View Full Version : Myrtle Beach this Sunday!

finn's mom
06-05-2005, 09:18 PM
Hey, everyone! Shutterbug, mruffruff, and, I are going to be meeting in Myrtle Beach this Sunday, and, I just wanted to post it in this public forum just in case there was anyone else that would be able to make it. I know it is short notice, but, we've just been talking about it for a few days ourselves. If Finn and I are even going to attempt to make it to Florida with shutterbug and Skye, we thought it would be a good idea to see if they even were going to get along! :) So, there's an invite if there's anyone else out there close enough to Myrtle Beach! :)

06-05-2005, 09:21 PM
I wanna come! :p

finn's mom
06-05-2005, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I wanna come! :p

Me, too! That would be a heck of a journey for just a couple of hours, though! ;) I wish there were more folks closer to this part! I wish Logan could come, too, but, she's got a heckuva month planned! Soon, though, all of us South Carolina girls will get together. And, we'll have to plan it a little more in advance so that others can travel here, too! :)

06-06-2005, 09:58 AM
Yay! I'm so excited about this little meet! It will be nice to get my feet wet and teach Skye about being nice to strangers before the big trip to Florida!

Kay - just hop in the car and come on up! :D :p

I know there are a couple people in NC too (Claire and Rebel's mom - dappledoxie)....we'll have to hunt them up and bring together the Carolinas! :D

06-06-2005, 10:21 AM
I sure do wish I could come, but I'm not going to be able to this time, as I explained to Kari. I hopefully can meet up with you all in Columbia at some point, or even have you come here to Greenville. I've wanted to meet Mary for years and can't believe we haven't done that already, and Kari and Shutterbug too!

Have a great time, you guys. :)

06-06-2005, 11:37 AM
We will miss you, Logan.

We'd sure like to meet anyone who can make it, no matter where they come from. NC? TN? GA? Michiganders visiting the area?

We are meeting at a dog park, so pets are welcome.


finn's mom
06-06-2005, 02:50 PM
We will miss you, Logan! But, soon, we'll all get together! There is a dog park here in Columbia, and, as soon as I get Finn neutered, we're going to check it out. And, maybe get us all together there! :)

Hey, Mary, which of your dogs are you bringing, do you know? PM if you want! :)

Anyone else going to be near Myrtle Beach?

06-06-2005, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by shutterbug0303

Kay - just hop in the car and come on up! :D :p

Wanna give me some money? I think my dad would be more than happy to then! :p

finn's mom
06-06-2005, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Wanna give me some money? I think my dad would be more than happy to then! :p

Ha, as long as we're handing out money, throw some my way. ;) Man, Kay, that would be the coolest if you could come up here!

06-06-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Wanna give me some money? I think my dad would be more than happy to then! :p

I'm trying my best to line my own pockets for my upcoming trip ;) But if I have any extra lying around, I'll be sure to send it to both you and Kari :p

finn's mom
06-06-2005, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by shutterbug0303
I'm trying my best to line my own pockets for my upcoming trip ;) But if I have any extra lying around, I'll be sure to send it to both you and Kari :p

You're funny. Sounds like me, trying to line my pockets! :)

06-09-2005, 10:16 AM
Just wanted Kari and Mary to know that I chatted with my friend - and the best way to come from Columbia is to use I-20 west. Just follow mapquests directions until Hwy 501. You'll want to use 501 all the way into Myrtle Beach - where I will pick up and give you the directions after I scout out that route (I take a different one to the park) probably tonight or tomorrow - at the latest, Saturday morning.

Also, going to the beach is a no-go unless you can stay until after 5pm! I forgot that the beaches are closed to dogs between 9 and 5 during the summer :( Hopefully we'll at least go near there and "peer" over the dunes at the water.

I'm going to bring some treats for the furkids and pack a cooler with some drinks. I can put some fruit in there too if you want?!?! Just let me know :D

I'm so excited for Sunday! My first official "meeting"! Yay!!!!

finn's mom
06-09-2005, 05:18 PM
Ah, that stinks about the beach. I know they had signs like that up at Folly Beach, but, there were lots of dogs (on and off leash) running around. It's probably different at Myrtle, though, being more popular. But, we'll play it by ear. I'm really hoping that either my brother and/or my niece will come with me. Just for human company on the road. :) Thanks for the adjusted directions, just be sure to let us know after that. I'll have my dad's cell phone, so, we'll have a way to keep in contact. I'm very excited! I found out that Finn's appointment to get neutered isn't until the 28th, I hope he does ok! He's never really had too many issues, but, he does fall in love sometimes. ;)

finn's mom
06-09-2005, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by shutterbug0303
I'm going to bring some treats for the furkids and pack a cooler with some drinks. I can put some fruit in there too if you want?!?! Just let me know :D

Sure, just bring whatever your heart desires. :) I'm packing a small cooler for myself and Finn as well. I'm sure I'll have plenty of fruits and veggies for he and I both! :)

finn's mom
06-12-2005, 05:16 AM
Well, it's just after six, and, I'm awake, ugh. ;) I'm excited about driving out to Myrtle Beach, and, I'll be posting photos tonight some time.....see you soon, Mary and Judy!

06-12-2005, 08:07 AM
The meeting is off to a "rousing success" so far! lol A little logistical problem meeting up this morning between Mary and Kari...but all is well now and they're on their way! :D Yay!!! Skye and I are going to pack up soon and start heading south to the park!! We'll be back later tonight with tons of photos!!

06-12-2005, 06:47 PM
I know it is too early to expect any pictures, but I hope the 3 of you had a terrific time together and that the weather cooperated!!!! :) Can't wait to hear the reports and see the pictures.


06-12-2005, 07:02 PM
Yes, pictures please! I see Kari is online... ;)

06-12-2005, 07:17 PM
I cannot wait to see pictures :) I hope y'all had a great time! :D

06-12-2005, 08:34 PM
Mary (mruffruff), Kari (Finn's Mom) and me (Judy) met at the Myrtle Beach dog park today for a little get-together :D Tons of fun playing with Scruffy, Samson, and Finn - plus some other dogs at the park as well. As a matter of fact...we were so busy having fun, we forgot to take pictures. Between the three of us, hopefully we squeezed in enough :D We never did get any of all the pups/us together :o On to the photos....

Skye and I arrived early - so we sat on the picnic bench and had a drink

Wow! Finn had some serious labby energy! He was such a fun boy!

Skye hardly even knew what to think about Finn jumping like that! I think she thought it was kind of sexy! ;)

Mr. Finn was so photogenic! He knew when I had the camera on and was right near me, posing like a pro!

More in the next post.....

06-12-2005, 08:38 PM
What did I tell you! Is this boy not a posing master?!?! He is such an adorably handsome man! And super-sweet too!

:eek: What a tongue!!! :eek:

hehehehe! I'm kind of far away, but you can see Finn on Kari's shoulders! :eek: He is such a good boy!

Finn had a great time swimming in the lake! I never got any closer for some photos though :(

Skye was posing at the picnic tables for me! Such a good girl today!! She was very friendly with everyone! :D

Three more....

06-12-2005, 08:42 PM
Samson was such a good boy!! And so was Scruffy! :D I never even got a picture of precious Scruffy though! Mary's boys were so well-behaved and beautiful!

lol! Funny-faced Skye! :D

And lastly, although it's not a great photo (you can see I'm in it and not taking it...) this black boy in front is a 4 month old great dane that Skye and I met at Coastal Federal Field about 1 month ago! They both have grown a lot...but were still so cute together! They were hanging out like old buddies! I hope we run into them again :D

Again, thanks for coming to MB Mary and Kari :D I had a great time meeting both of you and hope that I can get to Columbia soon for some more fun! Thanks for making the drive! I hope it wasn't too far! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics!

06-12-2005, 08:56 PM
great pics ! :D

Ginger's Mom
06-12-2005, 09:22 PM
It is always great seeing Pet Talk people getting together. :) It looks like Finn and Skye had a great time. Poor Sampson, I hope that he had a good time, too. That is how my Ginger looks when she is upset (scared) or after a long car ride. That first picture of Skye at the picnic table is so good. :) How wonderful that everyone could make it. I'll check back tomorrow to see if there are any more pictures. Thanks for sharing those. :)

06-12-2005, 09:57 PM
Great pictures, Judy! Looks like fun was had by all. I don't believe i've ever seen Mary's dogs before, I could be mistaken though. Samson sure is a looker!

06-12-2005, 10:13 PM
Wow! Finn sure can jump. Samson and Skye are so pretty. Samson kind of reminds me of Cinder. I'm a sucker for the Shepherd mixes. I can't wait to take pics of Skye and hopefully even get Duke to pose with her. Crossing fingers and paws.

06-12-2005, 10:22 PM
looks like fun!
Great pics!

06-12-2005, 11:24 PM
This is a great set of pictures! But where are the humans???? LOL!!!!!

Can't wait to see more! So glad you guys had a good time together. :)


06-12-2005, 11:25 PM
LOVE the pics and I'm so glad you all had fun. Wow, Finn has grown tons! When I saw him, he was an itty bitty baby! Aww :)

06-12-2005, 11:58 PM
great pictures!!! I'm sorry but I just have to say that I am in love with the Finn boy! He seems so cool! I think I might have to snatch that boy;)

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 02:54 AM
Hey, everyone! Man, I've been asleep this whole time! I came home, hung out a bit, turned on the comp, and, fell asleep. Finn physically and mentally wore me out, and, of course, over six hours in the car, and, several hours in the sun, too, will do that. Now that it's 3:40 am, I'm wide awake. :rolleyes:

anyway, I had a great time! Mary and I did have an interesting time meeting up in the morning, but, we did, and, that's all that matters. ;) The ride up there was fine, a little rain and a couple of u-turns, and, we were there. But, it was beautiful at the park, we were very fortunate.

First off, Finn has been going to dog parks since he was old enough to go (about 4 months old), and, the last one he went to was in Dallas back in late March. So, he's basically a "pro" at it. Well, I just knew he was getting to that age where he may not love every single dog anymore. And, sure enough, yesterday was the proof that he's finally become a M.A.N. And, don't ask what the acronym stands for, because it doesn't stand for anything. Except for Finn acting like a jerk to almost every single unaltered male that came up to him. And, there were some really pushy dogs. Anyway, he stayed on his leash for the most part, and, there were no fights or anything. I could have been jumping the gun a bit, and he might have just been giving warning growls all day, but, still....I wasn't going to chance it. Thank goodness he's getting neutered in a a couple of weeks. I really hope that it stops this little testerone party he's throwing, because I didn't really enjoy it. ;)

But, we all came away from it unscathed. He didn't get to really run like he would have liked to, but, again, I wasn't chancing it. There were many unaltered males around. He and Skye got along really well. They were very sweet together. And, Samson and Scruffy tolerated him. ;) I think Scruffy growled at him once, and, it was because Finn was sniffing his unmentionables, he deserved a little growl. :)

Our little group liked eachother, though, and, that's what's important. Like Judy said, almost the minute Mary left, we were like, oh my gosh, we didn't get a group shot! And, then, even after saying that, we didn't get a shot of Judy and I! I'm bummed about that, but, I'll survive. ;)

Finn still managed to drag me across the grass once (trying to get to the goofy cuz toy - thank you, by the way, judy, he had it in his mouth the entire ride home, when he wasn't sleeping). He still got into the lake a little, and, as you can see in Judy's pictures, he's a jumper!

I'll shut up now, and, post the few I have.....

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 03:10 AM
Judy and her brother are very cool! We went to Sonic afterwards (Aly, her boyfriend, and I did that in Texas, too, when we met) for a treat. :) I'm so glad we were all able to meet and everyone got along, and, it was such a beautiful day! Skye is so pretty. I've always loved great danes, and, always wanted one. She is my favorite color, too. She and Finn didn't really play a lot, but, they were cute together. It might have been different if Finn hadn't been so hellbent on proving himself to all the dogs that ran up to him. Ugh. But, anyway.....here's pretty Skye....






Skye with Judy's brother


Judy and Skye!


big foot


Poetry in motion.... ;)


finn's mom
06-13-2005, 03:13 AM
Samson and Scruffy were too sweet. They made up for Finn's lack of social skills. ;) Seriously, though, Mary and her boys were just so nice, I'm so grateful to have met them all, and, hopefully, will get to see them again soon!

He's getting up from a sit, and, turning around, that's why he looks odd. :D



finn's mom
06-13-2005, 03:19 AM
and, now, for mr. macho.




and, here's what macho dogs play with. :rolleyes:


compliments of skye and judy, finn loved the cuz. of course, the squeaker didn't even last the dog park, but, that's ok, it was LOUD!






that's all for now. i wasn't able to get very good ones, or very many, because i really just wanted to keep finn on his leash and he's so active, that's not always an easy thing. :) he is really a sweet boy, and, i love him. i can't blame him for acting that way, but, it does hurt, and, it's my fault for not getting him neutered sooner. i hope it's not too late to change his 'tude. :(

the day was a success, though, and, i hope we can all get together again soon (and logan, too, i know i felt your absence!).

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 03:25 AM
Originally posted by aly
LOVE the pics and I'm so glad you all had fun. Wow, Finn has grown tons! When I saw him, he was an itty bitty baby! Aww :)

I know! I hope when we're back in Texas (hopefully next month for a visit), that we can get together! :) He has grown, but, he still has a lot of growing UP to do. ha ha.

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by RobiLee
great pictures!!! I'm sorry but I just have to say that I am in love with the Finn boy! He seems so cool! I think I might have to snatch that boy;)

Hey, thanks! Well, for everything, except the snatching him part. ;) Just joking, he is a "character" to say the least. I'm pretty much in love, too, he's easy to like. :) Unless you're an unaltered male dog. He slept the whole way home, and, I got a couple of him in the car, but, I need to try and sleep (yeah, right), now.....talk to you all later!

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Yes, pictures please! I see Kari is online... ;)

Ah, yeah, I had the computer on all evening, even though i was asleep. ;) But, I got my photos up and now I'm up again for the day. Yay.

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 08:02 AM
Hey, everyone! I have these photos of Mary and her boys, too. They were all so sweet, I can't wait to see them again! :)



Her baby...



And, here's Finn on the way home...


happy, happy, joy, joy!


thirsty puppy...



more in the next post....

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 08:02 AM
sleepy....i took this photo while I was driving, just holding the camera up, so, it's not that great. but, you can see how sprawled out he was....




Ok, now, that's all, folks! ;)

06-13-2005, 08:23 AM
I only got a few pictures, since I had to leave a little early.




I really enjoyed meeting the dogs and humans. The weather turned out great and the park is wonderful. Unfortunately, there were a few dogs that wanted to cause trouble so we had to watch ours carefully.

Finn is an exuberant dog. He had a blast in the lake. Sweet and friendly and full of energy. ;)

Skye is beautiful. It's hard to realize she's only 4 months old. Very laid back.

Samson spent some time wading in the lake, getting his tummy wet. He and Scruffy mostly sniffed around and stuck by me. Not real sociable. They had a couple of growling sessions with new dogs that invaded their personal space. I think they were pretty pooped by the time we got home. Samson fell off the back seat once on the way home; Scruffy didn't sleep until bedtime :confused: .

Samson must have been exhausted 'cause he didn't even chase the cat last night!

The dog park is really great. A separate fenced area for smaller dogs, a lake, a beach, an island, benches and picnic tables, (one with a shelter) and lots of room. Even a Port-a-potty.

Gotta do it again.


finn's mom
06-13-2005, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by mruffruff
Gotta do it again.

Definitely! :) I'm so glad we all got together! :) I went and edited how I spelled Samson's name...I was spelling with a "p" in the middle.

06-13-2005, 09:42 AM
Well all in all it sounds like you had a pretty good time at the park, too bad we couldn't have been there...but then again Bon and Finn probably wouldn't have gotten along:rolleyes: (he's unaltered right now too). LOL!

Thanks for the pictures, I really enjoyed seeing them and hearing all about your day!

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
but then again Bon and Finn probably wouldn't have gotten along:rolleyes: (he's unaltered right now too). LOL!

Unfortunately, they probably wouldn't have. But, Skye isn't spayed, and, Finn didn't even once try anything funny with her. I think if they're younger, it isn't as much of a problem. I don't know, though, I just hope that getting him neutered at the end of the month will change it back to the way it used to be, where he was never growly.

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 10:34 AM
Hey, Judy! Finn's already chewed off the cuz's feet! So, it's just a white squeeze ball, now, that doesn't make noise. ;) Thanks, though, again....he loves it!

06-13-2005, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by finn's mom
Hey, Judy! Finn's already chewed off the cuz's feet! So, it's just a white squeeze ball, now, that doesn't make noise. ;) Thanks, though, again....he loves it!

hehe! What a monster! Guess it won't make a very good lake toy after all! Oh, and we forgot to check on your toy before we left! I can't believe it was "stolen" from you! Ugh! You'll never come to my dog park again! hehehe Oh, and by the way...


You seemed to have caught the most priceless faces of mine! hahahahaha! NOT!! Finn must be saying "What the @#$^$# is she talking about!" hehehe

06-13-2005, 07:20 PM
Great pics ladies!! Looks like everyone had a fun time! And that park is amazing!!

I love the picture of Mary with her Scruffy with Samson in the background! That is a beautiful picture....brought tears to my eyes!!

I'm glad you all had a chance to meet and hang out for the day...what fun!! Don't you wish ALL of Pet Talk could get together someday!!
How cool would that be!!

06-13-2005, 07:54 PM
What a fun day!! Great pictures too!

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by shutterbug0303
hehe! What a monster! Guess it won't make a very good lake toy after all! Oh, and we forgot to check on your toy before we left! I can't believe it was "stolen" from you! Ugh! You'll never come to my dog park again! hehehe Oh, and by the way...


You seemed to have caught the most priceless faces of mine! hahahahaha! NOT!! Finn must be saying "What the @#$^$# is she talking about!" hehehe

Ha ha, you're funny! I knew you'd say something, cuz I caught you in such a funny moment. ;) You are still beautiful, though! And, Finn wasn't thinking anything like that. I'm sure all he was thinking was "water, water, water, water, toy, toy, toy, toy, run, run, run, jump, jump, jump". He's not that complicated. :)

And, yeah, that toy probably will just stay inside. But, it's no big deal about his toy, it was way out in the middle of the lake when we left, and, he would not have gone out there for it (not without seeing me throw it out there). Thank you again for the cuz, though! And, you can't get rid of me that easily, I will most certainly return to that park! ;)

06-14-2005, 11:02 AM
Silly Finn lost a toy in the lake? Didn't he almost lose one when we met in Texas too? I seem to remember sending my boyfriend to fetch it in the water, hahahaha! :D

finn's mom
06-14-2005, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by aly
Silly Finn lost a toy in the lake? Didn't he almost lose one when we met in Texas too? I seem to remember sending my boyfriend to fetch it in the water, hahahaha! :D

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. :) But, that was really before he got comfortable with the water. He's a swimming fool now. What happened in Myrtle Beach was that someone else threw a neon green ball out at the same time as I threw the neon orange toy for Finn. Finn went after the green ball and liked it better. Hence, the orange toy was forgotten and floated way too far out for me to get. I'd have had to swim to get it. ;) I had already gone out in the water up to my skirt/shorts, and, that was as far as I was going. It's ok, though, we came home with a cuz. And, Finn has a couple of other toys that we take to the lake.

06-15-2005, 06:37 PM
WHAT FUN!! love the face of finn with leggies in his mouth lol.

yuppie! don't we all wish all of us meet altogether one day??!?

judy, what did you said in that picture? :p remember? no? lol..

skye, finn, scruffy & samson very pretty! argh..wish I go!!

the my first pt meeting will be without dogs!! :eek: :D

finn's mom
06-16-2005, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.
WHAT FUN!! love the face of finn with leggies in his mouth lol.

Yeah, it's funny, too, cuz he chewed the feet off once we got home. ;) That toy is so obnoxious, he broke the squeaky at the park, so, it was loose in the toy. Now, it seriously sounds like he's gagging when he squeezes it. I don't know how to explain it, but, it is gross sounding. I told my dad, it's better (sortof) then how loud the squeaky was! :) Finn still loves the toy, though. Weirdo.