View Full Version : Bunny Rabbit Adventure

02-02-2002, 12:25 AM
We had quite an adventure at 11pm tonight!! I let Killian and Shiloh out in the yard. My daughter called Shiloh back in immediately because she saw that Shiloh took out her toy and we didn't want it lost in the snow. Shiloh brought the toy back in, meanwhile Killian took off like a bat out of --ll! Suddenly we hear this awful squeeking, screaming sound and Killian was at the side fence. I called him off, but he wouldn't come to me. Luckily I still had my boots on, so I ran out. By the time I got to the fence, I saw the poor jackrabbit stuck in the rung of my chain-link fence ( I didn't think he could fit, he was no bunny, he was full size!) He was 3/4th through the fence. His hips and legs wouldn't fit through. I believe he probably used to run under the fence, but the snow is 12 inches deep and covered the area all the way to the ground, so the only way out was through this tiny link. Killian would not back off. He wasn't barking, only sniffing, thank goodness!! In the meantime, my daughter is SCREAMING from the patio door to save the poor animal!!! She was hysterical. Then Shiloh got to the rabbit!!!!! She took a quick sniff and I called her off and she obeyed. I finally got control of them and chased them back in the house. (Not to mention the heartattack and asthma attack I was having!!) Now what to do????? I have this LARGE rabbit stuck in my fence, a hysterical daughter saying save him and me wheezing. OK, must save this poor rabbit..... I got my emergency inhaler, took a puff, then I got my quilted gloves and started to try and pull him back through the fence. He wouldn't budge 'cause there was no way he was gonna go back in that yard, so he was pulling the other way. I knew he wouldn't fit his hips through, but HE didn't know it. All the while, my daughter is saying, "He's gonna die!! Save him!!!" I told her to come out and help me, but she said she couldn't look. The rabbit stopped screaming after the dogs went in. I figured if I went on the other side of the fence, maybe I could push him back in. When I tried to push him, he turned his head and tried to bury it in the snow. I had to stop because we weren't getting anywhere and I didn't want him to suffocate. I dug out the snow, but I couldn't budge him. Then my daughter came out. She was crying and saying save him. I don't want him to die. I told her to get the Barbie swimming pool so we could block him, but he would have enough room so he wouldn't get hurt. I figured he would stop trying to pull forward if he was blocked (safely). I went to the other side and started tugging up past his hips. He was really stuck!! I wondered if I would be able to save him. I couldn't give up, though. I tugged on him a little at a time and he started to unlodge (it seemed like forever). I kept tugging and finally he got loose. I pulled him through and let him go. He ran about four feet and fell over. He then got up and took off across the yard. I think he may be under my big evergreen tree. Whew!!! He was saved!!!! I hope he is ok!!!
I will never forget those great big eyes!!

Killian got yelled at for not listening. We will be practicing the drop command! However, I am glad that neither of them went to bite the poor rabbit, only sniff him. :)

02-02-2002, 03:51 AM
oh ack!!! Sudilar, what an incredible story:eek: why do these things seem to always happen to people that care as we do:confused: fate:confused:karma :confused:joss :confused: I'm just glad they do though, happy you were there ;)

02-02-2002, 07:40 AM
Oh, Sue! I'm glad the ending was good. I was on the edge of my seat while I was reading! And on a lighter note, I think that is the most you have ever said in one post! :D I almost didn't think it was you!!!

Bless your heart, are you still shaking from the adventure? I know I have been there with a possum before, and a rat, but never a bunny! And don't feel alone, "drop it" doesn't work on Honey either when she has her mind set on something.

Glad Killian felt good enough to be on the chase. I guess there is something positive in this story, other than the bunny making it through.

Hope you're getting some much deserved rest, my friend. :)


02-02-2002, 08:01 AM
Oh, Sue, Oh, Sue.....In August of this year we had *the bunny incident* at our house. I was so upset, I couldn't talk about it, so Hannah relayed the story to a few of her friends. With her permission, I shall post that email here now.....

Bella, Star, Cody, Honey, and Lilly,

My mom is a basket case. I just wondered what you do when your mom acts like she is going to fall out or something. Okay, let me explain. First I was sawing zzz's like normal this morning when I heard this screeching sound. I was up like a flash and saw Mom standing at the back door calling for Tucker. Well, of course I darted past her to investigate. The screeching is coming from around by the garage so off I go. It is still dark outside as it is 5 am (Tucker gets up real early.) There I find Tucker right by the fence and in the fence is this big old bunny and it is stuck in the fence and bleeding and there is pieces of fur in the grass so I am thinking that Tucker got to the old bunny at some point. Mom is having a fit and I think she was calling me and Tucker but I don't really know 'cause of course my mind is on what to do now that we done got us a rabbit. It wasn't more than a minute when Dad comes out and he gets Tucker to go in the house and I'm still not sure how I want to handle this situation - the bunny is still screeching and still stuck in that fence real good. I try to get closer but then I change my mind and back off. Finally I decide I better go in the house before Mom is a total lunatic. So I go in and the bunny stops screeching. Dad tries to get the bunny out of the fence using the pooper scooper, but that is not doing anything, so he tells Mom he can't do anything about it and she should call Animal Control. It is really jammed into that fence. Dad goes off to work. Mom calls the people at the Animal Control and it takes about an hour but they send someone and pick up our catch of the day. The guy told mom it was still alive but it didn't look like it cause it was all limp and everything. So awhile later we all go outside and of course Tucker and me run over to the area where it was to see what we could see. Mom gets the hose to hose the blood off the fence and I spot a nice old chuck of bunny meat with the fur still on it and in a split second grabbed it and ran under the trees to gobble it down. When I came out of the trees Mom is spazing out talking about blood on my face. Well, DUH, you eat fresh meat, you get a little messy. Tucker didn't get any but Mom 'spects that he was the one who chomped the pieces out of the bunny in the first place oderwise how come the pieces of fur on the grass like that. Next thing I know, mom has the blue bucket with soap and water and a wash cloth and I'm getting my whole face washed off.

Now Mom's just been so upset for all day. She feels like such a bad person 'cause she couldn't even look at the injured bunny to say nothing about helping it. She says she keeps hearing that screaming noise it was making. She don't even want to look at Tucker and me and I doubt that we will be getting any kisses for a while.

Mom tried to write about this at Pet Talk, but she is so upset she couldn't do it. I know your moms probably get a little frantic at times too, but this is ridiculous. Hope she calms down so life can return to normal around here.


02-02-2002, 08:15 AM
OMG!!!, Sue!!:eek: Now, YOU know my favorite phrase...."Killi, you're my HERO!!" Well, today, while I must commend Killi on his "restraint,":D (I'm not so sure Cody would have shown such composure!!) it is YOU who is the HERO!! Out in the snow, middle of the night, asthma attack....Sue, you had me a little worried there!:confused: Still, having had my share of those nightly excursions out into the snow in P.J.'s to chase down a barking dog, chasing a squealing critter, I can fully appreciate your stress level!! Today, we proclaim Sue, our critter saving FurMom of the Day!! I know you are a hero not only to the poor bunny, but your daughter as well:) Now, rest up!! And OF COURSE.....Love and kisses to Killi and Shy-Shi!!:)

02-02-2002, 09:36 AM
Whew! Relived the incident a few times in my dreams last night!! I am just soooooo glad that rabbit came loose. I was gonna go get the wire cutters, but I was afraid I would cut him!!! He was really wedged in!! This morning in the light, I checked if he was under my tree, but he wasn't. I hope he went "hoppily" on his way and never comes in the yard again.
I am still so amazed that both Killian and Shiloh didn't bite the bunny. They just sniffed him. Twice before Shiloh had incidents with a bird and a chipmonk and neither time did she bite them. She licked the bird's face!! I hope she wasn't tasting them first! HAHA! I am really surprized, but happy that they didn't attack. All of their stuffy toys are destroyed! Killi needs work with the "leave it". Shiloh was perfect. Who wouldda thought?
You don't know how glad I am that I was able to release the bunny. Easter would never be the same, if I didn't! LOL

02-02-2002, 10:53 AM
(Blush, blush)! I don't think I'm a hero. Every one of you animal lovers would have done the same!! Thank you.

Wow, Rachel, that incident could have happened at my house last night, too. Again, I am so surprised that Killi and Shi did not bite him! I know how you feel, Rachel, about your incident. With all the screaming and screeching the rabbit was doing, I thought for sure that Killi had bit him! I can sympathize with you!!:(

02-02-2002, 11:30 AM
We think you ought to sign up with the local Fire Department :D ~

Thery're always looking for folks who are calm under stress and have a quick mind.

Cinder sez "Glad it wuzint a :eek: Skunk Kitty!"

02-02-2002, 01:16 PM
I wonder if I would have handled it differently if it WAS a skunk!!!!! or a racoon.... or coyote (which are in the neighborhood)! :eek: :confused:

02-02-2002, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Sudilar
However, I am glad that neither of them went to bite the poor rabbit, only sniff him. :)


At first, Sophie and I weren't sure we wanted to read this--but I'm so glad everything turned out ok!!!! And it's a wonder you didn't get bit by the scared bunny!!! Congrats (and THANK YOU!) for saving the bunny!

02-02-2002, 01:49 PM
Glad everthing was ok!:D

02-02-2002, 05:21 PM
As I think more about it, I was wondering why DIDN'T Killian and Shiloh attack the rabbit? Isn't it instinct or prey drive that leads some very friendly, nice dogs to attack a smaller animal? I know how Shiloh reacts to smaller dogs (watches them like a hawk and barks at them), but why didn't she hurt the bird, chipmunk or rabbit? We're talking GSDs here. Killian seems to be an easy-going dog all around. Is it no prey drive? They do destroy their toy animals to shreds.

Any thoughts? carrie?.....anyone?

02-02-2002, 08:52 PM
They weren't hungry?

02-02-2002, 10:27 PM
i am juz really relieve they did not attack that bunny