View Full Version : weird thoughts...list yours!

06-07-2005, 11:48 AM
ok, I know I cant be the only one who comes up with these things lol here are my weird thoughts:

-has anyone ever tried to make Nutella? I mean they only give you the recipe on the back of every jar.

-the stupid.ca commercials:
-the guy in camouflage and wearing antlers, in the wooods during hunting season and saying only 2 people a year are killed in hunting accidents... well if those 2 people were dressed in camoflage and antlers,wel.. frankly they deserved to die lol

-the guy making toast in the bathtub and saying the odds of dying from that are yadda yadda yadda.. well I bet they would be higher if more people were stupid enugh to make toast in the bathtub.

- the huggies goodnights commercials.. the kids saying "its embarressing" ...as they announce that they wet the bed on national TV. lol

ok now I need to know that I am not the only weird one who thinks to much :o

06-07-2005, 12:08 PM
when I turn the radio on real loud & ppl say don't turn it that loud you'll blow the speakers, well then why does it go that loud??? :p

06-07-2005, 12:53 PM
Why does bottled water have an expiration date?

Why is it necessary for a box of frozen potato skins to have in their instructions, "place on the pan cheese side up"? Did someone really try to cook them cheeze side down?

06-07-2005, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Jods
when I turn the radio on real loud & ppl say don't turn it that loud you'll blow the speakers, well then why does it go that loud??? :p

Thats exactly what i said yesterday! Why make speakers that can't handle the sound?

finn's mom
06-07-2005, 06:15 PM
I think weird thoughts all the time. My dad is always saying I'm really weird. Actually, everyone does. But, I take it as a compliment. I'm always thinking about words I do or don't like. For example, I don't like words like egg, or leg. I also don't like the word foot. Or chocolate. Let me explain, at least the chocolate one. If I say the word slowly, it makes me feel like I have a mouth full of melted chocolate, like after you've been eating chocolate and it's all combined with saliva, ick. Sorry, that's gross and probably more details than anyone needed. And, I DO like words like strawberry, ocean, and smurf. Ha, top that for weird thoughts. ;)

Oh, and, I'm constantly amazed at how trusting the human race is. Just for example, how we get into our cars every day almost and drive around with so many complete strangers, especially on rainy days or on bridges or whatever. And, I look around and literally thank god that no one around me is a psycho looking to mow people down that day. I also think of how many things you do daily that you could easily hurt yourself doing, but, because of simple common sense, you usually don't. Like using knives at dinner or scissors or an iron or power tools or whatever. Anyway, I'm probably going to delete now that I sound paranoid and deranged. I'm really not, just that's what pops into my head sometimes. :)

06-07-2005, 07:43 PM
I am weird also. If I get stuck on a word and keep repeating it it begins to lose its meaning. Who invented the word food, seriously?!
I like to pick out a Mario of the day when watching people. Who could I see running down a brick path and jumping to hit their head on a brick until coins pop out? Something usually triggers the mario thought and I start humming nintendo music.
I like watching SBC Yahoo comercials (and others) and noting how gullible people are at not reading fine print. I think this is because my friend's mom got it and paid $73 a month for internet+ e-mail+ pop-up blocker+ virus protection which are all charged seperately, but they don't say that on the comercials.
I also like proving statistics on commercials wrong.
If I were amazed at anything it would be how stupid the human race is.

finn's mom
06-07-2005, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by IRescue452

I like to pick out a Mario of the day when watching people. Who could I see running down a brick path and jumping to hit their head on a brick until coins pop out?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. i find that funny, can you tell? :D

06-07-2005, 07:51 PM
Speaking of knives, have you seen the huge ones given out at restaurants like the Outback? I've often wondered about people going nuts with one of those and just attacking others in the restaurant. What's to keep them from doing it?

finn's mom
06-07-2005, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Speaking of knives, have you seen the huge ones given out at restaurants like the Outback? I've often wondered about people going nuts with one of those and just attacking others in the restaurant. What's to keep them from doing it?

That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about! It's amazing to me how little people trust people when it comes to relationships of any sort, and, yet, you sit down in a public restaraunt with deadly weapons all around you. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's wondered about that. :) You're such a weirdo, Valerie. :) And, i can't wait to meet you!