View Full Version : RSPCA pays price for the woman who kept 271 pets

05-27-2005, 08:15 AM
RSPCA pays price for the woman who kept 271 pets
THE RSPCA has been left facing a bill of almost £140,000 for prosecuting a woman who shared her cottage with 271 animals.

But the costs could have been more had Rosalind Gregson, of Lindeth Road in Silverdale, not pleaded guilty to nine charges on Friday.
Mrs Gregson finally accepted she was at fault for the unnecessary suffering of nine dogs, five of which had to be put down, just three days into a trial that was expected to last two weeks.
She was told that she could face a prison sentence when the court reconvenes on June 10.
The sad story of how Gregson collected 271 animals, which included dogs, birds and cats, was outlined at Preston Magistrates Court.
The court heard that RSPCA inspectors could not believe their eyes when they discovered the animals at the small picturesque cottage in Silverdale.
There was an overpowering stench of ammonia, urine and excrement which forced officers to retreat from the property. Rats had infested the property and the house also contained fleas.
RSPCA inspector Sarah Hayland said she was shocked when she visited the house and the smell made her eyes water. Cages were stacked one on top of another all through the house, including on top of a board across a bath.
Tim Bergin, prosecuting for the RSPCA, said that Gregson's "obsession" to collect animals had overwhelmed her.
"That resulted in her losing complete control and the ability to care for the animals in her charge. Their needs were clearly and simply not met as a result of Mrs Gregson's inability to provide proper care.
"This was caused solely by her own obsessional behaviour in relation to collecting a large number of animals."
Gregson's defence counsel, Ann Marie Gregory, said it had taken an act of courage for her to plead guilty.
She also told the court it was not a deliberate or wanton act and described the case as extremely sad and the circumstances tragic.
District judge Peter Ward postponed sentence until June 10 and told Gregson that all options remained open, including prison.
Outside court case officer Sarah Hayland said: "This was a difficult and in some ways tragic case but ultimately it is clearly not appropriate to keep this volume of animals in a house no matter how well intentioned the owner may be.
"Mrs Gregson could not cope with the huge number of animals and should have sought help at a much earlier stage.
"It is sad we had to come this far, not at least because of the amount of money it has cost the RSPCA, which is a charity."

05-27-2005, 08:22 AM
"This was caused solely by her own obsessional behaviour in relation to collecting a large number of animals."

This is DEFINITELY a case of not knowing when to say "ENOUGH!!"

I feel so sorry for all those furbabies who died because of this woman.

*PHEW* At least I'm still in the single digits!! :rolleyes:

Killearn Kitties
06-10-2005, 02:17 PM
Sentance was passed today and the woman got three months in prison. She has also been banned for life from keeping more animals.


06-10-2005, 02:55 PM
Thanks Killearn Kitties for the update! ;)

06-10-2005, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Killearn Kitties
Sentance was passed today and the woman got three months in prison. She has also been banned for life from keeping more animals.

I wonder who's going to make sure she doesn't get more? That is horrible. It's sort of like the people who lose their drivers licenses. Unless they're doing something to draw attention to themselves, they're not caught again.