View Full Version : Cats with Distemper, can you help?

05-18-2005, 04:11 PM
Hi, my mom took in a kitten with distemper and nursed it back to health. Now the rest of her cats got distemper. One of them in particular is Dixie, a kitten, and Bluebell an adult cat. Dixie and Bluebell are both on antibiotics, but Dixie will not eat. Bluebell will eat canned catfood, but we're worried about Dixie because she hasn't eaten in two days. What can my mom do to help motivate her to eat, and to make the rest of the cats more comfortable and if there are any home remedies please do post.


05-18-2005, 05:40 PM
Hi! Poor Dixie, this one sounds like a question for your mom's vet just to rule out some kind of reaction to the antibiotics. Your vet has the records and knows her condition, that's your best resource for help. I hope that Dixie gets better very soon. Be sure to update her condition?

05-18-2005, 06:18 PM
Thanks momcat for replying. My mom has talked to her vet. As for getting her to eat, the vet said to feed her milk through a medicine dropper.

05-18-2005, 06:42 PM
I wish,taht I could help,all we can do,is to remember Your Cats,in Our Prayers! That The Lord,will help them get better,son.


05-19-2005, 06:31 PM
Hi, Palomino21! Glad to hear that your mom talked to the vet. It's a good thing that he knows what's going on. How's Dixie today? I'm praying for her to get better very soon. Please keep in touch and let me know how she's progressing?

05-19-2005, 07:30 PM

Do NOT feed the kitten cow's milk. I think the vet meant a milk supplement, such as KMR. Most cats are lactose intoleraant and will have diarrhea if given milk. That will only make the kitten more dehydrated.

Distempter is a bacteria that is airborne and can remain airborne for up to a year.

Here are some links that explain all about Feline Distemper, also known as Panleukopenia.



