View Full Version : Kitty 'play biting' question

05-19-2005, 10:22 AM
As I've mentioned before - Pixel is our first cat - and he is a joy -we are really, really enjoying his 'cat antics' :D and love his obvious delight in learning to be a loved and spoiled 'house cat' instead of a stray unloved outdoor cat. He is so obviously appreciative of the affection he gets from us!

I've loved and had dogs all my life - People often comment on how 'good' Jon and I are with dogs, but the truth is simply that we can 'read' their 'language' well from long practice and assiociation. So we can understand why Fizzy (our Golden retreiver) behaves the way she does, and we can anticipate her actions and those of other dogs we meet. But we are often 'surprized' by Pixel's behavior - because we don't know what to expect. Neither of us understand "cat speak", yet - but we're trying - and it's been lots of fun having him 'teach' us - mostly :p

Can anyone recommend any good, easy books on 'cat body language', training or understanding cats?

I do realize that cats are naturally somewhat nocturnal - and often Pixel wants to play - just as we are bedding down for the night. Since he doesn't play long before he tires himself into a cat nap - I don't mind that. It's a nice way for all of us to get some 'family time'. This is the time of day when he is at his most 'loving' and is even more tolerant of Fizzy. He obviously enjoys our company, and likes to sleep on my bed or Jons, once he's tired himself out.

Pixel sometimes gets 'carried away' in his play, and will 'play bite'. I call it a 'play bite' because I KNOW he COULD bite much harder and rip us up if he really wanted to. Most of the time, these 'bites' don't break the skin - unless we 'jerk' away - but they still hurt, and often leave imprints and teeth bruises - sometimes scratches. Sometimes, when playing, I can anticipate them and avoid them - but Jon (he's 14) hasn't yet learned to avoid them.

I also think that OUR instinctive reaction to jerk away when he does this, often startles him and makes the bite/ teeth scratch worse.

often he will come in AFTER we are asleep, and jump on either my bed or Jon's and bites us - which of course, wakes us up.

It's VERY shocking to be awoken by a sharp BITE on the hand or arm!

this happens most often to me - as Jon usually sleeps completely under the covers - head and all. I often sleep with one arm or leg out.

The other thing Pixel does, which is sometimes annoying and sometimes endearing - is that he will come up on my pillow while I'm asleep and rub his face on my head, or 'roll' in my hair - (which is about shoulder lenth and usually up on the pillow). That's not so bad, and I kinda think it's cute -

the annoying version of that, is that he will 'grab' the whole top of my head with all four paws - in kind of a lay-down 'pounce'. He's never hurt me - or grabbed my face - but it IS extremely startling when a cat wakes you from a sound sleep this way! He will also sometime 'play bite' my hair - sometimes getting my head - OUCH!

(He has woken Jon this way a few times, too - but usually Jon's head is under the covers, so he doesn't get 'attacked' as often. )

Is there any way to gently teach him NOT to bite? He's still 'wild' enough to be really skittish at loud noises, and fast movement - I don't want to 'scare' him - just make him understand that we don't like being bitten.

thanks -



05-19-2005, 11:09 AM
One thing I've found with Meka that works best - and you are right about me jerking away when she bites and that is when it tears the skin - is to say "owe!!". She backs off - she doesn't want to hurt us. Also to stop play immediately which is not at all what they want - they learn that if they bite the play will stop so they stop biting. Now when I see she is getting carried away I don't jerk away from her teeth but say calmly "Easy, Easy" and she will either lighten up then quit or just quit altogether. Meka was wild too and we have had her 8 months now and we are still learning her and her us. This is our first cat so we are learning same as you. I'm finding time and patience is good. We keep our door closed at night since she loved to start playing about 4-5am with feet, hands, jump on head and then if that didn't work to tear down the blinds by the bed which she knows getts an instant reaction. The best punishment for when she tears things up or is overly aggressive and bites or scratches on purpose to hurt us is the carrier - we put her in there for about an hour or so - now she goes in calmly knowing she is in trouble... Sometimes I think she wants in there!!! But she has gotten much better as long as we are consistant in the punishment. :) :) Debbie

05-19-2005, 11:15 AM
I'm saying this with all seriousness - he needs a kitty playamte! How old is he? Sounds like a young one. Kittens like to play exactly as you've described. First, a nother cat would teach him NOT to bite by biting back. They learn real fast from each other. Secondly, he'd torment his buddy instead of your sleeping and unsuspecting head at night.

It does sound like he's still learnign to relax, so time will be the only thing that cures his skittishness. Just be patient with him and he'll come around.

05-19-2005, 12:17 PM
As odd as this sounds, try hissing at him and showing your teeth. I've figured out with Mowgli that's cat-speak for, "Back off, buddy!" My little Mowgli-monster likes to nip after the alarm clock goes off to get me out of bed faster, and sometimes when we're playing, he nips. But a quick hiss and he settles. (It also works when he's trying to steal my supper.)

Oh, yes! And like Catnapper says... Go for another kitten so Pixel can redirect some of his kittenish aggression! :D

05-19-2005, 12:55 PM
When Scrappy 2,Or Pouncette grab My Hand,I do the OWW Thing,and Hiss at Them Too.And I thought,taht I was oof beam,as usual.It works,with the Agressive Ones,as that is waht the Older Cats,do,to keep them,in line!


05-19-2005, 02:54 PM
I thought Meka needed a companion and I got Max for her. Not real sure so far exactly how it is going. One minute they rub on each other and the next they swat and hiss...I think next time (if there is one) that it will be a kitten. I think Meka probably would have liked that better..... Who knows?? :) :) :) Debbie