View Full Version : we get to preform! mooselaw Ex.

05-18-2005, 01:35 PM
lol well for the dog demo at the moosejaw Ex. my mom is doing some freestyle preformances with Perky and Blair, and Ripley and Happy get to do flyball demo and barral racing demo, Misty gets to do the flyball demo as well, Happy, Misty, Blair, and Perky all know agility as well, so they might get to do the agility too lol and my mom said we may be able to work tricks into the secudual too, because Misty knows lots of tricks(not sure how she will react to the audience though) and Happy LOVES to preform her stuff and she always impresses people, most people say she is like airbud, my responce is that Happy could whip airbuds butt lol plus kids love Happy and I could easily ask for volenteers who would like to come up and play catch with Happy(not fetch, catch, like you can carry on a came of catch with Happy as if she were another person, only Happy has better aim then some ;) ) and Happy can count and add and subtract and such lol not to many of Mistys tricks can be done in an arena, but she can do stick em up, bang, hid, head, bow, and things like that :p