View Full Version : Not understanding command.

02-04-2002, 08:08 AM
I have a big problem here. When I let Leika in the house just in the kitchen, all goes well, she goes to sleep and everything but, when i open the kitchen door in the morning, she goes crazy and everything and rushes off the kitchen and into the hall, where she is not allowed. The same thing happens with the dining room. There's another door that connects to the dinning room and whenever I open it she rushes off and lies down under a chair. This really worries me 'cause when I tell her no she doesn't get it. Sometimes she obeys and sometimes not. This really worries me 'casue she's pooed another room near the hall twice and both times i left the the door nearly shut and somehow she managed to get through the door and into that room. Now I shut both doors, this hasn't happened again. I always take her in the morning to go potty in our backyard. Does she think that she might be allowed to enter that room to poo?? HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!:confused:

02-07-2002, 10:49 AM
Please help me!:( .
The other day I posted something about Leika having an infection. Well we took her to the vet and the vet gave us some pills and a shampoo. Today I bathe her and now she has a very soft and shiny coat! Hopefully she will get better.

Dixieland Dancer
02-07-2002, 10:55 AM
How old is she? Do you allow her to poo in the kitchen without any consequences to her actions?

It is very possible that she doesn't understand because you are sending her conflicting messages. Respond to the questions and we will see what we can come up with.

02-07-2002, 01:26 PM
She is 3 moths old. I never let her poo or pee in the kitchen. When it happens is when I am not there in the night. So there's no point in punishing her 'cause she doesn't know by then whta she has done wrong. Even though the other day I was very firm when she peed on the kitchen an told her Outside! and took her outside after a few minutes she was back scratching the door. By then there hasn't been any problems since then. When she pooed those 2 times there wasn't anybody there and she managed to get through the door. Now I close the door and never leave them abit open when she's there.

Dixieland Dancer
02-07-2002, 02:49 PM
Is it possible to get to her in the middle of the night to let her out. At this age she is still to young to hold it for more than 4 hours at a time. As she gets older it will get better. The rule of thumb for how long a puppy can hold it is age +1. For example a dog who is 5 months old can hold it 6 hours. This is just a rule of thumb. You will need to learn your own puppies ability.

You are right in not punishing her. If you don't catch her in the act she will not associate why she is getting punished with why you are mad. Whatever she is doing at the moment you correct her is what she will associate to the correction.

02-14-2002, 04:26 PM
Thanks, that is a good tip. I know when she gotta go to pee 'cause you can see her getting really fat just below her stomach.