View Full Version : what has made you laugh so hard your stomach hurts?

finn's mom
06-07-2005, 07:36 PM
Ok, that crazy thread about the translations got me cracking up. It made me think of times that I've laughed so hard, I can't stop. Or my abs hurt, like I've been doing crunches all night. Or where tears are streaming down my face. Or where my entire body shakes, I can't breathe, and, I'm not making a sound, but, I'm actually laughing really hard. :D

Anyway, share your experiences, even if you think they make no sense at all. I can only think of one recently where I've laughed so hard I thought I would pass out, and, it wasn't even something that I would normally laugh so hard about. Here's my story.....

Ok, so my mom and I went to a new theater (I think it was actually it's grand opening) to see star wars, episode iii. i went to the bathroom before the movie started. i go into the restroom, and, open a stall door. it squealed and screamed and squeaked so loudly, it hurt my ears. made me giggle. I figured, they just needed to be broke in, whatever.

So, I proceed to do what I came in there to do. :) The stall next to me had an adult and little girl. The toilets are auto flushers, and, I heard theirs flush, it was excruciatingly loud. The little girl was saying "Gosh, why is it so loud?" Made me laugh. They open their door, and, it screamed like mine, which made me laugh. And, the woman laughed, too. Then, I heard many comments about the doors and toilets, and, a few more doors. It was beginning to crack me up. (Mind you, I was only in the restroom just over a minute or so, total) Then, I start hearing water faucets and hand dryers, just obnoxiously loud. It was so stupid. I washed my hands, and left. I couldn't bring myself to use the dryer.

So, I go tell my mom, and, I'm still giggling. Anyway, so the movie ends. I practically dragged her to the restroom so she could see what I was talking about. There were all these men standing outside the restroom, talking about how noisy the bathrooms were (you could hear it about ten feet from the doors), and, all these women coming out, laughing. So, my mom and I go in, and, it's just chaotic. I mean, really, it was like some sort of strange, loud dream. Doors, toilets, dryers, faucets, it was for some reason, the funniest thing ever to me. I was in tears before i even got to the stall. i could hardly use the restroom, i was laughing so hard. and, you could hear all these women laughing and talking about it. It got to the point, I couldn't even breathe and when I did finally manage to leave the stall, I had to run out of the restroom without even washing my hands, and, my mom was sitting out there, with her head in her hands, laughing.

It probably took us ten minutes to catch our breath. I know it's probably not going to seem funny at all to you guys, but, I want y'all to share the stories of the moments you can remember that made you crack up. Sorry for the story being so long. :)

It was just one of those times, that once I started laughing, nothing was going to stop me. ;)

Toby's my baby
06-07-2005, 07:39 PM

We were in Kmart, and we (me, my sister and mom) were smelling lotion :o and I said "this smells like a babies butt" it doesnt seem that funny but we laughed forever.

I will edit, if I think of more.

06-07-2005, 07:40 PM
I remember laughing that hard when a friend of mine was fake-flirting with a guy who looked like a monkey... haha :rolleyes::p

06-07-2005, 07:42 PM
There is this crazy girl at work and we have the best time! We laugh over silly things. We were playing Uno one night and just lost it. Of course, it's much easier to laugh at things in the middle of the night, too, because you're loopy from being tired. I took the best pic of her last night but don't want to put it here without her permission. She's wearing some shades that wrap around the face, instead of normal glasses. I started yelling "Flavor Flav!" at her. I told her I was going to find one of those horned helmets like he wears and photoshopt it on her head and find a clock to hang around her neck. Anyway, you might have had to be there but it was funny. We get silly on the night shift but it makes the night go faster. Here's Flavor Flav if you don't know who I'm talking about.

finn's mom
06-07-2005, 07:43 PM
Wow, I feel like I need to learn to summarize. ;) I'll be surprised if anyone actually reads mine. ha ha, oh, well. it made me laugh to type it. :) your two stories made me laugh, though, i can picture those situations.

oh, i thought of another time when my friend and i were in the dressing rooms at a department store on the american military base in germany. we were sophomores. i've always been small, and, she's a bigger girl. she's probably about 5'9 and has a big ol booty. ;) but, it was so stupid, but, we laughed so hard. we were trying on baby dresses as shirts. i know, i'm embarassed just to type it, but, at the time, we just laughed and laughed! brooke kept saying she had a uni boob, cuz the things she was putting on were tight and squashed her chest together. ;)

finn's mom
06-07-2005, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Here's Flavor Flav if you don't know who I'm talking about.

Oh, no, I know who you mean. ;) He's....interesting. :D But, your story made me laugh, I love when I'm sleep deprived around people I love, because things just happen, and, delirious people find humor in everything. :)

06-07-2005, 07:53 PM
Ok some may not find it funny but to this day I think it is hilarious.

Quite a few years ago I was seeing this idiot of a guy. He came home after have a few too many with his buddies and insisted on me getting pizza. I didn't want to cause I knew he would fall asleep before I got back with it. Anyway, after about a half hour of arguing I gave in and went for pizza. And low and behold he actually stayed awake. He grabbed a slice out of the box and took a big bite and preceeded immediately to fall asleep in what was left of the pizza slice. For the first few seconds I said nothing. Then after shaking him a couple of times he got made and stormed into the bedroom. I got the urge as he was storming away. I picked up the slice of pizza and let it fly. It slapped him in the back of the head. :eek: OOOPS....we searched and searched for that slice of pizza and 3 days later we found it behind the dresser on the other side of the room. Don't know how it got there aside from the possiblity that is ricocheted off the back of his head and flew in the opposite direction.

finn's mom
06-07-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by kittycats_delight
Don't know how it got there aside from the possiblity that is ricocheted off the back of his head and flew in the opposite direction.

ha ha ha ha, that's awesome! i think it's hysterical! what a great memory!

Anita Cholaine
06-08-2005, 01:10 PM
Today at school we had to sing a song in a native language.....it was so strange to sing something you dont understand!! the thing is that my friends started to change the words and say everything wrong. It wasn't so funny, but I dont know why, I couldnt stop laughing!! I tried to look serious and interested in the song, so the proffesor didn't see me.... After that, I dont know why,everything makes me laugh.......I look so stupid...:confused:

06-08-2005, 01:22 PM
A co-worker and I were cleaning a house years back (my own lil' business :) ) and the family had recently bought new living room furniture. The couches were huge leather clunky looking things with straps across the arms, and they looked like they should come with spurs. The table set chosen was elaborately inlaid Mother-of-Pearl Oriental carving, with black ebony wood...very fancy.... for a Chinese restaurant. The woman of the house was downstairs doing laundry, and I whispered to Lenora "What do you think of the Japanese cowboy decor"? Lenora lost it right then and there, and was on the floor howling and almost peeing her pants laughing. :D I think we left the job that day, and never returned! :D :D No big loss...it was gross to find intimate articles used by the parents stuck to the floor next to the bed...not to mention the kids were slobs too. :rolleyes: We still laugh years later about this family knicknamed "The Adam's Family".:D :D

06-08-2005, 01:29 PM
Since it doesn't happen very often I can vividly remember the last time it happened to me. I was in bed watching the Red/Green show and one of his skits got me laughing so hard that I had to leave the room, in tears. He was fumbling around with some lumber and a table saw or something like that. It was hilarious.

finn's mom
06-08-2005, 01:35 PM
These stories are all great! I love laughing! :)

finn's mom
06-08-2005, 01:39 PM
A few parts in movies that almost always crack me up!

Innerspace (Dennis Quaid, Meg Ryan, Martin Short)

Martin Short has just discovered that a miniaturized Dennis Quaid is inside his body. Dennis Quaid starts playing music and Martin Short can hear it and is dancing around the house like a lunatic. My mom and I roar when that comes on. :)

Forget Paris (Billy Crystal, Debra Winger)

Debra Winger is home alone and sees a mouse in her apartment. She flips. She buys this sticky glue paper stuff and puts on the floor next to her patio door to try and catch the mouse. Well, she leaves her patio door open and catches a pigeon instead. So, she's got the pigeon stuck to the gluey paper in a box in the front seat of her suv and is taking it to the vet's. She hits a pothole in the road (or something) and this pigeon starts flapping around in the car, and, ends up all up in Debra's face. She gets to the vet's and the bird is stuck to her and forehead. It is just a riot! :)

Lost in Translation (Bill Murray, Scarlett Johannsen)

Bill Murray is in a Japanese hotel gym. He appears to be the only one, and, it's late, as he is an insomniac. The stair master he is on starts to go too fast, and, it's speaking to him in Japanese. He is going like mad on this machine and is yelling "help!", it's so freakin' funny! He ends up leaping off to the side of the machine because he can't figure out how to stop it.

anyway, those are the ones I can think of right off that crack me up every time.

06-08-2005, 01:48 PM
I love those times when I just laugh so hard that my cheeks, stomach, and sides ache. Most of the time, its a "had to be there" moment though, so if I tried explaining, it wouldn't make sense.

I do remember when we were at the lake, Kari, laughing pretty hard at Lolly's unique swimming techniques, hehe.

Originally posted by dukedogsmom
There is this crazy girl at work and we have the best time! We laugh over silly things. We were playing Uno one night and just lost it. Of course, it's much easier to laugh at things in the middle of the night, too, because you're loopy from being tired. I took the best pic of her last night but don't want to put it here without her permission. She's wearing some shades that wrap around the face, instead of normal glasses. I started yelling "Flavor Flav!" at her. I told her I was going to find one of those horned helmets like he wears and photoshopt it on her head and find a clock to hang around her neck. Anyway, you might have had to be there but it was funny. We get silly on the night shift but it makes the night go faster.

HEHEEHE, Gotta love Flavor Flav!!

finn's mom
06-08-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by aly
I do remember when we were at the lake, Kari, laughing at Lolly's unique swimming techniques, hehe.

So do I, that was so funny! Finn gets me cracking up sometimes too, when he's just being so silly. My step brothers had him running back and forth, playing keep away. With nothing! They just were pinching their fingers together like they had something for him, and, they would throw it over his head to the other person. It was awful, poor Finn, but, I was laughing so hard. I made them stop, though, and, gave him an entire apple, for being such a good sport. ;)

06-08-2005, 02:14 PM
Really the only thing that can get me laughing that hard is some of the threads on Pet Talk. Oh yes, and last year at Gini's BBQ, there were times that I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes and almost peed my pants. This year I'm taking along a supply of diapers.:rolleyes:

06-08-2005, 02:33 PM
LOL love the stories.

Some might not think this way funny, but we sure did.

When we first got our Quads we went to the sand dunes to ride. Well up the big sand hill, my friend when, when she was almost to the top, she stopped. Next thing we know is she on the bike sliding back wards. As she sliding back, the sand grows behind her, till finally she and the bike are standing straight up on it's back tires, buried in the sand, with her sitting on it looking at the sky. It was something you had to see, her sitting on the bike, top of a sand hill, staring at the sky and very calmly, she says, "hey guys, you think it would be OK if I put the bike in neutral now and get off." We laught so hard, we couldn't get out the yes, you can get off now. So she sat there till we could say something, through the laughs.

The next was my niece who called one morning before school to tell up she was mad at her dad. He had put her jeans in the washer and set the washer on large..........So now her pants are to BIG!!! He should have set it on small!!!!!!! I laughed and laughed at that one, to think that a washer set on large made her pants large. :rolleyes:

finn's mom
06-08-2005, 02:36 PM
ha ha ha ha ha, you guys are all making me smile, thank you so much. i'm so glad i started this thread. :D