View Full Version : how do your babies purr ?

05-31-2005, 06:23 PM
Abby : She is a powerful 8 cylinder finely tuned racing engine:D
You can hear her accross the room its so loud. She is a very happy girl always. Buddy : He is a quiet little 4 cylinder engine...minus a cylinder, because he sputters when he purrs.(he sounds just like the old cartoon speed buggy, remember that from the 70's ?) it is quite comical. you cannot hear him at all unless you put your ear to his nose:eek: my 10 yr old says he thinks little buddy was never really taught how to purr from his momma kitty.:( For fun....describe your kitties purrs:)

05-31-2005, 06:26 PM
Groucho sounds like a lawnmower. Once when I took him for a vet check, doctor said she couldn't hear his heart and lungs because of his purring.....

05-31-2005, 06:37 PM
Lilith sounds like a motor boat whereas Vixen sounds more like a little kawasaki dirt bike. LOL

05-31-2005, 06:42 PM
I don't know if I can describe their purring too well, but I have a funny story about purring I can add! When I was debating whether to get a second kitty my friend who had Missy really wanted me to take her and she told me "her motor works" :D

05-31-2005, 07:31 PM


05-31-2005, 08:04 PM
Josie has a few different purrs. Sometimes it sounds like she's purring so hard that it's hard for her to breathe . . . Sometimes her purr is musical, which is our favorite!

Brodie just purrs non-stop! All you have to do is LOOK at him and his motor starts up! Happy boy I guess!

05-31-2005, 08:28 PM
Shadow also purrs constantly. She's loud, too. I think our neighbors down the street can here her.

Callie is a silent purrer. She does drowl (I think it comes from her mouth???) though when she is getting a really good scratching.

Whisper is a silent purrer but he makes "mrrreow" sounds when he is purring. I think him and Callie are both broken--they need new motors! ;)

05-31-2005, 09:10 PM
Mitzi's purr is so loud I can hear it from across the room - she's my little round motorboat!

Mishi, on the other hand, is my silent-purrer. His purr is SO soft (softer than his fur) that even with my ear on him I sometimes can't hear it, but I can feel the vibration. What noise he doesn't make with his purr, he more than makes up for with his meowrrring! He talks and sings almost non-stop!

05-31-2005, 10:12 PM
Cammie and Pepper are very loud. Pepper is probably the loudest. She sounds like a freight train.

Halo's purr is so quiet that you can't hear her unless you put your ear up to her belly. :D

05-31-2005, 10:59 PM
Glacier's purr is soft and steady. He is a drooler too. When he's really happy, my shirt gets soaked with his drool!

Pete has a motorboat rumble. He makes a little squeaky sound when he tries to keep purring and take a breath.

Ivy has a purr that would sound more appropriate coming from a big ol' tomcat! it does not suit her dainty physique and fussy nature.

Twicket is my purr monster. He purrs non-stop, just look at him and he purrs. My husband says one day Twicket will pass away from purring too hard--not a bad way to go if he has to move on.

Felicia has a soft delicate purr. She doesn't use it very often, so it's a special gift when she purrs.

Polly Paws saves her purrs for her daddy only. She has a nice loud purr, but she is a daddy's girl. I don't get to hear her purr much.

Onyx is a great big cat with a tiny squeak meow. His purr is more appropriate for his size! It's not very loud, but it rumbles. The fur on his neck vibrates along with the purr and sends out sound waves into whatever or whoever he is lounging on.

Dominique had a huge purr for such a small cat. She shared it frequently and usually offered a headbonk or two with it. She shared my pillow every night, tucked under the covers, purring her tiny heart out. How I miss that sound. :(

06-01-2005, 07:39 AM
Eepie's purr is very loud! I just have to say "Where's my Eeper Peeper?" when I see her to get her started. She's got a finely tuned V8 which she keeps in top condition!

Grey Girl and Weezie's purrs are quiet. If Weezie's on your lap, you can hear it and it sounds kind of like a gentle crackling, like the light ruffling of crepe paper. Grey Girl's sounds loud if she's on your lap but otherwise, it's kind of hard to hear.

My parents have a cat named Scarlett. We always joke that she has a break in her purrer. If you pet her or she climbs in your lap, her purr with start, nice and even...and then, suddenly silence....and after two or three minutes, it'll start like it never stopped. I guess her cassette tape had to flip sides or something:p

Neko is my neighbors' cat and whom is slowly becoming our kitty as she eats and spends the night often in our apartment. Her purr is low and rough. Her fur is very short and very coarse and her purr sounds like her fur feels. She wants to lay right on my neck and face so at night I can feel that low rumbling vibrate through me. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-01-2005, 09:29 AM
Maya has a very soft delicate purr. You can only hear it when you put your ear on her head. It is her special way to say "thank you for the good care"!!

Inka has such a loud purr. When she is on my lap purring, I have to turn the tv speaker higher, or I cannot hear a thing :rolleyes: :D . Of course, do NOT even touch her hint legs, or she turns of the machine, instantly :eek:

06-01-2005, 10:27 AM
Sonny used to be the lawnmower you could hear down the street but since he's getting older he doesn't purr as much.

06-01-2005, 01:29 PM
Claudia has the loudest purr by far. Sometimes she gets really loud with the regular purring as we're petting and worshipping her, and then the clicking sound kicks in on top of the purr. It's the strangest, funniest sound I've ever heard, and none of the rest of our cats do that. :)

Without fail, Leo purrs pretty loudly, but deeply, when we're loving on him. :)

Leila sometimes gets her quiet, sweet purr going when she's in the mood for us to pet her a lot and not being mean and biting us. It's a subtle purr, however.

Bailey purrs most when we're petting him as he's drinking water from the sink and while he's eating. His is a subtle purr, but as he's eating or drinking, it gets louder. :) He purrs the most when we scratch under his chin.

06-01-2005, 02:48 PM
My guys are the silent type for the most part. Archy purrs a lot, but you can't hear it. Binky can rev it up when he's in a really good mood and he'll do it a lot when he gets his favorite food.

Archy is a 'chirper' more than a purr-er. Always trilling and meowing. I LOVE a vocal cat!

06-01-2005, 03:02 PM
Logan has what Andy describes as an asthematic purr. There are times he sounds like he's wheezing. Plus his mouth will be slightly open. He can get loud too.

Zam has a constant rumble of a purr.