View Full Version : How Terribly Depressing :-(

05-24-2005, 09:48 AM
Five weeks back (on a Saturday) Leslie and I were trying to trap a very pregnant cat behind an elderly couples house. The people have a weird homemade shelter they put on the back deck for the cats, and it's very hard to see into it. I was putting a clean towel into it not realizing the cat we were trying to get had doubled around and gone back into the shelter. Next day she had given birth, and not in the shelter. For five weeks I/we were going back and forth trying to figure out where the mom cat had her litter hidden, and Sunday we finally were able to find them. She had the two remaining kittens under a piece of plywood that was lying on top of a cement slab about 8 feet away from the commuter line of the train! We lifted the board allowing mom to scramble out, and grabbed the gorgeous beige and white baby boy, and then netted the silver/white tabby brother who had crawled under the cement slab. Trapped mom, and I brought them back here where I have had a cage reserved for them. The bad news is both kittens are brain damaged, the beige baby can't even stand up. :( In another few weeks the babies would have tried following mom cat out, and they never would have made it across two sets of train tracks, and then up a very steep hill. through back yards, and then across a busy street. :eek: I am so torn as to what to do with the beige boy, though his brother is adoptable to the right home. Of course I'll try my best knowing that Eli was almost as bad off as this kitten, and I taught him how to stand, and balance himself. I don't know that this baby will ever be able to do as well. Both kittens heads bob up and down in slow motion...so sad to see. And all these weeks I've been worried about kids finding the kittens before we did. :( Mom sure had them in a secluded area...but thinking about what could have happened in a few weeks is dreadful. :rolleyes: :( There's no way they could even climb over the train rails, and in the morning the trains run non-stop. :(

finn's mom
05-24-2005, 09:50 AM
Oh, gosh, that is sad. :( poor little kittens.

05-24-2005, 09:54 AM
That is heart-breaking. Makes me sick to think about . . . poor babies! Keep us updated . . . Hope they're all right. :(

smokey the elder
05-24-2005, 09:56 AM
Those poor little kittens.:( Thanks for rescuing them.

05-24-2005, 10:00 AM
I'm so glad you found them! I have wondered sometimes if the boy I took from a kill shelter here a few months ago is brain damaged a little as he sometimes walks sideways and looks at you funny.... I know he was trapped wild but he must have been domestic at some point since he is at least 2 years old and very sweet loverboy. It is really neat that you were able to teach the other one and that you take so much time with them. It is an inspiration and everytime I get a little frustrated I remember how much you all do and realize how worth it it is... :) Debbie

05-24-2005, 10:57 AM
Jan that is so sad!:( He must really be bad to make you wonder what you should do about him. We all know that you never give up and seem to work some amazing miracles. Maybe this is one that you just can't save.:( Only you know and we all know that you will do what is right and best for these babies. Sometimes doing the best thing is the hardest thing of all.
Let us know what you decide and God Bless you for being the caring and loving person that you are.
Gentle {{{HUGS}}} to the little ones.

05-24-2005, 11:01 AM
Jan I don't know how you do it. My heart breaks just reading about these kittens and you have to deal with it in person. (((hugs)) for being the person that you are. You are an amazing woman. I hope and pray that all turns out OK.

05-24-2005, 11:42 AM
So very very sad. Glad that you found them and I hope that they will be OK. I am sure that under your care they will improve. Thank you for all that you do, you are truly a wonderful person.

05-24-2005, 12:55 PM
This is VERY sad.Poor babies.:( :(

05-24-2005, 01:05 PM
And all these weeks I've been worried about conjunctivis with all the rain! That was the least of my worries it seems. :( I was very surprised at how healthy both babies look considering it's rained 3 out of 7 days for weeks now. :rolleyes: And now I know where I got that horrid poison ivy I had all over my arms etc. last month..it's everywhere I looked! :rolleyes: :eek: I've never seen a more screwed up kitten in all the years I've been finding pitiful waifs...and I've seen it all, and usually managed to deal with it all till now.:(

05-24-2005, 01:06 PM
Oh Jan, how very sad indeed. Thank God that you got them before they were hit by a train. If nothing else, they will pass in your loving care. I hope they will be ok ... but if not, thank you for giving them a love-filled and respectable passing.


05-24-2005, 01:31 PM
We are praying,that you can help,the Two Little Kittens.At least,they are in the hands,of a Kitten Rescue Veteran,who,will do,what she can,for those Two Little Babies.We know,that you will do,what you can,for them,as You Are Our Hero.


05-26-2005, 07:52 PM
Hi QueenScoopalot! I just read your post about the little brain damaged babies. That is so heartbreaking! It is a comfort to know the babies are in such caring hands. Many blessings to you for all the kitties you take in and care for. Be assured that these babies will be in my prayers

By the way, a few weeks back you told us about Pat and the problems she was having with her brother and someone in her apartment complex. How is she doing? Have things worked out okay for her?

05-26-2005, 10:47 PM
Oh Jan, how sad. I'm glad these two are in such good hands and I know you will do all that is possibly human for them.

Prayers on the way for you and for the little kitty.

05-27-2005, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by momcat
Hi QueenScoopalot! I just read your post about the little brain damaged babies. That is so heartbreaking! It is a comfort to know the babies are in such caring hands. Many blessings to you for all the kitties you take in and care for. Be assured that these babies will be in my prayers

By the way, a few weeks back you told us about Pat and the problems she was having with her brother and someone in her apartment complex. How is she doing? Have things worked out okay for her?
Thanks for the well wishes Momcat etc. I'm still so torn as to which way to go with the beige baby. :( He's absolutely perfect looking as he lays there washing his little paws, but when he attempts to walk...:( I can't see how he'd even be able to use a litterpan, or even pee pads. Momcat things have been very quiet since I read Paul the 'roit act'. He's not related to Pat, nor does he live in her building, but the maintenance man for both places knows Paul and buys drugs from him. :rolleyes: Pat's got a new lock on her door, and the only person with access to her apt. is the only trusted maintenance man for the company.;)
Here's the two relocated sweeties freshly detoxed...
Handsome boy that I rescued so long ago I forget where he came from!
And his lovely sister.....I'll try to get pic of the babies soon, but, but their mother is very protective! She'll be TNR as soon as I see the babies eat wet food. ;)