View Full Version : Does your cat like other types of animals?

Heather Wallace
02-04-2002, 11:27 AM
My cats Max and Tatty are very different. Tatty prefers human company where as Max likes humans and can also tolerate other animals. He's a bit of a fun guy really.

As you know I have five bunnies left, mum and four babies and Max love them. He loves to watch them when they are in their hutches. Here is an example of it in the photo attached.

So tell me, do your cats like other animals?;)

02-04-2002, 11:35 AM
That is cute Heather! Well, my cats seem to like other cats in the neighborhood at least one of them. There is a calico kitten that lives next door and my little one Yum Yum plays with it. We call the other cat tag a long because we always see her following Yum Yum. Yum Yum also saw her first squirrel yesturday and my husband said she looked like she didn't know what it was and looked at him like what is that daddy?? :) She also loves birds, but has not caught one yet. Thank goodness! :) My other cat Dutchess is about 5 years old and she could just be by herself and sleep. Sometimes she will play with Yum Yum.


Former User
02-04-2002, 11:40 AM
coudn't really vote either... Casper and Kitty haven't met other species, if you don't count spiders, flies and mosquitos. They both LOVE all the above mentioned 'bugs' :rolleyes:

C.C.'s Mom
02-04-2002, 12:42 PM
I couldn't vore either. I know that they like other animals like birds and mice, but mainly as a between-meals snack :p

Eddy loves the dog and likes to sleep in her basket. At night they sleep cuddled up together in our bed. She also likes men that come to our house. She usually head-butts them and makes a big scene there if she doesn't get the wanted attention. She doesn't like any other women though (except me) and bites my mom, my friends and their children.

Rudie only likes Eddy.

02-04-2002, 12:44 PM
I'm with Spencer! My guys fall into the "haven't met other species" category. They're indoor cats and they don't tolerate other cats very well -- maybe just being protective of our house! Once a rabbit hopped across the back yard while Stump was looking out the back door. He had no idea what to make of it -- his reaction was something like "what in the world is THAT?"

02-04-2002, 12:48 PM
Nope -none of the three furkids like other cats (very anti-social!!):o
Strangely enough, when my daughter visits with her dog - Tricky - they all react differently.
Bagel ADORES Tricky and will sleep with her, play with her and turn tipply-toptails just for sheer fun of it.
Ketchum likes Tricky but is quite anxious because she's big and noisy (he doesn't take noise very well!!).
Dan is petrified!!:eek: :eek: he really cannot cope with this big furry creature taking over HIS space.
And Tricky? She simply LOVES them all :D :D

PS Heather - cool photo of mountaineering cat!!!;) ;)

02-04-2002, 01:11 PM
How's about TOLERATING other species? lol

Our cats TOLERATE the dog, could careless about the fish & gerbil, and one is TERRIFIED of Sophie Bunny! (<--That would be BRAVE OL' TINKER!:rolleyes: )

Former User
02-04-2002, 01:14 PM
LOL Zippy! Poor Tinker :D

02-04-2002, 01:15 PM
lynnestankard, LOVE your cat's names!! Especially Bagel, too cute! :)

I didn't vote because our cats HATE other cats, but like the dashaund next door and get along fine with the bunnies. Noah LOVES his friend Otis (dashaund) next door, they play and play until they are on the floor breathing pretty quick! :)

They are also, like C & K, intrigued with bugs and the birds outside! :D

02-04-2002, 01:20 PM
Louie likes everybody. I don't have many friends with dogs or a place to take him really to meet other dogs, but when he does he thinks they are his long lost buddies! The Beans on the other hand being "IndoorONLY" don't get the chance to meet anyone else. However, Mocha was much more accepting when we brought "Her Dog" home than Bonzo which was funny Beacause Bonzo is the "CEO of Public Relations" in our home. He's a real Lover.:D

02-04-2002, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
How's about TOLERATING other species? lol

Our cats TOLERATE the dog, could careless about the fish & gerbil, and one is TERRIFIED of Sophie Bunny! (<--That would be BRAVE OL' TINKER!:rolleyes: )

OK Zippy - now you can admit it - Sophie Bun is a 6ft tall Harvey - Right!!!!!!!:D :D :eek:


Edwina's Secretary
02-04-2002, 02:51 PM
Edwina has three dogs who visit her regularly -- my sister's pomeranian, my mother's cavalier, and my stepson's Norwegain Elkhound. She has a different relationship with each but ALL are repeatedly told she is THE BOSS. The Elkhound is afraid of her so that one is easy. She shows a little attitude and he knows his place. The pom is a little more challenging. He has his own kitty at home so he thinks "Playtime." A few hisses, growls, taunts from on high and she has that sissy running to his momma. The puppy confuses Edwina. He is so cute and innocent she has actually touched noses with him a couple of times before she realized what she was doing. She then became indignant and had to knock him around a bit.

Yet I have had to rescue our bold and brassy "Boss Lady" from one of the backyard squirrels! On more than one occasion I have found Edwina being dressed down by a chattering squirrel perched atop the fence with a cowering cat beneath.

02-04-2002, 02:55 PM


Doesn't that picture just reek of trouble-making?! lol...ok maybe not...how about this one...?

She's a splendid combination of talent and trouble (and cuteness)! lol

02-04-2002, 03:01 PM
Oh Zippy - isn't she THE cutest baby, just sooooo huggable. Perhaps Tinker's just a great big softy?;) ;)

Thanks so much for the lovely pictures


Heather Wallace
02-04-2002, 03:21 PM
Thanks all for the response.

As I am a pet sitter I am often embarressed by my cat Tatty who swears a lot when peole come to visit us with their dogs (Tatty hates dogs).

We have one dog in particular called Macey she is a tebetian terrier and she suffers from anxiety so she can't be left alone. Macey prefers the cats to me and sits all day looking at the cats. They retreat on top of the cupboards in the kitchen. They do well and I am proud that they are becoming more social.
We also have a little ginger tabby girl called Riesa, she stays with us once ever month or so. They like her but she hates them.

Poor boys

Zippy-Kat Sophie is Number one!!:p

Former User
02-04-2002, 03:23 PM
Ummm... Riesa is an intresting name...I come from Finland and there riesa means something like pain in the *** :eek:
I'm sure that tabby cat isn't that though... funny with these languages...:)

02-04-2002, 04:18 PM
I don't know Niina, we tend to call Noah "LS", stands for Little sh**, when he's is being annoying. :)

Heather Wallace
02-04-2002, 04:29 PM
I think that the owner called her Riesa after a Greek god or something. She is a bit of a pain in the **** sometime as she meow's a lot.:p

Heather Wallace
02-04-2002, 04:31 PM
Here is a photo of her ladyship Riesa!!

02-04-2002, 04:44 PM
Heather - she's beautiful.:) :)


02-05-2002, 01:12 AM
I couldn't answer the poll because Shiloh hates other cats but loves dogs!!

C.C.'s Mom
02-05-2002, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by Heather Wallace
Here is a photo of her ladyship Riesa!!

Ohhhh... a ginger baby! What a wonderful picture.