View Full Version : >_< POLICE OFFICER abuses cats...

06-01-2005, 10:06 AM
Thank goodness he was caught and charged with animal cruelty. They were just babies! Only one survived, and that was pretty nastily injured. There's one picture of his little foot that will make you want to cry. Nothing graphic, just painful.


LORAIN, Ohio -- A man faces two counts of animal cruelty in two Ohio counties after a litter of kittens was tossed out the window of a moving car, NBC 4 reported.

A 6-week-old kitten was the only survivor from the entire litter. Police said the suspect is a police officer.

Witnesses told Lorain police that a man driving from Huron to Lorain was throwing kittens out of his car window.

The lone surviving cat was found at an intersection. Even though the cat used one of its nine lives, it didn't escape unharmed.

"When this kitty tried to land on its feet when he was thrown from the car, when it landed he stretched its arms away from its body, and that stretching damaged the nerves as it came from the body to its arm," said Dr. Thomas Wood, of the Lorain Animal Clinic.

Two witnesses trailed the driver and called police. During questioning, police said the suspect said he was a police officer.

The kitten is being treated at the Lorain Animal Clinic and is expected to make a full recovery.

06-01-2005, 10:10 AM
Sick Piece of S%@t. MF. I would like to toss him out a car window into oncoming traffic. People like that scum turns my stomach.

06-01-2005, 10:12 AM
Poor little sweet thing. He's bound to get a home soon. Just look at that face.

06-01-2005, 12:36 PM


06-01-2005, 12:42 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :( That is the same thing that happened to little Angel that I raised for the first year of her life. She had two broken back legs. Thankfully she is now happy in her new forever home, and being a spoiled, pampurred little Princess!

06-01-2005, 01:25 PM
I shouldn't have read this post as I was eating lunch because it made me nauseous. I seriously wish that I could have a go at this sick b@$t@rd and throw him out of my fast-moving car into the traffic I deal with to and from work each day.

When will these horrible things stop? Some people are so evil and should not be allowed to roam the planet with the rest of us decent people. That poor little kitty - the messed up leg made me so sad. I can't believe the rest were killed so cruely and this one is left alone and frightened. At least this one may find a home due to the good publicity, but how hard would've it been for this idiot to take them to a shelter?!?!

It just makes me sick. How anyone could be cruel to animals. How can you look at their innocent faces and do stuff like that? I just don't understand people at all.

Don Juan's mom
06-01-2005, 02:07 PM
I know what I would call that guy, but I'm afraid I would inadvertently insult some perfectly nice dogs. :mad:

Poor little thing. Looks just like my Zerlina.


06-01-2005, 02:40 PM
Sweet little innocent creature.......an eye for an eye, I always say.

What a loser and cheeseball he is.

06-01-2005, 08:19 PM
This B@ss Turd will get a slap on the wrist and a few days of aministrative leave.

Simply lovely....:rolleyes:

06-02-2005, 11:48 AM
Are there any race car drivers out there? If so, I'd like to ask a favor of you. Would you take this !!%$***#??! out to the race track with you, put it (this thing is not human and I'm sure not going to insult animals by calling it one) in your car, then when you reach top speed, kick this horror of a life form out the window? I for one will be more than happy to pay for the gas you will need. I don't know that there is adequate punishment for this but perhaps something is better than nothing! I pray this sweet little baby, who never did anything wrong, will fully recover and find a loving home very soon. This cop should lose his job right this minute!
NBC news does report animal abuse and I commend them for bringing this terrible problem to the attention of the public. Last night our local NBC station reported a story about a little dog who's owner attacked him with a machete resulting in two very serious cuts on puppy's head. Police were called by a relative of the abuser and the little dog was immediately taken for emergency vet care. The vet checked him over and stitched up the wounds. Puppy is expected to make a full recovery. The puppy, who has been named Merlin because of his remarkable recovery, is in the custody of the Cumberland County SPCA and will NOT be returned to the family. The sicko owner is currently in jail, bail has been set at $25,000 and he's being charged with animal cruelty. A film clip this morning showed Merlin happily playing with SPCA staff and he's up for adoption.
These stories of intentional cruelty are hard to hear about, especially to those of us who love all animals. But by reporting them on the news along with the arrest of the guilty, bail amounts and the punishment meted out to the offender, just maybe some of these ----- will think two or three times before they hurt an animal and just maybe the public will be more willing to report incidents of abuse. Thank you NBC and continue to keep us informed on these incidents. For the animals.....

06-02-2005, 04:03 PM
And this persons (or piece of craps) job is "to serve and protect"? I really hope they throw the book at him, and as Gary says his badge is taken away. He really needs to be checked into a mental hospital and then serve jail time. Sorry excuse for a human, that people are supposed to look up to and respect? Spit on him! :mad: :mad: :mad: Kim that attachement of Angel broke my heart. :(

06-02-2005, 04:40 PM

nothing new...nothing new.. P-E-O-P-L-E...sigh! :( :(

oh little one, look at you! sweetie...so scared and lucky!

well, little clever cop, what goes around comes back! :mad: that all would do..

06-02-2005, 04:42 PM
posted by queenscoopalot
Kim, that attachement of Angel broke my heart. :(
YES!! :( :( :(

06-02-2005, 05:23 PM
Hopefully theres a burning place in hell for that jerk! I hope some of the other officers beat his ^YT#@@#$Q!!