View Full Version : Fritz had a good time

05-22-2005, 10:06 AM
Fritz had a good time yesterday with his Auntie.Should have seen greet them.Auntie Bev picked Fritz up,kissed her all over her face.i got a picture of that and he climbed over her head to Auntie Irene who was right behind Bev and gave her licks and kisses.Then he sat on the floor and begged for treats he knew they bring with them.Got them from Auntie Irene,then Auntie Bev where he walked on his back feet which was quite the thing.Shortly after that he went on one of his many walks with them.On one of those walks he met a lady with some kids and he greeted them and he also met a few dogs including hi girlfriend Gracie,another Bichon who growled at him.Apparently she picked up this from another dog she lives with,a Jack Russell terrier.The other dog was a rottweiler,I don't think he likes them too much.After every walk ,he runs like a wild man to the couch where he wil end up staring at Auntie irene 's pocket for his treats.He sat up for it once and i got a picture of that.We went pout for supper later and we left fritz guarding the house from his his favorite place,the bay window.When we got back,he was waiting at the back door for us and then went for another walk.All these walks tired him out and he finally had a sleep.This morning,he had a couple of walks with them,had toast dipped in coffee,even drank a little of it from a saucer.He even drinks tea,so he is not fussy on what he likes to drink.He didn't like them leaving,but they will be back for his birthday and my mother's on June 3rd.They are even bringing cake on that day,so fritz will have a little treat he deserves.They are only staying for the day as they have to get back home .Apparently Prince Edward of Great Britain will be visiting the area.He once attended school outside of peterborough,Ontario in Lakefield.He is also going to the church where fritz's Aunties go to so that's why they aren't staying longer.i'm hoping to have those new pictures of fritz today and we will take more when fritz's birthday comes.He's tuckered out today and he's been sleeping on my bed since the Aunties left and is now sitting in the front window.So that is Fritz's weekend and he will rest up for their next visit.

Ginger's Mom
05-22-2005, 12:28 PM
Aw, that is nice. I am glad that Fritz had a nice visit with his Aunties. And they will be back to see him again in two weeks. :) Can't wait to see the pictures from the visit.

Daisy and Delilah
05-22-2005, 12:44 PM
Oh Fritz!! It sounds like a good time was had by all. We're so happy you enjoyed yourself so much with the Aunties. Everyone loves you Fritz!! Get some rest so you'll be all set for your birthday!! Have a good day Fritzie!!:D :D

Love, Daisy, and Delilah:)

05-22-2005, 12:51 PM
oooo! i've never been to KING's birthday party.....:p