View Full Version : Saying Goodbye to Noel, Samson & Hermione :(

05-20-2005, 06:50 PM
This part is bittersweet. :( While I'm running screaming away from thier daddy, I'm really going to miss them.

I'm confident that David will take good care of them. I bought them a bag of food, will clean their litter boxes and toy box, have organized their vet records and am providing David with a new vet thats local to him...they're all set.

I'm going to miss those three. :(

Here are a few pictures...and my "goodbye" to them.

My first tortie...my very special girl. You are one of my favorites and I'd have taken you with me, but I know how much your daddy loves and charishes you. Now that I'm leaving, you'll be the princess of the house and daddy is very good at keeping you in that status. Please take care of him...keep him in line too. I'll miss you so dearly, sweet girl.

Love, Your meowmie
She was chasing her tail up there...
P.S. I know you'll be so happy without Basie and Phoebe pestering you. Please look out for your brother and sister. You're the top cat now...enjoy it, you deserve it! ♥ xoxoxo

You are as sweet as pie...sweeter!! I know I'm not your favorite hooman, but I do love you dearly and will miss you. You have such a gentle heart...thank you for that. Look out for your daddy...he loves you to pieces.

Love, meowmie
P.S. I know you'll miss your sister, but Hermione is just as good. Have fun! :)

You're now second in line for "top cat" and "princess" in your daddy's house. I know you love him, just as much as he loves you, little girl. I hope that with more one-on-one attention, you'll feel more comfortable soon. I'll miss your night time cuddling sessions, sweetie. Make sure daddy keeps up with that.

Love, meowmie

:( So bittersweet. I had intended on staying in touch with David, but don't think that's such a good idea anymore. I know they'll be very well taken care of...David loves those three emensely. I'm just going to miss them.


05-20-2005, 06:53 PM
Oh Kelly, I have tears in my eyes. This has to be so hard. We will all miss seeing these 3 babies, but I am confident they will be safe and happy. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

05-20-2005, 07:01 PM
Gosh, this really got to me too. :( This definitely is a bittersweet moment, and I'm sorry that you and David are likely to not stay in touch, so I know you will miss these 3 darlings.
I'm glad that you're confident in the fact that David will take good care of them though, so they should be in good hands. You're doing what's right for everyone involved: you, David and the kitties and that's what matters most.

Lots of love and **hugs**

05-20-2005, 07:05 PM
Maybe as time passes and things settle down your outlook on each other will be different. You both might be able to communicate in a civil manner.

05-20-2005, 07:26 PM
Out of reality space
And out of real time
But not far from your heart
Or out of your mind

They know that.
Be strong.

05-20-2005, 07:54 PM

I know how difficult it is to leave those precious furkids. But think of it as a new beginning. At least you know that they will be well taken care of.

((((((HUGS))))))))) to you honey and good luck in your move!!



05-20-2005, 08:05 PM
Thanks, guys. I think that while its very sad, and I'll miss them, its not as bad as it could be. David is the one who introduced me to cats...so you all know they're in good hands.

Kelly :)

05-20-2005, 08:08 PM
I couldn't post first when I read this as I couldn't see the keyboard to do so. I know it soo soo hard to say good-bye and you will miss them soo much. But it seems they are in very capable and good loving hands. You have to do what is best for all involved and that includes you and the kitties. Good luck with your new start.


05-20-2005, 10:16 PM
Oh gosh, bittersweet is right. It is comforting though, knowing that Noel, Samson & Hermione will be in a loving home with David.

I pray that the Noah, Micah, Basil, Jonah & Phoebe will help ease your pain on missing the other three.

((((((HUGS)))))) Kelly and I hope and pray that everything well go smoothly for you, from here on in.

Take care

05-20-2005, 10:21 PM
Kelly I know this has to be so very hard on you even though you know that they will be well loved and cared for. I'm sure you will miss them very much. I know you have put so much thought into your choices and decisions and you know in your heart that you are doing the right thing. Sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest of all.
We will miss them too but we know they are loved and you will find peace in that too.

05-20-2005, 11:57 PM
Oh Kelly my heart hurts for you....

I know they will be in great hands.

take care sweetie

05-21-2005, 12:18 AM
I know that it's hard for you to part with them but at least you know that they'll be in good hands with David. I hope that everything goes well with your move and that Noah, Basie, Micah, Phoebe, and Jonah will continue to give you all the love you need and that everything in your life becomes happy and joyful again. Please take care.

05-21-2005, 12:19 AM
Thanks for the support, guys. :)

05-21-2005, 07:18 AM
So sorry to hear your having to make this tough decision. I am sure they will be well looked after.

Good luck with your move too.

Nicki x

05-21-2005, 07:43 AM
Yes, you'll miss them Kelly, but you know they're well taken of. :) I hope what Craftlady says will happen.

Good luck in your new place!

05-21-2005, 03:21 PM
Kelly I can not imagine how hard this was for you. It will get easier in time and I'm pretty sure you know in your heart that it was the best thing to do for them. (((hugs))) Meg

05-21-2005, 03:33 PM
(((((Kelly)))))), my heart breaks for you!!!! This is so very hard!

I also hope Craftlady is right, thinking you will never see them again is just too cruel.

We will miss these three at PetTalk here, but that's nothing compared to the loss you're going through right now. Your last words for them are so full of love that it makes me cry here.


05-21-2005, 07:49 PM
Sometimes,You have to know,when to let them go.Roscoe,was not really happy here,and Found a New Furr Ever Home,on the next street over.I know,that he has a good home,as the Lady catches,the Bus,once,in a while,and she says,that Dancer,as she renamed him,is A Indoor Cat.Roscoe,was living,on the Porch,and indoors,for a while,and then diappeared.Thats great News,as I was afraid,taht he was lost.and Nugget,is Lucky,and splits his time,on Beach Road,and The Porch,where he loves the Food.You did well,for The Cats,and now they are in their Great Furr Everr Home,where they will be Happy Cats.


05-21-2005, 07:54 PM
Oh Kelly, this has to be the hardest thing for you. I know you would never be leaving them with him if you had even the slightest doubt that he'd shower them with as much love and attention they deserve. {{{HUGS}}}}

05-21-2005, 08:24 PM
Good thoughts for you and for them. Move on and move up, Kelly. I wish only the best for you, the kitties, and for your husband. Life goes on and the bitterness does diminish, I promise. I have a very good and reasonable relationship with Helen's father and stepmother these days. I know you don't have children, but it would be good to eventually find some peace. I hope you will.


05-21-2005, 08:39 PM
I'm so sorry. :( This must be so hard for you, Kelly. (hugs)

05-21-2005, 08:57 PM
Kelly, I know you are going to miss these 3 ... but like you said, they are staying with Daddy. Hope you and David can communicate a bit in the future ... but my experience says don't count on it! ((HUGS)) to you and your new life ... congrats on your new apartment!


05-22-2005, 01:38 AM
It was hard leaving them this morning...especially when they were already freaked out with us moving everything..and with the other five in carriers...crying. :(

David called and said that when he got home, Noel was walking around the apartment crying. :( Ugh...that's so horrible.

But, I know that with time, they'll be MUCH happier! What cat wouldn't with all that extra attention.

Thanks again for your support. My 5 are all moved in...the only one having a hard time is my Basie Bee...but I anticipated that.


Maya & Inka's mommy
05-22-2005, 03:18 AM
Basie will come around too, Kelly! Try not to worry to hard about the other 3 who leaving. They will learn to appreciate their new life fast; as long they know where the food, the litterbox, and the treats are ;) ;) . After a while you might even organize "exchanging days"; wouldn't THA be neat:)

05-22-2005, 04:55 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that these wonderful cuties are leaving your life. Hugs and purrs to you from Indy and I.

05-22-2005, 05:18 AM
I just saw this post and have been brought to tears. I can't imagine staying so upbeat when your heart must be breaking.

{{love, prayers, hugs, and strength to you, my friend!}}

05-22-2005, 05:55 AM
This must have been heartbreaking- but being three they will have lots if fun and be happy with all that extra attention. I also hope that after some time has passed you can talk to each other without hurting.:)