View Full Version : Time to ~JUMP FOR JOY~ Hartz Stopping Production of O.T.C Flea Products

06-07-2005, 04:53 PM
I shudder to think of how many lives were lost, or how many cats and kittens needed emergency care after people used this stuff!:mad: :( It's about time they took it off the market. ;)
Hartz Flea and Tick Drops for Cats and Kittens to be Cancelled
Quick Resources

Agreement with Hartz, including letter to customers (196 kb, 6 pgs., PDF)
Alternatives for Preventing or Controlling Fleas and Ticks
Protecting Pets
Taking Care of Fleas and Ticks on Your Pet
Counterfeit Pesticide Products for Dogs and Cats

At EPAā€™s insistence, Hartz Mountain Corp. has agreed to cancel uses of several flea and tick products that may be associated with a range of adverse reactions, including hair loss, salivation, tremors, and numerous deaths in cats and kittens. In the short term, the agreement calls for new labeling of the products. The new labeling will state that the products of concern are not to be used on the most vulnerable animals, including cats and kittens that weigh less than 6 pounds, cats older than 13 years, or kittens less than 5 months old.

Through this agreement, Hartz will voluntarily stop all new production of these products by September 30, 2005 and will not sell or distribute any affected product after December 31, 2005. The company has agreed to a prohibition on sales down to the retail level by March 31, 2006.

Product Information
Consumers Should Follow all Label Precautions
Reporting Adverse Effects
Alternatives for Preventing or Controlling Fleas and Ticks
Disposal of Unwanted Products
Schedule of Actions under the Agreement
Additional Information

In November 2002, due to safety concerns stemming from use of certain flea and tick control products for cats and kittens, and based on an agreement with the agency, Hartz Mountain Corporation recovered, repackaged and re-labeled the available stock at that time to include stronger precautionary statements and use directions. The company also agreed to conduct a consumer education program and provide additional reporting about incidents.

Since that time, EPA has continued receiving reports that these Hartz products have been adversely affecting cats and kittens. In response, EPA has been evaluating the available scientific information and closely monitoring the incident data, and has determined that additional action is needed to reduce potential risks to cats and kittens.

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Product Information
The products affected by this action include:

EPA Reg No 2596-148
HartzĀ® Advanced Careā„¢ 4 in 1Ā® Flea & Tick Drops Plus+ for Cats and Kittens
HartzĀ® Advanced Careā„¢ Brand Flea and Tick Drops Plus+ for Cats and Kittens

EPA Reg. No. 2596-151 HartzĀ®
Advanced Careā„¢ 3 in 1Ā® Flea & Tick Drops for Cats and Kittens HartzĀ®
Advanced Careā„¢ Once-A-MonthĀ® Flea and Tick Drops for Cats and Kittens
(note: this registration number also includes products for use on dogs, which will remain available)

Products with EPA Reg. No. 2596-148 contain 85.7% phenothrin, 2.9% methoprene. Products with EPA Reg. No. 2596-151 contain 85.7% phenothrin. Phenothrin is a synthetic pyrethroid that kills adult fleas and ticks. Methoprene is an insect growth regulator that interrupts the insect's life cycle by killing the eggs.

Phenothrin and Pyrethrum (24 kb, 5 pgs, PDF) - fact sheet on synthetic pyrethroids.

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Consumers Should Follow All Label Precautions

When using any pesticide product, consumers should carefully read and follow label directions each time they use a product. For products that are being manufactured during the phaseout, the company has agreed to add restrictions to the currently registered productsā€™ labels to include that these products not be used on cats and kittens that weigh less than six pounds, on cats older than 13 years, or on kittens less than 5 months old. EPAā€™s review indicated that these changes may reduce risks to cats and kittens in the short term while the products or uses are being phased out. It is prudent to follow the new restrictions for all products, including products that consumers may have purchased before the new label restrictions.
The label directions consumers should follow include the following:

Do not use on cats less than 5 months of age.
Do not use on cats or kittens weighing 6 lbs or less.
Do not use this product on debilitated, aged, medicated, pregnant or nursing animals or on animals known to be sensitive to pesticide products without first consulting a veterinarian.
Do not use this product if your pet has an existing health condition or is over 13 years of age without first consulting a veterinarian.
Signs of individual animal sensitivity which may occur after use of this product include skin irritation or hair loss at the application site, salivation, tremors (twitching of muscles), and in some circumstances, severe full body tremors. If this persists please contact your veterinarian and notify Hartz at 1-800-275-1414.
Animals should be observed after application for any sign of sensitivity. If signs of sensitivity occur, bathe your pet with mild soap, rinse with large amounts of water, and consult a veterinarian immediately.
Do not apply more than once every 30 days.
Do not allow your cat to lick the product.
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Reporting Adverse Effects
If your cat or kitten experiences symptoms that you think might be associated with application of a pesticide product, contact your veterinarian for treatment advice. In addition, you can report the incident by contacting the National Pesticide Information Center at 1-800-858-7378. NPIC can also offer advice and assistance with questions related to pesticide issues.
Alternatives for Preventing or Controlling
Fleas and Ticks
Non-pesticide methods
Use a flea comb
Vacuum frequently and dispose of the bags
Mow areas of the lawn where pets spend time
Wash pet bedding weekly
Wash pet with a pesticide-free pet shampoo
Keep pets indoors
Pesticide Products Registered for Flea and Tick Control
There are numerous products registered by EPA for flea and tick control, including spot-ons, dusts, sprays, dips, shampoos and collars.
Other products that are given orally or applied topically are regulated as drugs by FDA.
Many available product alternatives do not use the active ingredient (phenothrin) associated with the adverse reactions. Others may use phenothrin, but at a much lower concentration.
Veterinarians and other pet professionals can provide advice on flea and tick control products.

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Disposal of Unwanted Products
Consumers who have the affected products and do not wish to use them may contact Hartz at 1-800-275-1414 for information about returns and refunds.

Unused product should be disposed of according to label instructions, which state: "If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency or 1-800-CLEANUP for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain." Empty containers may be disposed of in the trash or offered for recycling if available.

Dispose of product containers where children and pets cannot reach them.

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Schedule of Actions under the Agreement
Risk Mitigation Labeling

June 27, 2005 - All products released for shipment by Hartz Mountain Corporation will bear a new label that includes new restrictions prohibiting use on cats that weigh less than 6 pounds, that are younger than 5 months, or older than 13 years.

August 1, 2005 - Hartz will not sell or distribute product bearing old labels.
Voluntary Cancellation/Use Deletion
June 2005 - Hartz Mountain Corporation submitted a request for voluntary cancellation of EPA Reg No. 2596-148:

HartzĀ® Advanced Careā„¢ 4 in 1Ā® Flea & Tick Drops Plus+ for Cats and Kittens
HartzĀ® Advanced Careā„¢ Brand Flea and Tick Drops Plus+ for Cats and Kittens
June 2005 - Hartz Mountain Corporation will submit a request for voluntary deletion of cat uses from product EPA Reg. No. 2596-151:

HartzĀ® Advanced Careā„¢ 3 in 1Ā® Flea & Tick Drops for Cats and Kittens
HartzĀ® Advanced Careā„¢ Once-A-MonthĀ® Flea and Tick Drops for Cats and Kittens

October 31, 2005 - The Agency intends to issue a cancellation order with this as well as approving the deletion of cat uses.
Letter to Customers
No later than June 17, 2005, Hartz Mountain Corporation will send an EPA-approved letter to customers who distribute or sell these registered products. The letter will advise customers of the provisions of the voluntary cancellation and deletion of cat uses.

The letter will help ensure that distributors and retailers do not order products that cannot be sold by December 31, 2005.
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Production to Stop
September 30, 2005 - Hartz Mountain Corporation will cease production of products bearing EPA Reg. No. 2596-148.

September 30, 2005 - Hartz Mountain Corporation will cease production of products bearing EPA Reg. No. 2596-151 products with labels containing directions for use on cats. (Note: products for use on dogs will remain.)
Product Shipment Ends
October 31, 2005 - After this date Hartz Mountain Corporation will not release for shipment from its facilities products bearing EPA Reg. No. 2596-148 products.

October 31, 2005 - After this date Hartz Mountain Corporation will only release for shipment from its facilities products bearing EPA Reg. No. 2596-151 products that do not contain directions for use on cats.
Existing Stocks
December 31, 2005 ā€“ Should any cancellation order or amended registration be issued, as expected, products packaged, labeled and released for shipment prior to the effective date of the cancellation and amendment may not be sold or distributed by Hartz Mountain Corporation from its facilities after December 31, 2005.

March 31, 2006 ā€“ Should any cancellation order or amended registration be issued, as expected, all distribution or sale of existing stocks, including at the retail level, after this date will be prohibited unless for purposes of proper disposal or export.
Additional Information
Protecting Pets -- information about pesticide products, the dangers of counterfeit pet products, and more.

The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) -- Telephone 1-800-858-7378, seven days a week excluding holidays, from
6:30 am to 4:30 pm Pacific Time - or fax (514) 737-0761 - or by email at [email protected].

Hartz Web Site
Letter from Hartz president and CEO to EPA (869 kb, 3 pgs., PDF)

Hartz letter to cat owners

06-07-2005, 06:22 PM
It's about time.... now on to other companies that hurt animals, not just our sweet pets!!!!!

06-07-2005, 08:50 PM


06-07-2005, 10:26 PM
I shared this on another board. Hope you don't mind. I have never used Hartz flea meds, but I knew of a friend that did. She won't do it again, according to her response when I posted this at her site tonight.


06-08-2005, 12:34 AM
This is wonderful news!!!:) I only used Hartz flea products one time and then I found out how bad it was and I threw the rest of it away. Thank god my cats didn't have any bad reactions from it.

06-08-2005, 07:55 AM
Thank goodness. I've been waiting for this day for years & years!

06-08-2005, 08:01 AM
Wonderful news! Thanks for letting us know.

06-08-2005, 10:04 AM
Oh my goodness! :eek:

Thats unbelievable, I didn't realize there were products on the market as bad as that. How sad. :( All those poor kitties.

06-08-2005, 10:09 AM
Glad to hear about this.I knew how bad it was and wondering when it would be off the market.Thank God!!

06-08-2005, 01:40 PM
What a shame that they had to be hit over the head to finally STOP!!! All the illness and deaths weren't enough for a company to stop on their own?
Thank goodness this finally happened!!!
Thanks for sharing that Jan.

06-08-2005, 01:44 PM
YAY! It is ABOUT time!!!

06-08-2005, 05:16 PM
I had a website tucked away somewhere that showed all the animals that suffered, and or died due to these products. I'm not sure if this is the same site, but now it requires people to sign up to view a lot of it. http://www.hartzvictims.org/modules.php?name=Stories_Archive
I'm sure there's still plenty of the products on store shelves all across the country, and can only hope no more innocent lives are lost from this poison. :(

06-08-2005, 07:36 PM
Hey Jan! I did check out the website in your most recent post. It's letters from pet owners graphically describing the effect this stuff had on their pets. Got little more than half way through the first one then had to log out. How could they not have known there were serious problems with their product. My heart aches for all the loving, caring folks who tried to do the right thing for their pets only to experience tragedy and heartbreak because Hartz chose not to adequately warn them of possible comlications.....

06-08-2005, 08:07 PM
Finally!!! While it took long enough, at least its happening.

Good news! :)

06-09-2005, 03:39 AM
GREAT news! Thanks for posting this! :)