View Full Version : cat purgatory?

05-19-2005, 11:27 PM
Neither here nor there
It's really just swell
It the place cats do live,
'tween Heaven and Hell.

It's a warm comfy place
With enough of what's right
A place safe from the dark.
The world in the light.

No sickness here,
or problems with health.
The days we have our cats.
Is the true meaning of wealth.

No fears in the world.
No problems with life.
It's all day to day.
No concerns about strife.

These are the days
We hold near and dear.
It's us and our cats
with nothing to fear.

05-20-2005, 08:25 AM

05-20-2005, 08:32 AM
I have heard,from The Found Cat Angel,as they go stright,to Heaven,no passing Go,as All Cats,are in fact Angels,On Earth,to see,if we ,are worthy,to go,to Heaven.If you have hurt,a cat,you better prctice,your Coal Shovelling Skills,you are going,to need them.And dress,in Red ,alot too.
