View Full Version : Amblin' cats ....

02-06-2002, 07:57 PM
:o I guess the good news in this post is that I do have an eye appointment coming up soon ...

I went to the library after work earlier this week (roughly two to three hours after sundown). As I pulled up to a stop sign along the way, I saw two white-ish cats scampering along just on the far side of the crosswalk, approaching the car. I pulled myself forward across the steering wheel to refresh myself with a better view of them. [Tough day at work. Fur break needed.] The more I stared at them the wierder they looked. I finally realized there were no cats at all; I was looking at a guy dressed in charcoal grey sweats and white sneakers. (His head was covered with a hood and his hands were in his pockets.) Such a major disappointment (NO scampering cats cleverly ambling along a cross walk) :( as well as an embarrassement :o ! Just as well I've already gotten an eye appointment set up, but it was a shock. I would've SWORN those white things flickering at the edge of my vision were sweet little kitties. Sigh.

02-06-2002, 08:11 PM
Poor thing..... :eek: You definitely need to get those eyes checked!!!

02-06-2002, 08:30 PM
Ohhh, yeah. Sigh. I was also going to say that most of you should be rejoicing that I'm not driving in your neighborhoods.

:mad: :mad: (Walking after dark in charcoal is NOT good! Grr.) Getting old and crotchity here. :o :(

02-06-2002, 08:40 PM
At least you didn't roll down your window and try calling, "Here Kitty Kitty"!!!;) :o I did that once with a SKUNK!!!!!!:o :o

02-06-2002, 08:44 PM
Hee, hee, hee! Now there's a silver lining! Never thought about that! :D :D

02-06-2002, 09:15 PM
:p :p :p Too funny!!!!!!

02-06-2002, 09:17 PM

I really don't want to lecture you but, get those eyes checked!!!

I have bad eyes myself and I just recently got new contacts. I was at the point where I couldn't tell which train was coming until it was almost on top of me! I don't drive, but I can't imagine trying to drive that way!

We all love you and we want you to be safe! 'Nuff said.

Love ya,
Elvis, Danny,
Yertle and Thelma :) :)

02-06-2002, 09:28 PM
Don't feel too bad. I once chased down a piece of paper on the street. Even got to the point where I was crawling in bushes after it :rolleyes:

02-07-2002, 12:38 AM
Prom night my HS senior year...Coming home after dropping some of my friends off at their houses...

Driving on my street about a block away from my house, I noticed what I thought was a kitty in the middle of the road. Stopped at the stop sign, peered over the steering wheel...nope, not a kitty...just a white paper bag. WAIT! the bag just moved...no, it was the wind...start creeping towards it...the bag has EYES! Ok, so it is a kitty. Kitty starts to move as I inch towards it--Kitty sure is moving funny...is she hurt? Nooo...Kitty's HOPPING! It's a rabbit!!!

I park in the middle of the street (it's about 2am or so...no traffic) and start chasing the rabbit in my formal and HIGH HEELS...of course bunny is freaked!! and running away from me...take off the shoes thinking the *click, click* might be scarying her....I tracked her down in between two houses and she runs under the gate in to some one's backyard...

So I return to my (still running car), shoes in hand, and go down the street to my house...wake mom up coming in...tell her there's a bunny(!) down the street..she wouldn't let me go back and look for him though...afraid that the cops (among other ppl) might try to pick me up...:rolleyes: LOL

02-07-2002, 01:43 AM
;) The bunny wasn't named HARVEY, .... was it?;) :D

02-07-2002, 05:50 AM
Well AmberLee so pleased you have an appointment for the eye test! You know the saying 'Beauty is in the eye of beholder'? - trainers?!!!! Oh AmberLee?????:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Loludlou - that was the first thing I thought of too!! LOL LOL.


02-07-2002, 01:16 PM
LOL LOL I can't help but love ya'll!! Amberlee, be sure to let us know how your eye appt. went!!
Lou, too too funny...I can picture that one perfectly....:D Here kitty ...kitty...;)

Edwina's Secretary
02-07-2002, 01:32 PM
Better than the poor woman in Wisconsin who made the mistake of wearing a white hat while out walking her dogs. A hunter mistook her for a white tailed deer -- -with tragic results! (don't know much about hunting but I THOUGHT you aimed somewhere other than the tail section!)

02-08-2002, 06:09 AM
EDWINA'S SECRETARY OH NO!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

02-08-2002, 04:10 PM
hee hee

Amberlee, you sure are making me laugh today!! :) :D