View Full Version : 3 Surprises coming my way?!?!?!?!

06-08-2005, 12:50 AM
Ok JJ my boyfriend has told me a few days ago that he has me 3 surprises and I should get them in 2 weeks max. I know one is in a box and I think he said wearable...and the other two he (now get this) traveled 4-5hrs!!! to order them for me and he has to go back to pick one up! Now he really does care about me to have his gal pal drive him 4-5 hrs to order me two gifts and has to take him back to pick one up...help me guess what they are....even if i did guess it right he would tell me i was totally wrong and keep me guessin lol...i think one is ring but i aint sure. And he wont even tell me! or give me any hints that lil heifer! LOL! I still love him though! But what ya'll think about that? REBEL IS FINE!! SKUNK SMELL IS ALMOST GONE AND HE SENDS LICKS YA"LLS WAY!!! HEEHEE!!!!
P.S. wanted to say that he tells me he is in love with me, and he wants to marry me one day...and i feel the same way about him. Yeah, i know it's sweet aint it? :D

06-08-2005, 01:04 AM
LOL! Noone really has to do the poll...i just wanted to try it out and see how it looked. :D so dont worry you dont have to do the poll....