View Full Version : Uh oh!!!

01-31-2002, 10:19 AM
Notice that all of our signatures are gone again??? :( I went to www.photogra.com and it won't come up, says it "can't find it"! Hope this is something temporary, or we'll be starting all over again!!!!

I did notice that some signatures are showing up. Sllepnir and Souraya, and Niina, where are your pictures stored? Now this is a mystery!!!! :D

01-31-2002, 10:38 AM
I can see your signature pics, Logan. Hey, aren't you supposed to be working.

signed: anonymous person who should also be working

oops, now they are gone again!

01-31-2002, 10:39 AM
Why's these??? :confused:

01-31-2002, 10:41 AM
HOORay! it came out, hope it won't disappear, i just had my sig pic a couple of days ago!!!

01-31-2002, 11:02 AM
When Logan first posted - the site WAS down.

But Thummys stored on Photogra DID show up IF you had visited a Pet Talk page previously and an image (or thummy) was still stored in your computer's memory.

Within the last few minutes - the Photogra.com site seems to have returned to full functionality.

OMG! What a scare!

Hope it was just a little internet *snag* !


01-31-2002, 11:21 AM
I guess I was operating on that "glass half empty" theory!! Too gunshy, I guess after our webshots fiasco!!! I'm glad they're back!!! Sorry if I alarmed anyone. Phred, you can kill this whole post if you like.

Logan :)

And yes Mama Rachel, I should be working :o !!! But now it is lunchtime, so I have a better excuse!!! LOL!!

01-31-2002, 11:46 AM
Logan, since YOU started the thread, you can delete yourself, if you wish.

Cinder & Smoke
01-31-2002, 11:59 AM
I'd suggest we leave it - not hurting anything...

Annnnnd - we *might :(* need it again. (Sure HOPE not!)


01-31-2002, 12:10 PM
I'll leave it!! And I will stop thinking so negatively!!! LOL!!

02-01-2002, 10:22 AM
I'm glad you are all so happy with Photogra.com.
I had nothing but problems with them.:mad:
Although all my pictures are saved as JPG, and have the .JPG extension written with the name, every time I tried to upload a photo I get this message:"We only accept .JPG or .GIF formatted files." Also, when they finally accepted a .GIF graphic my album doesn't open, no matter how many times I click on the icon.:confused: They always return me to the home page.
I checked on their "help on line" and also sent them three e-mails, which they have not answer yet.
Could it be my system is not compatible with theirs? I use Nescape 4.7 and can't upgrade to Netscape 6 because is meant for a later Mac OS system.Any words of wisdom? I don't know what else to try :(

02-01-2002, 03:09 PM
I've had somewhat similar problems with some photos that were in .bmp format which I ran through a 'translating' program that was supposed to convert them to .jpg format.

MY puter let me store them as .jpg format after the conversion. Tried to upload them to WebShots and Photogra and even Pet Talk - everybody said they were NOT in .jpg format and I couldn't upload them. MY puter "thought" they were in .jpg and seemed to handle them as .jpg - but no other sites would. The point? Maybe your puter just "thinks" your photos are in .jpg when in fact the ARE in another format.

Try this: Can you get Photogra.com to let you 'open' a new album? If you can - *steal* a photo off Pet Talk and *save* it onto your hard drive in .jpg. Then try to upload it onto your new, empty album at Photogra.com.

If Photogra allows you to upload the photo - you'll know that your puter is processing .jpg format OK and that there MUST be something odd with the other photos that Photogra refused to accept.

If you have editing software; try loading the photos into the editor and then output them back to your hard drive as .jpg format. Then try again onto Photogra.

02-02-2002, 11:23 AM
Thanks Phred!
I'll try that, and I'll also try to convert some pictures to .GIF and see what happens.
Love to the kids.:D

02-03-2002, 10:27 PM
Argh is the site down again? Nothing but broken links all over Pet Talk!

Hmm, yup it seems to be down. :mad:

02-03-2002, 11:07 PM
Phew, back to normal again!