View Full Version : Ouch!!!......i Was Just Curious...

05-18-2005, 06:23 PM
this is kind of an odd question....what's the worst thing your pet has done to you? not on purpose, just one of those freakish accidents that happen?

MAXIMUS and i were fooling around in the living room, about 2 years ago, and he jumped up high and landed on my foot...i was sitting kinda weird, but anyway, he broke a bone in my foot...there are a few more mishaps, but i would have to say that was the worst.....of course, i don't hold it against him....but you'd think i'd be a little more careful....:D

05-18-2005, 06:31 PM
Well let's see...
The worst with Roxey is when she scratched my eyeball when I was in bed. It hurt so bad I thought maybe she scratched my lens but luckily she didn't.
With Bon he scratches me (not with his toenails but the pads of his feet...they are very scratchy) and it always gets infected even if I clean it right away. I don't know if I'm allergic or something but it itches for days and sometimes even gets weepy:eek: I actually have 2 scratches that I'm dealing with right now, one on my arm and one on my foot).
And Huney, she's just a good girl:D

05-18-2005, 06:38 PM
Lots and lots of scratches!! When Duncan senses "danger" or what he thinks is "danger" (which includes children on tricycles!;)) he THROWS himself on top of me to "protect" me! And those big paws get me all over, in the stomach,on the face, arms, legs....OUCH!
Once I did get bit by Duncan. Well I think it was him...He and my old roommate's dog Jack got into a "fight" and Kate and I stupidly tried to break it up by sticking our hands in between them. I got bit on the hand pretty badly by one of them. I still have a scar there to prove it! My fault though so no big deal and no hard feelings!

05-18-2005, 06:49 PM
my 2 at times seem to be hell-bent on destroying me :rolleyes:

my second day home from a very painful personal surgery ((last week)) they were excited to see me come home, when I was trying to rest on the couch Jillian took a running jump right onto my stomach and basicly surgery-area. I got up to go to the bedroom where I could lock them out, and on my way Frankie jumped from the top of the back of the couch directly onto one spot of my foot with both his paws, and all I felt were 50 pounds of claws :(:(

Theyve been forgiven. But I've learned to live with constant bruises and scratches because of Jillians klutzy-ness and big hollow head :rolleyes:

05-18-2005, 07:09 PM
Beanie is such a good boy. he never does anything majorly wrong.:)

Gracie, oh gosh. i swear she wants my dad to hate her.:rolleyes: my dad has this huge scab on his leg and he's been babying this injury for a long time. well, today Gracie decides she's gonna take the scab off with her teeth.:o it took everything in my poor dad not to kill her.:p

05-18-2005, 07:21 PM
My dogs really haven't done anything to me...:p but they do have a thing against my dad. Jack thinks he should wake up in the middle of the night and go to my parents bedroom just to wake up my dad, oh when he jumps on the bed it has to be ON his head, they also think its fun to give him kisses and sneak in a few nibbles...he bleeds very easily and has many battle wounds! Jack being his clumsy self has to be right under your feet at ALL times and we have all tripped over him more than once!

05-18-2005, 08:13 PM
The only accidents was the one that "i" caused with Kirby. he shook off at the wrong time and thumped his eyeball on the scissors. :(

05-18-2005, 08:15 PM
When Riley was a puppy she tore me and my mom to shreds. At the end of the day we looked like we went through a paper shredder. LOL. We would have scratch marks up and down our legs, bite marks, etc. She even drew blood a few times. Good thing those "puppy" days are over..

05-18-2005, 08:18 PM
Buster yesterday he was playing and accidently nipped me. He digs at my feet. He chews on my pant legs and get skin OUCH. Jenny and Ginger are just good girls :D

oops forgot Rocky he is a good boy that doesn't mean Buster is a bad boy! :)

05-18-2005, 08:56 PM
One time when Mandy had hurt her shoulder, she wanted on the bed, so I went to help her. When I bent over to help her, she jumped up and her head hit me in the face! :eek: Talk about hurting!

05-18-2005, 09:07 PM
Cuts and scratches. I think I've banged my nose on their heads HOW many times?? It hurt a lot. My mom says I look like part of my nose is broken, but it doesn't hurt or anything so I duno. I go to kiss the dogs heads and sometimes they move up suddenly and I'll bang into them :rolleyes:

05-18-2005, 09:37 PM
Just some scratches on my legs from when they jump on me when I get home. Sadie is real bad, I have a nice probably 6 inch scratch on my hamstring right now from her. She chews on her nails so they are really rough and scratchy and she just digs them down my legs when she jumps on me. Ouch! I love her all the same though. She's just so excited to see me she can't help it. :)

05-18-2005, 09:44 PM
Interesting topic! I guess I don't have anything too shocking. Willie used to sock me in the face with his paw sometimes when I knelt down to give him attention, trying to give me his paw with a bit too much exuberance. He gave me a black eye once and a few fat lips :D. Other than that, mostly bruises, scratches. Tasha chomped the nailbed of my thumb last year (accident of course, she was jumping to catch a stick that hadn't left my hand yet), and it was black and blue for over 6 months, hurt so bad when it happened it brought tears to my eyes. :o

05-18-2005, 10:07 PM
The worse was with my husband, he was playing with Brock and Tuffy and they got too rambunctious. We think, Brock thought that his arm was the rope, anyway, Brock took a chunk of his arm off. I'm talking deep, big chunk of his arm, about 3 1/2" long and an inch wide and who knows how deep, but we could see more then, we wanted too. :eek: He will carry that scare forever as a reminder of big boy, Brock.

Me, the worse wasn't that bad. Tuffy, when he was a pup, was in bed with me, playing and next thing I know he is tangled up in my hair and decided he wanted to leave, hair and all. OUCH!!! Brought tears to my eye.

05-18-2005, 10:34 PM
Willie used to sock me in the face with his paw sometimes when I knelt down to give him attention, trying to give me his paw with a bit too much exuberance. He gave me a black eye once and a few fat lips
this sounds about like the rest of mine....i've seen a few too many stars too......

i just thought about how much we overlook these kinds of things, mostly because they were actually an attempt of their love for us...thanks for all the honesty and the relief of knowing, i'm not the only one.......:D :D :D

how 'bout this....love 'hurts'.........and sometimes they are a 'pain'............that was supposed to be funny....:D

05-18-2005, 10:42 PM
When Duke was still a very young dog, he jumped up in bed. This was early morning and he started peeing on me! Gross. I pushed him off the bed and took him outside asap. Thankfully, it's only happened once. I'm glad he hasn't been rough like a lot of the other dogs I've been reading about, though.

05-18-2005, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
When Duke was still a very young dog, he jumped up in bed. This was early morning and he started peeing on me!

LMAO!!! That is so funny. I'd be grossed out too though.

05-18-2005, 11:41 PM
Once when Star was trying to lick ("aggrevate") a hot-spot, I reached under her chin to lift her head and she spun around with her teeth barred- her fang hit my finger and cut it open- I was SO upset I started crying, not that it hurt that much, I was just stunned that she would 'bite" me -- after a few minutes, I realized that it wasn't a bite, and was really just an accidental thing. Sherman's funny - when you scratch his chest & stop, he'll paw at you to start scratching agin- when we first got him, he would rake his paw so forcefully, he'd leave claw marks on my arm, but we got him to do it more gently now. I've gotta say- I've seen stars a few times when i have accidently butted heads with both of them - god, they have hard heads!:eek:

05-18-2005, 11:50 PM
One time I was petting Baby as she stood in the living room. I bent down over her to kiss her forehead, as I did that she desided it would be fun to rear her head up. As she did this her hard Great dane scull bashed into my lip. blood filled my mouth. it hurt.

05-19-2005, 05:27 AM
Oggy just about knocked me out one time. He was whining beside the bed, (his usuall help me i'm a poor puppy routine), as I bent down to pick him up, he jumped up and knocked me flying. I had a big lump over my eye and it was almost closed. I hadn't been hit that hard for a good twenty years.:D I think he was sorry though. I ended up sitting on the couch with ice over the eye and Oggy's head in my lap.:)

05-19-2005, 07:41 AM
When we first got Kiara and i'd lay with her on the floor, my face behind her head...
She'd get scared by something and jump up, with her head going right into my face, and hard. It'd hurt for a few seconds then go away. She doesn't do it anymore though, and it only lasted for about a month. :)

05-19-2005, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by slleipnir
I think I've banged my nose on their heads HOW many times?? It hurt a lot. My mom says I look like part of my nose is broken, but it doesn't hurt or anything so I duno. I go to kiss the dogs heads and sometimes they move up suddenly and I'll bang into them :rolleyes:

same thing here! I've stopped kissing the tops of their heads after the last time it happened and Jillians big head gave me a bloody nose. That was it for me :p they only get kisses on the cheek or when their calm.

05-19-2005, 09:36 AM
Ooohhhh, it still brings tears to my eyes think about it...
About a month ago I had surgery on my leg and had to keep the wound (with 17 stiches) open to the air.
Beenie had sniffed at the stiches many times but never bothered them ... until .... one evening, a few days before I had to have the stiches removed, she decided that I had "something" (a bug... I don't know) on my leg that she didn't care for. She jumped on my leg and scrached at the stiches like she was trying to dig.
She actually popped 3 of them. AHHHH the agony.... you all probably heard my screams!
Anyway... It all happened so fast.
It hurt so bad but I know she was just trying to get that "thing" off me!
In the end the doctor looked at it and there was no permanent damage done.