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View Full Version : A question for those who have both cats and fish...

05-20-2005, 09:08 PM
Are your cats obsessed with fishfood?? Marigold doesn't really pay much attention to the fish tank, except when I am ready to feed Tiny Tim. THEN she goes nuts, begging and begging for fish food. She bats the container around the counter (so cute!) and purrs, and merrows at the top of her voice. I don't know whether to tell her no, or give in and sprinkle a little on her food. :confused: :p

05-20-2005, 09:20 PM
I feed CiCilia Hikari Cichlid food...it comes in bags similair to cat treats, so my cats are always interested when I feed the fish.

But I've never let them close to the bag...I KNOW they'd eat the whole thing! ;)

05-21-2005, 12:11 AM
ALL of my cats are obsessed with fish food. They constantly try to eat it and have broken into the containers more than once :rolleyes: I try to keep it hidden away in cabinets, but sometimes they still manage to find it, bust it open, and eat it.

05-21-2005, 07:39 PM
Pouncer,was the Cat version,of The Late Gaddabout Gaddis,as she truly loved,to fish,and caught and ate a Goldfish,at a Friends Party.She wouldnt believe,taht the Fish,committed Suicide,oddly enough.


05-21-2005, 07:50 PM
Lets just say that Pouncer attacked his fair share of cans of fishfood. He was definately obsessed with it. And obsessed with making his own sushi, which is why we no longer have fish.