View Full Version : Lahina and Mischief

05-18-2005, 02:42 PM
Lahina and Mischief died on the same day last week (wednesday). Lahina was crushed when one of my dogs sat on her and Mischief was found in the driveway. we don't know what happened to her.

05-19-2005, 08:30 AM
Poor Lahina,and Mischief,to die,on the same day.They will be guests,of Honor,with The Pet Talker Angels,now touring Toronto.And there will be a banquet,for the Two New Angels,and they are Now Cat Angels,free,to travel,and play,all that they want.I ma sorry,for Your Double Loss,but know,that Mischief,and Lahina,are at the Rainbow Bridge,and will see You again,One Fine Day.