View Full Version : Bad, bad boy EDDIE

Edwina's Secretary
05-20-2005, 10:31 AM
There has been something outside that has greatly intrigued Eddie (and I don't think it is the contractors....:rolleyes: ) Long story shorter....Don and I were outside last night. I had just decided to go in to start dinner. Don went in first and....Dartman went flying out the door and over the wall into the greenway.

Still in my gym clothes I went after him (I am not able to fit through the wrought iron fence and must go around it.) The greenway is thick with bushes and trees. Thick. And very steep. So I am sliding up and down....crashing through the underbush....crawling on the ground....imagining snakes and creepy creatures big enough to saddle....

I did meet more of the neighbors....since they thought I was a prowler I suppose (rather a loud one.)

After about an hour (by which time it was dark) I was covered in hives, could hardly breath, scratched on all my limbs....and still no Eddie. Oh, I could see him, but that was half the fun of it! (for him...:mad: )

While I cleaned up it was Don's turn to roam the jungle -- still no luck. I got out the turkey....I opened a can of tuna.

We decided to sit quietly and let him think we had gone to bed. Sure enough...I heard him cry...but we reacted too quickly and he was gone again.

I sat with the door open and about half an hour later he sauntered in. All dirty.

So Don is angry with him because there was no dinner after all of that and I am angry that I could hardly sleep last night.

Eddie is peacefully slumbering!

05-20-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Eddie is peacefully slumbering! WAKE THAT LITTLE STINKER UP!!:mad:

05-20-2005, 10:39 AM
This little episode may set him back a few meals!

I try to keep a spray bottle near my doors, for the times when little miss Lucy decides to "risk it" and head for the opened door. She has been known to take the water in stride and keep on going. She has not yet learned to run from me once she gets out, but that is just a matter of time.

Once this behavior starts it is hard to break the pattern.

This weekend I will be spending all of my spare time re-screening part of my porch. The cats will be locked in my bedroom during that time, so I might get it done within a reasonable amount of time. CATS!

Eddie, wise up boy, and be good. You don't want to press your luck dearest.


05-20-2005, 10:47 AM
I was shocked and feeling your pain until I saw Freckles response!

Originally posted by Freckles
That cracked me up!!!!:D :D :D

Eddie I believe you are in some serious trouble my friend. That was a very nawtee thing to do! Shame, shame on you!!!
You scared everybody to death plus gave you meowmie one heck of a workout!:eek: The only good thing I can see about this whole situation is that your mom got to meet some more of the neighbors!;)
I would say that its going to take an awful lot of sucking up to get you out of this one young man! No supper for the big guy, and no sleep for Mom on top of everything else she went through? Wow, you are in deep Eddie and I'm sorry say you deserve to be in trouble after that!:eek:

05-20-2005, 11:03 AM
Eddie, you know I love you dearly, but you're pushing it a bit far! I know you're not happy about having the workmen digging up your garden, but give it break now, will you!! I think you've just about reached the point of no more outings! :eek:

Sara, I hope you weren't scratched too bad and Don didn't starve.

Killearn Kitties
05-20-2005, 11:06 AM
Oh Eddie! :eek: This is not good news. You may find it fun to be Dartman, the Superhero, but no-one else is amused!

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-20-2005, 11:12 AM
Oh Eddie, I can understand that you wanna be like Dartman; but how can you think your meowmie is Dartwoman?? Don't puch your luck to far buster, or you're gonna regret it.... :rolleyes:

05-20-2005, 11:16 AM
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie... what are we going to do with you? That was not a nice little stunt you pulled last night. Meowmie could have gotten really hurt chasing after you. You should be ashmamed of yourself and doing everything in your power to make ammends.

05-20-2005, 11:24 AM
After knowing about Richard's Eddie I wonder whether it's in the name?

Eddie, Eddie I am afraid your freedom will be limited in the future!:p

05-20-2005, 12:09 PM
Freckles read my mind :)

I know how you felt, Sara. And what you felt like doing to Eddie too :) I'm glad he's back. Boys:rolleyes:

05-20-2005, 12:11 PM
NAWTEE! NAWTEE! EDDIE! I bet you get grounded for this stunt!!!

My cat Grandma ran out the door last fall. I was lucky and she let me pick her up when she got by the car. I shook for hours after that! I hope you feel better today!

05-20-2005, 01:14 PM
BAD, BAD, BAD Eddie!!!! Don't scare your parents like that!!!

Oh Sara....I empathize with you, I'd be PISSED!!!!

Noel escaped one time out our window. She tore the screen and ended up stuck behind the enclosure, but before that, jumped almost to the roof!! I was so scared...and mad as hell at her!

Ugh...glad that's over! That's horrible!!

05-20-2005, 03:00 PM
Eddie,this is JJJ3,Your Brother In Law,in a way.I paly Dartmann,too,and I know,that Dad does get upset.But what he does,is shrug,close the Door,and get out the Whiskas Temptations.Then he naps,or works,on the Computer,and in about an hour,he goes to the back Kichen Window,and there I am.He tells,me that Outdoors,is dangerous,but I know enough,to run,from Other Pets,and Those Welfare Bums!See You at Mall Invasion,And Found Cat Hotel Party,Big Pal,Of Mine.Ill get you,a Date,with Rocca,The Show Cat.


05-20-2005, 03:44 PM
Yo Eddie,

It's not NICE to do that to Mama and Daddy. I mean, afterall, you come back dirty, expecting dinner, and then doze off into lala land while Mama is itching God knows WHERE!!! I hope ya found what you were looking for.

All this time, Lady Edwina is trying to keep up the cat dignity of the house. Shame on you, Eddie!!

Ya little pissant, WAKE UP!!!!

05-20-2005, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
After knowing about Richard's Eddie I wonder whether it's in the name?

We sat at the bottom of the hill waiting.....I was gonna take Ed and Ed to the "Kit Kat Klub" ....

You know....For a few rounds of cat nip martinis and some of the best LAP dances in the Greater Lost Angeles area.

You all know that cats and laps go together....

Ed Dartman got to the car and said, "Gee, I kinda left with out telling Mom and Pop where I was going....."

I told him that he'd better go back home and get stuff straightened out.

Eddie Darts,
We had a great time, The Kittens asked about you and said that anytime you wanted your tail straightened out to stop by..:confused:

;) :D :cool:

Glad you are back home.

Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

I got out the turkey....I opened a can of tuna.

So Don is angry with him because there was no dinner after all of that and I am angry that I could hardly sleep last night.

A little mayo, relish and chopped veggies....


05-20-2005, 08:27 PM
Christmas Day 2001

Mr. Jones last escape.

Down into the swamp, and the brambles.

Mama down there looking for him.

Betrayed by his love of ham.

Passed off like a football, to Daddy, because Mama couldn't climb the hill with bad ankles.

Mr. Jones safe at home.

Now someone please come get Mama out of the swamp too.

( he did 'tone it down' after that and hasn't been interested in escaping anymore)

Listen up, Eddie.....

05-20-2005, 10:43 PM
Oh Eddie, you won't earn any brownie points by pulling a stunt like that.

I pray that once you see what your poor meowmie had to go through, that you will NOT be doing that again.

05-20-2005, 11:21 PM
*shiver* Both Cassy and Livvy have a bit of darting in their nature. So glad your Naughty boy is home safe and sound.

{{{gentle hugs}}}

05-21-2005, 10:16 AM
oh Eddie, have you been forgiven yet? That was quite an adventure yesterday little boy.:D

05-21-2005, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
Christmas Day 2001

Mr. Jones last escape.

Down into the swamp, and the brambles.

Mama down there looking for him.

Betrayed by his love of ham.

Passed off like a football, to Daddy, because Mama couldn't climb the hill with bad ankles.

Mr. Jones safe at home.

Now someone please come get Mama out of the swamp too.

( he did 'tone it down' after that and hasn't been interested in escaping anymore)

Listen up, Eddie.....

:D :D :D :D
C'mon! SOMEONE OUT THERE with a guitar put this to music! "Please Get Mama Out of The Swamp" has the makings of a Top Ten hit!

:D :D :D

05-21-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by rkidsrcats
:D :D :D :D
C'mon! SOMEONE OUT THERE with a guitar put this to music! "Please Get Mama Out of The Swamp" has the makings of a Top Ten hit!

:D :D :D

Got my mom in shambles
She's in the swamp covered in brambles.


It happens to the best-
To women out West...

Women out in the dark
Chasing cats in the parK


Coming home from the gym.
In the house they walk in...
They may be in shape...
But the cat has escaped.....


I got the cat on the loose blues...
and I've got on the wrong shoes..........
My ankle's gone bad
This cat's got me MAD!!!!!


Betrayed by the food?
It keeps me in the hood!
Turkey tuna or ham?
"hey, you know where I am!!!!!"


I've gone for a walk.
It's just around the block.
I'll get a little dirty..
But who am I hurting?


I got the cat on the loose blues...
and I've got on the wrong shoes..........
My ankle's gone bad
This cat's got me MAD!!!!!

05-21-2005, 03:44 PM

Words cannot express how great that song is.

You're the best.:D

..................................FABULOUS........ ...................................

05-21-2005, 07:49 PM
I'm an indoor cat...
at that screen door I've sat...
Looking at the outside.
And the places to hide..


It the freedom, fresh air...
That lures me out there..
And the thrill of the chase.
and the wide open space...


My parents don't understand.
the lure of the land..
A breath of free air....
and everything out there...


But for a minute of free roaming,
My parents are a moaning..
They really don't see
what freedom can be!!!!


I got the cat on the loose blues...
and I've got on the wrong shoes..........
My ankle's gone bad
This cat's got me MAD!!!!!

05-22-2005, 04:36 AM
:D :D :D

Wow what a blues hit that would be:D

05-22-2005, 04:53 AM
Cats will be cats, eh? Mine once popped the screen off the window and took off for 3 days (I was worried sick!)

Yeah, that would make a great blues song!

05-22-2005, 11:21 AM
:D :D :D Land sakes alive: Eddie now you have a song about you!!!! Aren't you THRILLED? (I bet Miss E. will really be jealous now)

Richard once again, you have me in stiches!!! My side hurts from laughing. You sure captured the essence of Eddie's escape!
I think he will help you sing the blues for a while after this adventure!:D

05-22-2005, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
:D :D :D I think he will help you sing the blues for a while after this adventure!:D
Da da da- DAH DAH????


05-22-2005, 11:49 AM
I knew if we threw out a challenge...Richard would come through. :D :D :D :cool: :cool:

da da da - DAH DAH!!

Edwina's Secretary
05-22-2005, 12:28 PM
Well...I'll give him some freedom alright!

Well done Richard.....you seem to know my Eddie-boy!

05-22-2005, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Well...I'll give him some freedom alright!

Well done Richard.....you seem to know my Eddie-boy!
Thank you for your blessing.

The royalty checks are forthcoming-

You know, it's all in the name......

05-23-2005, 08:46 AM
Oh Eddie! I don't know what Edwina told you was out there, but you should not of gone looking!! See it was all a part of her plan to get you in trouble. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-23-2005, 09:56 AM
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie....<shakes head> What were you thinking? Please do not try this again as we would all be heart broken if anything bad happened to you. If you must play Dartman, please be a good boy and come when your meowmie puts yummy food out for you.

Sara, maybe if you made a little cape for Dartman to wear it might get tangled in some of the underbrush making it easier for you to catch him. ;)

05-23-2005, 10:19 AM
:eek: Scary!!! I am always worrying about one of mine *darting* out the door - don't know what I would do if the chase involved half of what YOU did Sara!:eek: