to Switzerland in a few days. I'm envious of that trip, but I have to admit that there is so much of the United States and Canada that I would like to explore that I don't even need to leave this continent yet!!!


06-08-2005, 09:11 PM
I'm with Logan..there are so many places in the United States that I have yet to see...I haven't traveled that much, up and down the East Coast mostly and California once. Since 9/11, I have to tell you, I'm scared to leave the country! Not scared something will happen to ME so much as I am that just SOMETHING will happen and I won't be able to get back to my family....
I didn't really feel comfortable in California because I knew the only way I could get back to my family was to get back on that darn plane for 6 hours...YUCK! I love to fly but I don't like public transportation and since I can't afford a private plane (yet;)), I don't like to go too far!! Lame excuse/reason I know...I love my hometown and being with my family though. If I could take them all with me, now that would be a great trip...to anywhere!!! :D

I guess I'm a "virtual" traveler, visitng different parts of the world through Pet Talkers eyes/stories/pictures. :D

06-08-2005, 09:34 PM
The Galapagos Islands ...

And everywhere there's a Pet Talk person, and ... oh, everyhwre!

PJ's Mom
06-08-2005, 10:44 PM
New Zealand and Australia! :D

06-08-2005, 10:45 PM
Australia because it looks beautiful :) and Florida because of the beaches :D and it looks so pretty there! :D

06-14-2005, 03:42 PM
New Zealand! That's been my dream vacation since I was 11. Hopefully someday... ^_^

Anita Cholaine
06-14-2005, 03:50 PM
I'd like to visit London (I dont know why, but I love this city), or Paris..........(I'd like to learn french some day)

06-14-2005, 06:27 PM
Wow it appears alot of you want to come to Aotearoa, how nice, I am sure if you do , you will love it, especially the uncrowded aspect of NZ.

06-14-2005, 06:55 PM
The world is my backyard just waiting to be explored....

I think about that statement from time to time and how true it is! There are so many places I would love to see...
India, Ireland, England and Australia are at the top of my list. Greece would be a neat place to see too.


06-14-2005, 07:02 PM
I want to see the world! I know there is so much to see in the US and Canada, BUT...when you visit different continents...different countries...different parts of the world, not only are you seeing a different place.....you are also seeing and experiencing a whole different society, culture, and different people. That in ITSELF is an amazing experience that would cause me to wish to see different parts of the world, rather than explore 'just' North America. I do want to see much of the US and Canada though...they are SUCH beautiful countries, and I love nature, but at the same time, I love the whole 'different society/culture' experience too. I have been to Europe, the Middle East, and Pakistan (which would fall under South-West Asia), and seeing how people live there...how cultures differ is just amazing. Going to poor countries too, not only softens one's heart, but it also makes most people sooo thankful for their lives. It does hurt to see poverty though. :( World travel really broadens a person's mind and way of viewing things, and it often makes people so much less 'judgemental', and that is something I love.

I really want to see Australia and South America....and in the US, Hawaii, Alaska, and Montana/Arizona to see YellowStone National Park, and the Grand Canyon. I would love to visit Utah too. That is Amy's fault. ;) LOL! And.......I would LOVE to see Northern Canada...the area where Glacier lives. :p It just looks too beautiful to NOT visit one day. I want to see much of Europe too. Yep...like I said...the whole world. ;) LOL!

06-14-2005, 07:03 PM
Washington state. I have always wanted to go there. I don't really know why, I just have. :)

06-14-2005, 08:56 PM
PCB I have been to Yellowstone Park , it was awesome, the old faithful gesyer did its stuff, I have yet to see the Grand Canyon, but my parents and sister have and they see it is out of this world, for those who live in America you have so much Beauty and diversity within your own country to see, I am suprised anyone ever leaves to go overseas.

I am also quite keen to visit New Caledonia, my hubby has been a few times and loves it there, also the Jersey Islands, and of course Scotland is on the top of my list for obvious reasons,as I get older the longing gets bigger to see the country of my birth.

I am hoping to visit the south Island NZ (i live in the north seperated by sea the cook strait) in two years time for hubby's and my respective 50th birthdays, it will have been thirty five years since I have been there.