View Full Version : Both litters are on their way!

05-24-2005, 03:43 PM
As most know I have 1st pick out of 2 litters from my Aussie breeder.
The first litter is due May 29th! And they just confirmed the second litter, due July 10th!

I am really really ready for this pup. I litterally have EVERYTHING ready for the pup; bowls, leashes, collars, crates, toys and even the puppy classes are lined up. All I need is the food as I like it as fresh as possible and the pup.

Please keep your fingers & paws crossed for a healthy, safe & fast delivery for the moms!

finn's mom
05-24-2005, 03:49 PM
Are you getting a boy or a girl? Do you know what color? Have you picked out any names or are you waiting to meet your pup?

05-24-2005, 03:53 PM
Yes tell us more. Boy/Girl? Names?

05-24-2005, 09:00 PM
Congrats! Will there be pics of your pup? I hope you're getting a red merle, because that's my favourite colour Aussie. ;) My aunt and uncle are actually going to be getting an Aussie pup soon too.

05-24-2005, 10:38 PM
how exciting! i bet you just can't wait to bring your baby home!:D

05-25-2005, 01:17 AM
^_^ wow!! I'm SO excited for you!. . and excited for me, because I get to see adorrable fuzzy Aussie baby pics :p! I hope the deliveries go perfectly and you have a bunch of gorgeous babies to choose from. Choosing will probably be REALLY hard ;)

05-25-2005, 11:18 AM
Thanks everyone & YES I AM EXCITED!!!!!!

I am getting a boy.

I have the choice of either a red or blue merle. I'm hoping for a red but my main priority is his behavior/attitude.

I have a BUNCH of names picked out, both registered & call names, you can search back to last month & I'm sure you'll see 2-4 threads with a lot of the names I have lined up for him, and meanings for them as well.

I usually have trouble naming an animal before I meet it but this one name keeps coming to mind:
Tate (call name)
Rising Star's Right of Way (Rising Star is the kennel name & this would be his registered name)

I did name Nanook before I got him & that was the best choice I ever made so who knows. It may very well be Tate!

And YES I will have lots of pics to share, I'll even keep you's updated w/ the breeders pics from tiny tiny pups!

05-25-2005, 11:20 AM
how exciting!!
new puppy on the way!!!

expecting pics ;)