View Full Version : saying goodbye to Roxy

05-20-2005, 04:56 PM
My cat Roxy has been with me for 3 years. She came to me after she had gotten sick and her previous owner no longer wanted her. Roxy had gotten sick after obtaining a toxic skink and she has had neurological problems since.
About 3 weeks ago she started getting worse. She's had a very difficult time walking. I took her to the vet and they gave her a steroid shot. The shot helped, but only for a few days. I took her back to the vet and they put her on prednisone and an antibiotic. Last night she got really bad. She got a bloody nose and was having labored breathing. She can't walk at all. She won't eat or drink on her own (I've been force feeding her today). I took her to the vet again and they did blood work, think she may have a brain tumor in addition to her neurological problems. They can't be sure with out further testing. The vet said there isn't anything more they can do. Even if it's only her neurological problems they've done everything they can. The vet talked to us about taking her to a neurological specialist. The vet said the specialist would be able to tell us exactly what is wrong with Roxy, but probably wouldn't be able to help her any further. The vet sent us home to make a decision. We decided that taking this any further will just cause suffering for Roxy. Tomorrow we have an appointment at 8:30 to have her PTS.

Here is a picture of Roxy.

05-20-2005, 05:28 PM
{{Hugs}} Poor Roxy. You gave her an additional three wonderful years of life that her former owners were not willing to give her. I am sorry about the tough decision you had to make.

05-20-2005, 05:39 PM
Oh, I am SO sorry to hear that Roxy is being called to the bridge so young! I know how painful this decision is, and how much you must be hurting right now - as is Roxy.

I recently lost my heart- dog, Tristan, to lymphoma in January. He was only 5, we had 'rescued' him at age 2 - so like you, we had only had him 3 short and precious years. We had fought his cancer with every possible treatment. However, like you are finding now, the time came when I had to face the hard truth that Tristan was telling me it was time to let him go. Because I DID love him so very much, The last gift I could give him was to let him die peacefully, without pain, held close and loved, by the person who loved him best - me.

There are people who will tell you that animals have no souls - I pity those people, because they have obviously never truly known the love, joy and devotion that comes from sharing your life with a pet. I can't believe that God could create such loving andloyal creatures and not provide them with some reward for the gift of love that they share with us.

Hold Roxy tonite, and love her, let your tears flow - and she will probably kiss them away if she is able. Tomorrow, set her free - free to cross the Rainbow Bridge - with no more pain or confusion - to wait for you.

Though we can't be there in person to support you at this sad time - know that I and everyone else here on the board will be thinking of you and Roxy thru this sad night and morning - and will be with you, holding you both in our hearts and prayers.

may you both find the peace you deserve



05-20-2005, 05:51 PM
God bless you for loving Roxy these past 3 years. It is YOU she will wait for at the bridge, not her former caretakers.

Give her some extra love tonight.


05-20-2005, 06:20 PM
Goodbye, Roxy. You were beautiful and so loved. :(

05-20-2005, 06:22 PM
I'm so sorry that you have to make this decision. You know in your heart what is the best for Roxy and that you will be bringing her peace and end her pain.
Roxy was very blessed to have you in her life for the last three years. What a wonderful soul you have to take in a sick kitty and love her like you did. God Bless you and may God gently bring Roxy home where she can be pain free and happy until you are reunited again one day.

05-20-2005, 06:56 PM
I'm so sorry about Roxy, but I'm glad you have had her to make her last few years better, she's going to cross rainbow bridge loved and she knows it.

05-20-2005, 07:29 PM
Candles lit across Florida tonight, to light the way for Roxy.

Godspeed to the Bridge, dear Calico girl.

05-20-2005, 10:03 PM
Laura, that was so beautifully said.

I am so sorry to hear about Roxy, but she had 3 extra years and love and care thanks to you.

My heart goes out to you having to make such a painful decision, but bless you for loving Roxy enough to not put her through any more and to end her suffering peacefully.

God Speed Roxy.


05-21-2005, 08:48 AM
So sorry to hear about Roxy. I am glad that you had the past 3 years together. It was a very difficult decision you made, but you had to do what was best. RIP sweet Roxy.

05-21-2005, 09:11 AM
I'm so sorry, Kari. Roxy is beautiful. She reminds me of Caeleigh. {{HUGS}}

05-21-2005, 10:07 AM
Oh (((((Kari))))):( I am so sorry but like others have said - Roxy had these extra years to be loved.
By now, it is over and I wanted to send more (((((HUGS))))) as I imagine your heart must feel very heavy about now.

05-21-2005, 10:31 AM
Thank you all so much.
I just made a new thread with an update on Roxy. You can read it here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=79736).

05-21-2005, 08:05 PM
Tomorrow,your Roxy,will be the Belle,of The Ball,at The Mall Invasion,and Found Cat Hotel Party,as Tiger Angel,a Handsome Brute,will be her Escort,at The Party,and Her date,at The Party.After that Tiger will be Her Special Cat Mate,for Eternity.She will ahve many experiences,as A Pet Talker angel,but she will never fiorget,her Furr Ever Home,and the three years,of love,that you gave her.And one Day,You will meet again.And the Love,will start,anew.


05-22-2005, 07:14 AM
What a sweet kitty. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I know how hard it is. I had to make that decision with my cat when I was about 18 and my parents were out of town. I'm sure Roxy knows how much she is loved and loves you even more for knowing when it's time to let her pass. At times like this, it's good to remember all the love and happiness you've experienced and that can help you through this difficult decision.