View Full Version : Made Pixel a "kitty condom" bed!

05-17-2005, 05:09 PM
It's a little 'frilly' for a boy, but Pixel doesn't seem to mind!

I made it out of all 'recycled' materials - the fabric with the ruffle was originally the crib/ bumper pad from my son's baby crib, over 14 yrs ago! I still had matching fabric for the 'bed' and I stuffed it with filling from a too-flat bed pillow.


Pixel must 'approve', as he immediately had to test it out with a cat nap!

I plan to try making more out of 'recycled' materials - as Pixel LOVES to sleep on our clothes; I have my eye on some soft old sweatshirts and T-shirts that my son has outgrown - How about a Tie-Dye bed for Pixel? the sweatshirt sleeves ought to make great 'tubes' for the sides....


Pixel is getting to be a real spoiled boy - what with Mom and Jon making him all kinds of things.....

he really enjoys his 'catwalk' shelf across the wide front window - it makes the ideal place to play, sleep, and keep an eye on Jon and me (and that big hairy Fizzy dog!) in the computer room!


We had to re-mount it with Molly screws, though - as the first attempt pulled out of the drywall after only a few days of Pixel running and 'pouncing' on it!


(the shelf was also made out of all leftover or 'recycled' materials - except for the angle brackets supporting it - $1.67 ea at Menards!)


05-17-2005, 06:21 PM
:eek: 'condom' looks so cozy! I want to sleep in there! what a cuddling bed...beautifully done, laura!

lol, to keep an eye on fizzy...what did that 'fizzy' thought of that window shelffie? :)

05-17-2005, 06:43 PM
The bed is so pretty!!! You really used some creativity with the ruffle and recycled materials (I HATE having to sew ruffles:p )
I love it!! Cute kitty pictures, too Laura:D

05-17-2005, 07:29 PM
You really can save a lot,of money,if you can do things yourself,instead,of just going,to a store,and taking,the plastic out.That is one Great Cat Bed,and Pixel,appreciates,the thought,behind the work,that you put into it.


05-17-2005, 09:34 PM
Oh wow, what a great bed. I really love the color and the little frills on it.
I don't think a cat pays much attention to the colors or accessories, as long as it is comfortable.

Pixel is such an adorable cat and I just LOVE the face on him in this picture.

Too cute.:D

05-18-2005, 01:16 AM
Hmmmm. I can't see the bed.:confused:

05-18-2005, 02:37 AM
It's beautiful! You did a wonderful job. I love these homemade kitty beds but I could never make one. I have no domestic skills whatsoever so I'm green with envy whenever I see people make such pretty and creative ones like you did. ;)

Killearn Kitties
05-18-2005, 04:25 AM
Most impressive! Love the addition of the ruffle!

05-18-2005, 09:39 AM
Great job, that bed is terrific! Wish I had your talent, I have to by the beds, I'm lucky if I can sew a button on! He sure looks like he is enjoying it

05-18-2005, 11:00 AM
Do did a great job. That bed is beautiful!

05-18-2005, 11:29 AM
Now I can see it. It's very beautiful.:D