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View Full Version : back to the Iditarod

01-30-2002, 09:58 PM
sorry for my disruptive introduction to this board but it's kinda hard to keep your cool when people are talking falsely about an event you wish to participate in when you're older. i've been discussing the Iditarod with some friends on another board. i posted the whole Iditarod discussion that's from here onto their board. they don't quite agree with some of you on this. before i add some of the posts from their board, i have to add something about the dogs on the chains from the picture. in some parts where snow gets deep, they have to have their dogs on chains. if they were to be in a kennel, they would (1) either jump over the kennel because the snow was so deep or (2) have the kennel cave in and crush the dog.
anyways, here's what my friends said:

*the people who posted will remain anonymous*

1) Oh dear, the postings on the Iditarod were very painful to read. I feel very mixed up. I can understand the passion behind the desire to eliminate animal cruelty and abuse, and I can also understand the passion behind the running of the Iditarod race. There are many endurance races that we as humans participate in with the cooperation of animals. I know that there a several varieties of endurance races with horses, camels, and dogs. The Iditarod is not unique. Neither do I think that the exploitation of the animals to achieve a race's goal is unique. Throughout man's association with animals, he has exploited the skills and abilities of his companion animals in competitions and displays. When abuse occurs it should be noted and stopped. Reporting such abuse is informative, but the other side of the coin should also be represented and I find that the media often does not report the 'good' side of a contentious situation because it doesn't provide 'news interest'. The photo showing the 'musher' being pulled 'comfortably seated in his sled' while a dog is down is, in my opionion, misleading. It doesn't show how the dog fell, whether the sled was stopped, or whether the dog managed to regain his feet. It only shows a very small moment in time. I have read about dogs being hurt in the Iditarod, I have read about horses being injured in Pony Express relays, I have seen horses and riders being thrown in hox hunts and steeplechases. All of which I deplore and agonize over, but to single out one particular event because of 'reported abuse and cruelty', and to become so incensed that no rational discussion can be held is also deplorable. There are horrendous wrongs existing in this world and one's ability to address those wrongs are often times so limited that I personally feel one ought to confine one's passions to those things one CAN do something about. In other words, it's one thing to spout off about dogs being killed in the Iditarod and ban the race etc., but unless you put your money where your mouth is, keep those inflammable opinions on simmer. This way we can learn from each other and perhaps develop insights we never knew we would entertain. Anyway, this is my thoughts on this very troubling dialogue, and I hope that everyone takes it in the way it was meant----thought provoking, enlightening, but not accusatory.

2) i apologize for how mad and disruptive i was but like Spencer said "how would you feel if you had just read six long posts virtually saying you were a dog killer?" i still stand where i've been - the Iditarod is not cruel. there are bad mushers out there, but does that mean the majority of us are bad?

3) Acutally, I do understand why you would feel mad. And, I feel your anger is justified. But I don't think accusations were made directly at you even though you feel that they were. Personally, I don't think you would be a participant on a 'Pets and Animal' chat board if even 1 iota of those accusations were true of you.

4) http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:8-ep5gSe4-cC:sunhusky.com/Facts/+iditarod&hl=en
This link is to a seemingly well researched article on the Iditarod. It is a pro article and lists almost all negative stances on the subject and addresses them. Whether your feelings are pro or con, it seemed a good place to start your research and learn. I hope the link gets you there, if not, try www.sunhusky.com

5) Naoko Ari, I can understand your frustration over people believing the worst of sledding because of some "news" stories. One poster said "these are real news paper articles, real research" as if that makes it all true. Pfui! News papers and TV news shows are in competition for readers/viewers and frequently slant their articles and add out-of-context details to get people emotional about it so they'll come back for more. No, it isn't just the tabloids that create lurid out of ordinary. Sad but true that people fall for it.

6) The thing that puts a burr in my saddle is the idea that since there are some bad mushers, let's ditch the sport. I know nothing of sled dog racing and have never really given it much thought. However, I can't stand by that logic re some bad mushers. I mean, there are some people who choose to drive drunk, or recklessly. Should we outlaw cars? There are some bad doctors... let's just ban medical practice altogether and let nature weed us out naturally. There are some bad apples in any sport, or job, or just about anywhere. Am I the only person who gets alarmed when people want to legislate everything to death? This whole mindset of, "I don't like it, therefore, it should be illegal" really bothers me. I don't know enough about sled dog racing to form an opinion either way, but I sure as hell don't think the fate of anything should rest in the hands of one particular group of folks who seem narrow minded and not willing to look a little further. When people make up their minds that they believe something, it's often impossible for them to open up to something that might just conflict with what they believe. I can live with that. I just can't live with these same folks thinking that the rest of us should abide by the same beliefs that they have. I, personally, detest celery and could probably find a way to make a lot of people think it's baaaad news in an effort to get rid of it... all it takes is the power of suggestion... "Did you hear... some reporters [now it sounds official] did some research and found out that celery has been proven to cause cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, poor credit ratings, erectile dysfuntion and miscarriages..." BAM! There are those that would be willing to just believe it because it sounds official, regardless of how ludicrous it really is. My God, I've gone off on a rant. The long and short of it is, it bothers me to see people who want everything legislated to death. Too many people up in other peoples' bid'ness. Also, too many people willing to take anything the media throws at them as gospel. Another whole issue entirely, I'm sure, but this topic just kind of made me think of it.

Go get 'em, Naoko.

Carry on...
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there it is. have fun!