View Full Version : What size is YOUR Pet's BRAIN ???

01-31-2002, 04:39 PM
Dunno, Dad ~ This might not go over too good ~ :rolleyes:...

http://toons.mydailycartoon.com/mdc/toons/013102.jpg from Friskies

When ebber we do sumpin *stoopid*, Dad allus looks at us an sez: "You Pin-Head!"

How much stuff have you guyz gotz in yer Brain Buckets??

:D :D :D

01-31-2002, 04:59 PM
Yes folks...wittle bitty Sophie has a brain larger than mine!:o

Soph's VERY project oriented...put her in the cage for chewing something (shoes, pillows, shower curtain:rolleyes: )...does she forget about it in time out? OH NO! When you let her out, she's right back at it again! A very, very focused and determined furry individual.
Zippy = blonde. Need I say more? (Hush Phred! lol:D )

01-31-2002, 05:39 PM
My estimate is that it's roughly the size of a peanut. Relatively small head, huge sensory apparatus, a bit of fur ... not much room left. Have you really looked at their heads when they yawn? Most of the head is mouth.

When it comes to singleness of purpose, they have me beat but us that the point on this poll?

01-31-2002, 08:44 PM
Unshelled walnut. It is possible cats use more of their capacity than humans, but I'm sure Buster zones out just as much as I do.

01-31-2002, 08:57 PM
My husband and I disagree on this poll. He says "Pinhead" and I think they are just "Selectively Intelligent" ;)

01-31-2002, 11:30 PM
I know for a fact that every single one of mine, including the new bird, is "one up" on me!!! LOL!!! They are too smart for their own good!! :)

Former User
02-01-2002, 01:55 AM
LOL, what a topic!
Casper and Kitty always out do me, so their brains are bigger than mine....:D :rolleyes:

02-01-2002, 04:13 AM
In the beginning I had to think hard about this one then I thought that my pets have found a way of:

1. Living in a nice house
2. Eat what they chose to eat
3. Be more spoiled than possible
4. Sleep, play or do what they want when they want (if not always often :) )
5. Not to go out every day to go to work
6. Make me full of guilt with just one look (they got this down to perfection)
7. Have servants running around for them

and the list could go on... Well, I would not call them stupid!!!:D :D

So I came to the conclusion that their brain is bigger than mine since I still have to go to work every day, do my own shopping and cleaning...

C.C.'s Mom
02-01-2002, 06:48 AM
Just one look in Rudie's eyes, and you know it's completely empty up there. He has a big question mark hanging above his head. I'm absolutely positive that there's not much going on!

Eddy is smarter, much smarter. She's a very wise cat.

Cookie? Hmmmm, I always her 'silly noodle'. At the moment she's not the brightest.

02-01-2002, 07:12 AM
They're all smarter than I think they are - never a dull moment, they're always working on a new antic. It's probably a good thing we don't always know what they're thinking.:)

02-01-2002, 10:03 AM
I could not measure in inches or ounces, but I know they are smarter than many people I know. ;)

02-01-2002, 10:29 AM
This made me think about all of the cats that have owned me.

And then, I thought about all of the humans that have come and gone in my home and how these cats reacted to each person.

There have been times when they just got up and left the room....how is that for a statement? It hasn't happened very often, but it always amazed me. How did they know that this wasn't a person they wanted to "hang" out with?

So brain size? Bigger than mine!

02-01-2002, 10:39 AM
Gini, your post reminds me of my kitkat Max (RB). He HATED my boyfriend of the time...would NOT let me out of his sight while myboyfriend was at the house (even tried to attack him on one occassion!) That kitty knew something I didn't! Puppy-love turned sour and 'sweet boyfriend' turned into a stalker (literally)! YIKES! How'd Max know that?!

On a more humorous note, this bunny of mine is a laugh a minute! She KNOWS how to push certain people's buttons. Had a 'prospective boyfriend' come over. Sophie was runnin' around the house. He was terrified of my bun-bun! lol Would shy away if she tried to sniff him. He sat on the couch and I REPEATEDLY removed her from the couch. Left to go get us something to drink from the kitchen and heard a scream:eek: ! Went runnin' into the living room and busted up laughing! There was Miss Sophie Bunny sitting on the poor guy's HEAD! lol "HI MOM!" Yes, that's when she earned the nickname Bonecrusher.:D

02-01-2002, 12:37 PM
Your stories of how pets know people reminded me of something that happened to me.
Some years ago I had to have a production meeting at my house; three men came over, two staff people and a graduate student. After everybody sat down, I let my Golden, Irina, come to the porch. She went to greet two of them, looked at the third one-a very nasty,mean and petty person-and walked away without even wagging her tail.:cool: Either she knew how I felt about this person or she reached her own conclusions.;)

02-01-2002, 12:50 PM
I agree with Gio's theory, LOL!!
I'm not that smart!

02-01-2002, 01:53 PM
Dogs and cats are incredibly perceptive - you can pretty much count on a person being who they really are by the way a furbaby reacts to them - I can always take it to heart.

02-01-2002, 02:26 PM
Between the 6 dogs now living at my house and the four cats:rolleyes:I would say they run through the entire list. Two of the dogs are definate pin-heads (and that's what we call them, well - my son calls them something else :o)some are totally brilliant :cool: and some just think they are ;)

02-01-2002, 02:27 PM
:( :o Oh, MOST cats and dogs like me... But Leo, the chow two doors down definately does NOT. (Oh well, I guess I average out to a part time stinker -- and sadly, I am some times. :rolleyes: :cool: :D )

02-02-2002, 03:20 AM
OK I'm still giggley on this one...51 down in Friday's crossword..the clue is: "Buns atop heads" and after reading Zip's story all I could think of was MIZ SOPHIE :D :p :D started laughing out loud on the subway and got some REALLY strange looks....(the real answer was "UPDOS" ;) This is for real:D laurie
p.s. it's 4:15 a.m. and I see I'm the only "pin-head" on the board:o

02-02-2002, 12:55 PM

02-05-2002, 12:20 PM
Maybe it could be called...


02-05-2002, 12:49 PM
All of my animals' brains are bigger than mine!

Nice pun Gini :D :D :D

02-05-2002, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by gini
Maybe it could be called...


:D :D :D

01-13-2003, 05:19 PM
I'd say that Fisters must be the size of a walnut - at least! He's got a lot more than 2 brain cells to shift around. He actually has us excatly where he wants to - at all times. :rolleyes:

How much other stuff he has left is a completely other matter. :D

01-13-2003, 05:44 PM
Depends on which dog we're talking about here .....

If Keito could type, he could get a PhD.

On the other hand ... if Georgie were to shake his head too hard, I think his brain might fall out his ear onto the floor.

The other dogs are somewhere between Keito the Genius and Georgie the Idiot-Savant.


01-13-2003, 07:22 PM
Miss Hoppy is a little bunny, so her physical brain is probably somewhat larger than a walnut still in its shell. But she is much smarter than most people expect a bunny to be. She is very good at figuring things out. No "dumb bunny" here!