View Full Version : So mad at my mom... AGAIN.

06-01-2005, 09:18 PM
Go figure.

I walk home from school today, and I got home and saw my mom was there. Nothing unusual, I was going to her house that day, she was waiting for me and Gavin to get to my dads.

I get there, show them both the letter I recieved (I lettered in Band) and talk about how school was, etc. My dad says that the house has no power. :confused: Okay? We were late on the bill maybe?

Oh no.

My dad called back tonight from his cell phone (we don't have a home phone anyway) and says he still has no power. Apparently when my parents split, my mom was responsible for paying the power bill of the house, that was all she had to take care of (considering she has a company car and pays no car bill.) She AGREED to doing this at the beginning of the split. Apparently, she "forgot".

At least she did pay it today, they said they probably wouldn't be able to get the power on today yet. :mad: When my dad called he had been sitting at home since 3 with no TV, radio, clock, refridgerator (afraid to open it since it wasn't running, it would lose cold air, it's hot out!) no oven, no microwave, no ANYTHING. If I remember correctly, we have really nothing to eat that DOESN'T use a stove, microwave, or fridge. :( I feel so bad. It's 9 now, 6 hours my dad has been sitting ALONE in an empty dark house because my stupid mother was irresponsible and forgot to pay the damn bill. My dad has to be at work at 5 in the morning, has no alarm clock, and is a little technology/cell phone illiterate, so he is trying to get the alarm clock on his phone to work.

:( Poor dad. I feel so bad. And mad at my irresponsible mother. :rolleyes: :mad:

Sorry for the pointless boring rant.

06-01-2005, 09:37 PM
I'm sorry, Megan.. He could probably go out and get something from a drive through.. that doesn't require anything... I hope things work out. :( ((((HUGS))))

06-01-2005, 10:43 PM
Megan, I am really sorry that things are not working out for your family, and I know that you don't really know me, but feel free to PM me any time. *HUGS*

Sorry for the pointless boring rant
For one thing, this isn't a "boring" rant! Everyone needs to get out their emotions instead of keeping them kept inside. ;)


Suki Wingy
06-01-2005, 10:50 PM
I'm reallt sorry...I hope the power gets on soon! at least it wsan't in the middle of winter with no heat! I think it is really good to get your feelings out here, it helps.

06-02-2005, 07:49 AM
Thats really not fair. I would hope she just accidentally forgot and doesn't forget ever again...

~hugs~ things get better, sometimes not immediatly, but eventually they do get better.

06-02-2005, 01:28 PM

I know you're angry, but your Dad is a grown man who is perfectly capable of caring for himself. Why he didn't use the alarm on his cellphone is beyond me. As far as food is concerned, he could easily go to the store and buy something ready-to-eat, like a broiled chicken from the deli, and get some candles.

It's amazing the way we, as human beings, take so many small things for granted. I can't even begin to imagine how we made it without the luxury of electricity.

As far as your Mom is concerned, give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she DID forget. Things happen.

Congratulations on your letter.

Your rant was NOT boring. We're here for you kiddo.

06-03-2005, 12:07 PM
Hi, Megan,
First off, I'm a paralegal and work with the state's family court system. Unfortunately, I see these situations every day and I see some that are far worse. I've been doing this for 24 years and have heard every story you can imagine and a few that you can't. I'm asking you to remember one thing, there are two sides to every story. There may well be things going on here that you're not aware of. We parents certainly don't tell you kids a lot of things. Please give your Mom the benefit of the doubt here. I know it's hard on kids when your parents don't stay together, in a perfect world, this wouldn't happen, but ours isn't a perfect world. Even we grownups make dumb mistakes sometimes. Don't be mad at your Mom, it will only make things harder for all of you.