View Full Version : RIP Speedy

05-21-2005, 08:10 PM
Well, I don't know what to say. I am in utter SHOCK!!! I am so confused, angry, sad, scared...it's like i have no emotion anymore. I don't know how to deal with all of this. I found Speedy last night, right after he died. He was curled up in the corner of his cage, and I thought he was sleeping. He wasn't. :( I really tried for him. He was doing SOOOOO good! And the sad thing is he was growing sweeter by the day. He used to be so grumpy, and about a week ago he was out and was so comfortable he didn't have his quills up at all. He'd never done that before. I fought so hard to save his life. I really did try for you Speedy. I am so sorry I failed you. I did the best I could, and even though you were a grump you had such a unique personality and I loved you so much. I really miss you. I love you so much you don't even know, and I wanted you to get better. I am thankful you trusted me towards the end. That meant so much to me. I will always think of you and remember the funny times we had. Like when Eli stuck his finger into the cage and you went crazy trying to lick it, and then slobbered all over your back, LOL. You were so silly sometimes you know that? I will miss you and love you forever. Flower and Spike say hello, and they hope you are enjoying the endless supply of waxworms and toilet paper rolls at the bridge. :(

Attached is a photo of Speedy doing what he does best, being a grump. =P

05-21-2005, 08:12 PM
RIP Speedy :(

05-21-2005, 08:13 PM
RIP Speedy :( Play hard at the RB

05-21-2005, 08:18 PM
I can only imagine what he's doing there right now, LOL. Hogging the food bowls, and being happy he never has to have a bath again. heh. Not to mention eating as much as his little heart can handle, chasing butterflies. Speedy, you are great!!!

Suki Wingy
05-22-2005, 01:08 AM
have fun at the RB Speedy!

05-22-2005, 12:14 PM
RIP sweet Speedy. :(

Buddy Blaze Lover
05-22-2005, 01:34 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry about Speedy!! He was a really cute hedgehog!:( RIP dear Speedy, I know you will be missed!!:(

05-22-2005, 03:11 PM
Thank you all so much for wishing Speedy farewell. I cried very hard while typing all of that out, and to make matters worse today I found out Gordy had been cheating on me for the past month, and has said some very horrible things about me. :( It's just not my month I guess.

05-22-2005, 07:46 PM
I'm so sorry. :( You didn't fail him, by the way! You did all you could, and it's all that matters. Clearly he was very well loved, it was just his time to go. Rest In Peace, Speedy. Have fun on the RB. :( Again I'm really sorry. *hug*

05-22-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Thank you all so much for wishing Speedy farewell. I cried very hard while typing all of that out, and to make matters worse today I found out Gordy had been cheating on me for the past month, and has said some very horrible things about me. :( It's just not my month I guess.

{{{hugs}}} :( It will all get better eventually

05-24-2005, 08:14 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry. *hugs* I hope you're doing okay.

05-31-2005, 05:18 PM
:eek: I thought I posted this ages ago! or somewhere?? :confused: glad I checked in again to see how you are doing..

so sorry you lost him!! unbelievable for me...I've been hearing the "getting better" news and now this, he didn't make it... :( (?!?) :(

I'm sure you'd want him to know you were his last guardian and you could do all you could! :)



how are you doing?