View Full Version : Mew-mews

05-17-2005, 01:42 PM
I go to school today and one of my committee members had a box in her office. She told me to open it up and what do I see? A bunch of mew-mew kittens. There are three of them, two blackies and a brown stripey, and they were absolutely adorable. Still have the umbical attached so I guess they are less than a week old?

My advisor had found them during his son's baseball game. Several of the guys found a male cat eating one of the kittens :eek: and decided to rescue the remaining three. I'm not sure what happened to the mother but let's put our PT prayers in to action that these babies are able to live happy and healthy lives.

I'll try to get some pictures of them tomorrow.

05-17-2005, 05:09 PM
Wow, they must be real teeny-weenies! Many prayers are on the way for the tiny newborns. Please let us all know what happens next? Any sign of mommy anywhere? She might be looking for them out where they were found. I hope and pray nothing bad happened to her.....

05-17-2005, 08:03 PM
LOTS of prayers on the way from us here in Nebraska. Little Orphan Annie can really relate to those three, and would like to double all of the prayers that have been offered for her, so that these three little ones are TWICE blessed by everyone who has prayed for her!:)

05-17-2005, 08:04 PM
Oh, I do hope these teeny ones make it!!!

05-17-2005, 08:07 PM
We are praying,for those Liitle Babies too,and hope,that you can get them through,the next crucial weeks,of thier Lives.Maybe,at a shelter,there is a Momma Cat,that will take more Kittens!


05-17-2005, 09:50 PM
Oh gosh, prayers and positive thoughts on the way for these three widdle babies.

It brought tears to my eyes when I read what happened to the 4th one. Poor sweet baby.
R.I.P. Little one.