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05-25-2005, 08:32 AM
Dog fight brewing over pit bull bylaw
Last updated May 25 2005 09:07 AM ADT

HALIFAX – A woman is pleading with Guysborough County officials to let her keep her beloved pit bull despite a ban on the breed.

Marilyn Cameron has had her dog Zeus for 13 years. When the bylaw banning the breed was introduced 10 years ago, she failed to register her pet.

Now bylaw enforcement officials say she has to give up her dog.

But Cameron says they better be ready for a fight.

"I asked my husband to lock the door and come pick me up at work. And I'll go to jail, because this dog is not leaving this yard.

"If this dog had of done something wrong, yes. But this dog, all he done is love a family and he greets everybody with a kiss when they come in."

Municipal warden Lloyd Hines says there's not much council can do. If Zeus had been registered, he says council may have been able to help.

"That would have provided an opportunity to deal with existing animals at that time. But that didn't occur, we weren't aware of the dog because it wasn't registered with us."

Cameron insists she was unaware of the bylaw or the need to register any of her dogs, and blames officials for not notifying people.

Council will deal with the issue Wednesday. Cameron plans to be there to plead Zeus' case.

05-25-2005, 09:24 AM
I saw the dog in question on the news and he is GORGEOUS!! He is a red colored pittie and even smiled for the cameraman doing the story,, he is the nicest dog ... its all soooo dumb!!!!

Suki Wingy
05-25-2005, 09:43 AM
:( stupid case that shouldn't even be a case!

05-25-2005, 10:23 AM
It wont ever end :(.

yesterday night on the news I overherd my parents listening to..

(man teared apart by pit bulles, arms were shredded, etc etc etc... )

it was sick. I walked out.

My dad hates pittie breeds because of their bad rep... My mom thinks its the owners fault..

I really am just discusted by all this pittie nonsence.. :( :(

05-25-2005, 10:24 AM
It makes me sick!
It is clearly igornant people,, and people who neglect their animal no matter what breed, i am sick to death of all the stereotyping!

I sure hope Zeus' case wins!

05-25-2005, 10:52 AM
oh my gosh! god forbid they let them keep the old dog. that is so dumb!:mad: