View Full Version : Ok need suggestions

05-19-2005, 12:32 PM
I'm going over my wedding registery and I know I'm missing things and I've duplicated things as well. (don't know if that was a bad idea or not?) I'm registered at Walmart and Target. I was wondering if my friends here at PT would take a look at my lists and tell me if there are more items that I should be putting on them. My family has been telling me to put a variety on them, but I'm drawing a blank as to what.


You can look the registeries up easier by using Le Parish in the grooms name.

I appreciate and thank you all in advance for your advice. I'm just going nuts trying to think of things.

05-19-2005, 12:43 PM
Looks like a nice assortment of things in all different price ranges. I am so bad at regristries!

05-19-2005, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Looks like a nice assortment of things in all different price ranges. I am so bad at regristries!

I thought so to, but apparently my family out west are saying there are things that should be added, but unfortunately they're not saying what??????

05-19-2005, 12:54 PM
Hmmm... maybe they want some more expensive items? Will you be renting an appartment of living in a house? If owning your own home, ask for lawn furniture or a grill. If in an apartment ask for things to spruce up boring white walls like art or decorative mirrors, and throw rugs or colorful pillows to brighten up the rest of the space. Perhaps a lamp or two?

05-19-2005, 12:55 PM
The ideas are varied and price ranges are good.

The only thing I can see they might be thinking of is being able to buy it on-line and have it delivered to you, instead of them having to carry it to the wedding themselves. Quite a few of the items on especially the Walmart list say "Not available on-line".

Are you getting excited?

05-19-2005, 01:05 PM
Kim-We're renting right now but are looking to buy a house either before or shortly after the wedding.

Robin-I'm very excited, but also stressed to the max. Everything is hitting me at once and reality of this is starting to set in. I just sit here and think in three months I'll have a different name. I do see what you mean though. I'm going onto Walmart and start adding stuff from online.

05-19-2005, 01:11 PM
How about another set of dishes and stemware. I love pretty stemware, wine glasses, champagne glasses and pretty glasses of all shapes and sizes. Hmm, what else? A bathroom scale, crockpot (s), serving platters, a tea kettle. I'll keep thinking, but thats it for now.

Congratulations BTW!

05-20-2005, 04:33 PM
Tell those who are telling you that you should add more things to your list that they don't need to just choose from those lists, anything they want to give you will be fine, and will be appreciated. I am sure they mean well, but you don't need more stress! :) I've never heard of anyone complaining about someone's registry choices being too few!!!!

05-20-2005, 05:55 PM
You have a lot of really great stuff...but I can think of a few more items. ;)

Toaster or toaster oven...or BOTH!
Ice Cream Maker
Kitchen Aide Mixer + attachments
Fun summer dishes/plate/cups
Laundry Hampers
Extra sets of towels and/or sheets
Kitchen towels
Pot holders
Mixing spoons...or other kitchen utensils
Cookie sheets

Hmm...if I think of anything else, I'll let you know. The idea is to provide your guests with lots of items to choose from. They do want you to have something you'd enjoy. Put stuff on there that you wouldn't want to buy yourself...but would enjoy - like the ice cream maker.

How fun! I bet you're getting so excited!! Its 2 months away today, right??