View Full Version : LKpike??

05-19-2005, 10:20 AM
I don't know much about dal's. From reading your posts I take it they have a lot of engery? Give me the low down on dal's. I would love to hear all about them.;) Do they shed much? It doesn't look like they have a lot of fur.

PJ's Mom
05-19-2005, 10:21 AM
This should be good. :D

05-19-2005, 11:08 AM
From what I hear,, Dals shed like CRAZY!!! High energy too...

05-19-2005, 11:17 AM
Having two dal mixes, another mix and a purebred in the family, I can give you my take....

Dals are very smart, very high energy dogs. They love to run, run and run some more.

They are very intelligent, and very devoted to people. Most dals I know are cling-ons!!

With Sadie (lab/dal) we really had to focus her energy, espically when she was younger (she is almost 5 now). She learned a ton of tricks, and we used them a lot to keep her entertained. I still call her my ADD dog. Have to keep her doing something, or she looses focus!

Spot (also lab/dal) sheds a lot. Our carpet always has a layer of white fur....even if we have just vacuumed. I don't know if the girls don't shed as much, or if the black just isn't as noticable, but yes, Dals shed!!

05-19-2005, 02:17 PM
I used to hae a Dal and she was FULL of energy and she had a great personality! Do Dals shed much? LOL They're probably one of the worst shedding breeds out there! My Dal (Skye) was extremely smart, active and loved to be anywhere near people. Not all Dals are like that I've heard but I'm just giving you my experience.

05-21-2005, 07:23 AM
Dals are Very High Energy....They were bred to RUN ALL DAY....
Next to fire carts,trucks,etc....
They are Wonderful dogs....But yes...they are "Cling-On" dogs...they get Extremely attached....and it never lessens...I have 2 Dal Mixes.....1 is a Dal/Lab....1 is a Great Dane/Dal...
They Shed ALOT....their hair...though it is Short....is Very Dense...
to keep them warm....they have alot of Pink skin that needs protection from the elements.....

I Love Dals....But as with any dog....do your homework first...and make sure you are compatible with that breed...
you can go to AKC.ORG

or dalmation.com
or dalmationrescue.com
you'll find alot of info there...
Sounds like you are doing your homework...
Good Luck...Let us know when you get a New Spotty!!!!

Here are My 2

05-21-2005, 08:48 AM
I don't know about a "low down" since dals don't understand the meaning of "basic" ;) They are veeeeery high energy, not the highest energy breed but they don't know that. in America they were bred to be able to run next to their owners horses/carriage for miles and miles, and were used by firefighters to get the crowds of people out of the way when the truck was pulled by horses.

Alot of dal owners I've seen online seem to be overly sensitive when someone describes dals as "hyper" but I don't really have a problem with it - Jillian as a dalmatian puppy IS hyper. Dal owners I've known in person arent as sensitive to that word :confused:

They shed all year long, at first we fought the hair on the couch and bed but now ... "eh, who cares. our guests should know we have dogs. " :p Jillian and my last dal Joyce werent/arent very heavy shedders, I brush Jillie out with a rubber brush once/twice a day and that takes care of it. But I could brush Frankie all day long and he'd still get clumps of hair all over the sofa.

In general they should be accepting of other animals, if properly socialized. They should never be "shy", never be completely trusting of strangers but never act agressivly either.

They need an owner who has experience with dogs, since they can definatly be a challenge. They get bored very easily, they constantly want to learn - Jillian was potty trained in less than a week, learned sit in 1 day, and platz in 1 day :) Frankie learned platz just by watching Jillian do it.

Their definatly velcro dogs, Joyce would get mad at me for leaving the room during her nap - she'd run after me, and either bite my ankle or grab onto my ankle and try to pull me back to the living room lol and like DeliDog said about their pink skin we have to use sunblock on them, J has had a minor sun burn this summer already.

and finally ((I've written a book havent I? :o I'm just obsessed with dals lol)) I don't agree with people having small children wanting a dal because usually the reason is the movie 101 dalmatians and the kid wont stop begging for Pongo. We took J & F to the Reinasance festival last weekend and were chased down in the parking lot by a mom and her 3 yr old who wanted to pet them, which is usually fine, but about 1 hour later while we were eating they ran up to us again forcing us to finish early because Jillie wouldnt eat her lunch with a stranger around, then on our way out - yet again the ran up to us and the mom was saying "aww I really *must* get her one." :rolleyes: I'm sure. I hope her new dal enjoys the 3 weeks he gets to spend in their home before the pound.

ok I think I'm done now lol Thanks for asking though!! :) as you probably know everyone enjoys talking about their doggies and breeds lol maybe there should be a thread for everyone experienced with a certain breed could describe them??

Suki Wingy
05-26-2005, 08:17 PM
I don't know how I missed this thread! I tried dalmation.com and the other one but they didn't work. Is is DalmatiAn.com? that is the correct spelling, I'll have to try it! Are you thinking about getting one? Make sure its from a good breeder or you are ready to deal with a rescue, I had a rescue from brobably a byber and she had separation anxiety and fear biting and was really shy! I agree they shed about the most of any breed there is! And Layla could run 3 miles next to our bikes and barley be panting, still wanting to go! lol.