View Full Version : Cats in windows and one squirrel

05-17-2005, 10:42 PM
About anytime of the day you can find at least one cat in a window and usually you'll find two or more.

Jazz, Rumor and Rocky - from left to right.

Then Rocky decided Rumor needed a bath. (see why I call her Chunk)

Rocky and Ripley doing a reverse Ying and Yang.

The Boys.

Jazz, Rocky and Rumor being very offended at the squirrel outside.

Helping himself to some old bread crumbs.

I think I heard him say "take it picture, it lasts longer" so I did. :D

05-17-2005, 10:47 PM
Mr. Squirrel is awefully cute and he didn't seem none too scared of the kitties....but then again maybe he is a smart little guy and knows that the kitties can't get him through th window. :D I really enjoyed the pics your babies are lovely. And again the squirrel is a cutie too.

05-17-2005, 10:50 PM
What adorable pics of your fuzzies!!! I love squirrels .... but we have no trees for them around here! I really miss the big trees we had at our rental house .... they were FULL of squirrels!

05-17-2005, 10:53 PM
My goodness Lori:eek: What are you feeding those babies. What is it, "Miracle Grow"
I can't get over the size of Rumor and Rocky.
Refresh my memory again please, but how old are they now?

I just loved the Ying & Yang picture of Rocky & Ripley, the picture of Jazz, Rocky & Rumor in the window, the one of Rocky cleaning Rumor is PRICELESS!!!!

Oh heck, I just loved all the pictures.

05-17-2005, 10:58 PM
Kim, we have everything around here and we live in a very busy area with a main interstate and highway nearby. The woods behind our house are only about 50 feet deep and there is a technology park on the other side. It amazes me how much wildlife still live in the woods. We have had tons of squirrels, skunks, raccoons, rabbits, chipmunks, snakes, bats, hawks and even a red fox come into our fenced back yard and up until the past 6 months Disney would chase all of them. :rolleyes: I've saved several little critters out of the pool.

05-17-2005, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca

I can't get over the size of Rumor and Rocky.
Refresh my memory again please, but how old are they now?

R&R are 9 1/2 months old. I feel pretty certain that they won't get as big as Ripley. You can see that Rocky is still about half his size so he'd have a lot of growing to do to get that big and Ripley has lost weight recently and is only about 16 pounds now. He got as big as 22 but after a diet he stayed around 18-19 pounds for years.

Rumor looks like a huge "chunk" of cat but I think all that fur makes her look so big. At least I hope that is the case, she does feel really solid when I hold her.

05-17-2005, 11:04 PM
My mom is a total squirrel nut--she puts peanuts out for them and the bluejays in her backyard. Needless to say, this is high entertainment for her Abyssinian, Maximus! He sits in the window and waits for them--and when they come, they aren't scared a bit even if he's sitting right next to the glass sliding door.

05-17-2005, 11:35 PM

the tribe of 5!!!

05-18-2005, 05:13 AM
Too cute! I can tell when my cats see a squirrel, the tails start flicking! :D

05-18-2005, 06:15 AM
Great excitement for your gang Lori! The dogs are the ones that get all the fun of chasing the squirrels from the yard. :rolleyes: I'd love to have some of the dark brown squirrels I've been seeing a few cities over. They look like Havana Brown cats in their coloring. Maybe I can trap some and bring them here lol! :D And then I can get some of the all white ones from some town in the midwest (?) and create some calico squirrels. :D
Your gang would have triple the fun watching all these! ;)

05-18-2005, 07:02 AM
Awesome pics! I just love those with the kitties watching the squirrel! That's so neat! Makes me wonder if I could set up a similar contraption on our deck. We have a lot of squirrels but I've never seen them up on the deck. Would they sniff the food out if I put it out for them? Or would the birds beat them to it?

I can't believe how big Rocky & Rumor are now! They have really hit a growth spurt!!!

05-18-2005, 07:23 AM
Those were some good pictures and getting the squirrel too, that was just the greatest. I love squirrels!


05-18-2005, 07:37 AM
GREAT photos! Such excitement in one day over a squirrel! :D

05-18-2005, 08:44 AM
They are very Big Cats,for being,taht young,they are probably,near as big,as Moose,The Magnificent,who turned Nine Years Old Today! And I have Squirrels,too,in the Big Tree,on my Front Yard.Scratchy caught ,a Baby Squirrel,last week,and killed,the poor creature,then,left,the body,under the tree.I buried it,in the yard.RIP Rocky.



05-18-2005, 11:07 AM
QSA - those squirrels are adorable. I love the white ones.

Christa - I'm sure the squirrels would show up quickly and probably run the birds off. The ones around here will eat almost anything. Be careful though, the food will attract other critters. There have been several nights I've turned the deck light on to let Disney out and a raccoon has been looking back in at me. :eek:

05-18-2005, 11:08 AM
Isn't that a lovely scene. :) Enjoying the show outside and giving each other baths. What a life! :D

Edwina's Secretary
05-18-2005, 02:13 PM
makes me miss Shirley....


05-18-2005, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
makes me miss Shirley....

I thought about Shirley when I was taking the pictures. Hope she is well.