View Full Version : Tempermant Testing

05-21-2005, 11:18 AM
Interesting test for dogs. I know Smokey would not pass some
parts of the test, but I think Maggie would do great. Has anyone
ever had their dog tested?


05-21-2005, 01:39 PM
Gonzo would sooooo not pass the Gunshot part. :p OMG no. I wouldn't even want to put him through that, he hates gunshots and fireworks and hides behind me when he hears them ^_~

The aggressive stranger part would also freak him out, he'd probably bark at him. That is a pretty difficult test, way harder than the CGC! :eek:

05-21-2005, 02:12 PM
Interesting. Most of my dogs would fail, mainly because there are a number of shy ones.

I don't like that the handler can't talk to the dog. I can get my super-timid boys through a lot of things without incident if I can talk to them. They look to me for reassurance.

05-21-2005, 04:45 PM
Mine wouldn't be phased by any of these situations, but Autumn would jump away from the umbrella it opened suddenly.

05-21-2005, 04:55 PM
Kodie would pass that with flying colours,lol.
Lucy is shy around strangers,thats probably it though.

05-21-2005, 07:07 PM
My dogs would fail.
When it comes to the gun shot both my
dogs would fail.
Sheba would not like any strange footing and
Rocky would not take to kindly to an aggressive stranger.

05-21-2005, 07:32 PM
In reading the gun shot part again, I know Smokey would panic
and not recover well. Maggie would react to it, but I think she
could recover a lot faster.


" Failure on any part of the test is recognized when a dog shows panic, strong avoidance without recovery or unprovoked aggression."

05-22-2005, 08:16 AM
I think my only dogs that would pass would be Mini and Jack
Micki absolutely hates strange men/people
Shadow is terrified of loud noises
Kyra is just a stink and thinks she is a terrifing guard dog then she would hide behind me...
It does sound like a difficult test!

05-22-2005, 08:54 AM
dalmatians are never supposed to be "shy", but when we're stuck in a situation where its wall-to-wall people we describe Jillian as "shy" so people leave her alone. Shes not shy, she doesnt cower or anything like that, she just doesnt want to be touched by strangers. she will run away when someone refuses to listen to us and goes for her :rolleyes:

Frankie wouldnt pass loud noises, sudden movement from objects, etc. But Frankie never meets a stranger, we've thought of looking into therapy work for him.

05-22-2005, 09:14 AM
I did this with my Giant Schnauzer 2 yrs ago. She passed with flying colors. :D
I thought the first half of the test was very similar to CGC. It's not till the end that you get into the more "difficult" parts. At our test, firing a gun was not allowed in the town so they had to improvise by clapping to pieces of wood together. It worked well enough.
The stranger part goes against what the breed was bred for and training. This is quoted from the site...

"The stranger is never closer than 10 feet from the dog. The handler's 2 foot arm and the 6' lead is added in for a total of 18 feet. Aggression here is checked against the breed standard and the dog's training. A schutzhund trained dog lunging at the stranger is allowed, but if an untrained Siberian husky does the same, it may fail."

05-22-2005, 10:54 AM
I thought the breed stats were interesting too. They even had
a classification for mixed breed dogs.Each breed is classified by
pass percentage rate for the test.


05-22-2005, 11:29 AM
Happy would pass with flying colours as there are no dog to dog interactions involved in the test. Misty however... lol the umbrella would turn her into a barking idiot lol and the gun shots would scare the hell of of her, there is no way I would put her through that when I KNOW how terrified she is of that type of sound, the stranger friendly with the dog test she would pass easy though lol she would be like "yay! you came to visit me! I love you and love your and love you, oooo pet me pet me!" lol. Blair would fail almost every part of it lol I took him for a walk last saterday and he was so scared, it was his first ever encounter with strollers and wagons and bikes as my mom does not walk him she just takes him the the sport building for exersize so he has never had the chance to encounter those kind of things. Ripley I think the gun shots would scare him and he would bark at the unbrulla but otherwise be fine, Perky, I have no idea lol

05-23-2005, 03:42 AM
I don't think my 2 would pass. Sadie is scared of new people and Maggie well she might do okay, but I doubt it. They look to me as well for reassurance, Sadie mostly. The test sounds really hard.

05-23-2005, 05:54 AM
Interesting. I would love to see how Katie would do. She MIGHT pass. I am 100% certain that Tori would fail. That girl is my little freak ;).

05-23-2005, 11:02 AM
I think Murph and Maddie would pass pretty easily. Those two are just unbelievably adaptable to new situations and no worries about strange people at all. Everybody's their friend. Now if they'd tested dog aggression, that'd be a different story.

Oz and Gull, I dunno. Oz would definitely react to the loud noises. So I guess it would depend on the interpretation of recovery time. He doesn't like loud noises, tries to get in my lap, but he's fine as soon as the noise stops. Doubtful, Gull would walk on the wire. I had trouble getting him on the metal table for weighing at the vet the other day and then had trouble with going out the back door when he slipped on the hard wood floor. He's very particular about his footing.

And I'm pretty sure, neither would be passive about a whacked out stranger approaching me threateningly. So again it would be based on their interpretation of what's acceptable in that event. I've no doubt they'd both be barking and would most likely have their hair raised. But it is part of their breeding to be protective, so it would be an unfair expectation of me for them not to bark.


05-23-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by ParNone

And I'm pretty sure, neither would be passive about a whacked out stranger approaching me threateningly. So again it would be based on their interpretation of what's acceptable in that event. I've no doubt they'd both be barking and would most likely have their hair raised. But it is part of their breeding to be protective, so it would be an unfair expectation of me for them not to bark.


I wonder why they don't test them with other dogs? I think I
understand why, but not completely. All dogs are supposedly
judged by breed for standard temperment of that breed.So
breeds known as protective natured would not be faulted for
showing that character under needful circumstances.