View Full Version : Dogs- in or out?

02-04-2002, 09:29 PM
Got a question :confused: :

Our neighbor has a black Lab. The poor thing spends ALL her time in the back yard (fenced). Her owner is never out there, never takes her anywhere. Only goes out to feed her when he gets home from work, and that is it. I don't know why he even has a dog.......the poor thing.

She has gotten out a couple of times, and she is very sweet and seems to want so much attention. The last time I took her home and knocked on the door, and when he answered, I said " maybe you should let her in the house once in awhile."
He said that she does not like to be in the house :confused:
It seemed kind of funny to me because when she wondered over to my place, she seemed quite interested in 'checking it out'.
Maybe it's true......maybe it's not.

My question is this:

Can a dog that is used to spending time only outdoors, be aclimated (spellcheck) to spending a bit of time indoors?
I know that certain breeds really do prefer it outside, but I would think a dog that wanted to have attention, etc. would not have a problem with it. I am curious because I know someone who is kinda interested in this dog. I also do not believe this guy.

02-04-2002, 09:35 PM
I believe she would most likely adapt to anywhere as long as someone paid attention to her. She's a Lab so it's not like she's got "Husky/Malmute" type of fur. I bet she'd be just fine if she could be an indoor/outdoor dog. Shame on your neighbor! Didn't you all just have a bunch of snow? I've never had an "Outdoor Only" animal.

02-04-2002, 10:55 PM
She could very easily acclimate to indoor life I'm sure. There may be a few accidents while potty training but labs are smart and I'm sure she'll catch on fast. That makes me so sad. Labs LOVE attention and really hate to be left out of their pack :(

02-05-2002, 12:14 AM
Yes, we had a bunch of snow last week. It makes me sad to see this beautiful, sweet dog being basically ignored. I don't know what to do, or IF I should do anything. :confused:

A lot will probably depend on if I can find someone who will be able to take her.
It's been at least a year and a half now that they have lived there, and nothing has ever changed.

Thanks Aly and LoudLou for your replies.

02-05-2002, 12:47 AM
If you find someone who can take her, and if she gets out again.. I'd just take her to the person who can take her and not the old owner. If he asks, tell him maybe he should keep his next dog indoors to where he/she can get attention and won't want to escape!!!!!!!!!!!

02-05-2002, 02:19 PM
I agree with you completely !!! These dogs
just get one go-round in life,They should have
a chance at a love filled, happy life, a life
worth the living. Liz.

02-05-2002, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by aly
If you find someone who can take her, and if she gets out again.. I'd just take her to the person who can take her and not the old owner. If he asks, tell him maybe he should keep his next dog indoors to where he/she can get attention and won't want to escape!!!!!!!!!!!

Although the situation this dog is in is definatly not perfect, she is not in an abusive environment. Not returning the dog to her owners is theft, no matter what other words you use to describe it.

02-05-2002, 05:29 PM

You are 100% right, it is theft , because in our society
dogs are considered property ; no different than a pair
of shoes or an old refrigerater that doesn't work anymore.

But does that seem "right" to you? Animals can think,
feel pain, and adore & even give their very lives to
protect their people.

I know it breaks the law, but think a living,feeling creature
rates different treatment (under law) than a pair of shoes.

Just my opinion. Thanks. Liz.

02-05-2002, 05:32 PM
:( Maybe it is theft, but so be it. I think I will break the law 10000000000000000000000 times if it gives the animal a chance to be happy :(

Liz, what you said brought tears to my eyes. Nicely put.

02-05-2002, 05:43 PM
I really don't like people who have dogs, but never pay any attention to them.
There's a house next-door to where my mom works...they had two dogs, but never gave them food,water,shelter, or most of all a little T.L.C.....they escaped, a lady who works with my mom caught one of them to try and find a home for him.
She never even looked, but kept him herself...which is really good.
He now has a wonderful home because she is such a sweet and caring person.
But the worst thing is that the guy now has a new puppy.
(our new mexico weather has been quite rainy)
The lady looked out the window and it was raining.
She saw the pup had no shelter or anything what so ever.
She took over and old blanket, cardboard box, and trash bag.
She put the trash bag over the top of the box for a roof and the blanket inside the box.
Later she looked out the window and the puppy had been in her new house all day!:D

02-05-2002, 05:43 PM
I agree with lizbud & aly............I hope I get the chance someday to do something, because I will not hesitate at all. I feel that this poor dog is being abused in a sense :mad:
What my plan is to do: wait until late at night, go in the back when she 'escapes' and walk her to my car or where ever.
It might be sometime down the road before there is that chance, but that's how I will do it.

That is not really theft is it? I won't go on his property, etc.


02-05-2002, 05:56 PM
I don't consider it theft so much as saving an animal. Even if the animal is being fed, it can still lead a miserable life with no attention :(

Have you guys read the poem about the puppy that was a Christmas gift for a child? Then at the end it said something like all that was left in the yard was the collar on the chain? Ugh I wish I could remember exactly.

Anyway, around Christmas time we got a call at the Humane Society about a Great Dane who had been chained in these people's front yard since he was 12 weeks old. He was now 8 months old. He had been a Birthday gift for the son. He was on a short chain and couldn't reach the food or water bowls (I don't even know if there was any food or water in them anyway). He also had a Dog Igloo that he couldn't even fit in. We generally don't take animal abuse calls, they have to go to the city shelter which is Animal Control. But we are softies so two of the girls that work with me drove to the Great Dane's house one night. They took the dog off his collar and left it chained to the chain along with a copy of that Christmas poem.

This was the tallest Great Dane I have ever seen, but also the skinniest :( We fed him canned food and he ate like he'd never eaten before. We placed him in a home with a coworker's friend who had another Great Dane. He is now living it up and loving life.

02-05-2002, 06:08 PM
Good job Aly!
I especially like the touch of leaving the poem for them, even though people like that would not care or 'get it' :( as they are selfish.

02-06-2002, 09:03 AM
Yorkster, maybe you could pull some pages from a pet catalog that advertise doggy doors and then put them in his mailbox. If the dog loves the outside, then he could go in and out as he chose. If I had the money, I would definitely have one installed for my Husky. He LOVES the outside. He comes in occasionally, runs to everybody for his scratching and petting, runs around the house to "make sure everything is okay" (according to my daughter), then runs right to the back door and tells me in his cool husky talk that he wants to go back out. He gets soooo excited when I open that back door. So there are dogs that do prefer to be outside, but I don't agree with no TLC!!! That is where the neglect comes in. And, Yorkster, I do think that it is theft even if you do not go on the property because, according to the law, the dog itself is property. I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying that that is the law. Liz, I agree with your opinion.

02-06-2002, 12:35 PM
Yorkster, what a terrible position you are put in. Is the dog healthy otherwise? Does it seem to be getting fed and does it have clean water and shelter? Seems like a ridiculous life for a people loving dog like a Lab. But if he's feeding and caring for her and she has a place to go in the cold and on rainy days, I'm not sure what else you can do.

The thing that bothers me the most is the escaping. If you're like me, you don't want "blood on your hands" if something awful happens to that dog when it gets out. That's the part I always worry about.....what if it gets hit by a car???

I have to say that on the one hand, I agree with many of the opinions expressed here. It is so easy to be away from the situation and make it sound easy to just "rehome" the dog the next time it escapes. Believe me, I have first hand knowledge of this one, which I won't go into here. But, I would do everything humanly possible to talk some sense into the owner first, especially if the dog is escaping constantly. Offer up solutions, including rehoming, offer to help. Its obvious that the sweet girl is leaving to find company with someone else. Talk about Lab Rescue, and from your heart, explain why you are so concerned about the dog, not the neglect and always outdoors stuff, but concentrate on the escapes and the danger there. And have your facts and options ready, just in case you need them.

And...feel free to email me and let's talk one on one if you need to. I really do understand the dilemma. Just wish I didn't. :(


02-07-2002, 12:23 AM
Logan- thanks for your reply. The dog does seem to be fed regularly. As far as the escaping, it has been awhile since I have seen that, but it bothers me quite a bit because we live a few houses down from a busy road. :(

And thank you too Spencer :)

What I wish was that I could take the dog- she is very sweet and starved for attention. Obviously I can't since we live next door.......:(