View Full Version : ..My Golden Warrants :)

05-16-2005, 10:23 PM
hi!! (posting this in...it has at least one feline!) (c;

my friend got me four goldfishes today!! it was a very nice surprise when laying in icky bed… and said those golds are on 14 days warrant in case they won't make it…(many bad experiences :() anyhoo, my betta, drapples who used to be in that mashion, (six gallon). right now...he may be a little bit grumpy by moving back into his original pretty purplish tank! but my friend got new alaeplants for my dear drapples too :) no golds are named yet…not until two weeks later! hope I can have many years ahead with them! I’m soo excitied :D :D

three look like this..aren’t they vividly pretty?!

*bubbling* I like this home…hi!

only unique one…special boy!

hi whatever-fluffy-you-are...I like you!! *bubbles*

thank you! :) :D :)

05-16-2005, 11:11 PM
Very pretty, Gina! We have a goldfish pond in our backyard!
That furry kitten is adorable, which one is that?:D

05-17-2005, 08:59 AM
Just as long,as he does not Fish,like RB Cat Pouncer,was fond,of doing.


Pouncer actaully snagged a Goldfish,out of My Friends aquarium,and ate it,Embarrasing,to say,the least.

05-17-2005, 09:51 AM
Very pretty Gina. Adorable kitty too!

King Spartacus
05-17-2005, 12:34 PM
What yummy looking food!!! Eh... I mean... gorgeous looking fishies! You MUST name them though... what if one dies... and remains nameless???

Our food... I mean fish...
Flasher in the lead, Brains in the middle, Dr Evil in the left hand bottom corner, and Spotted Dick to the right!

05-17-2005, 02:42 PM
thanks guys!

kim, that is third brother, Quest ..(after Avalanche). he's still crazy over them!

catmandu, scary isn't it? I've put both tanks on a secured surface & corners so cats' limited to 'play' with it!

kingspars, thanks for sharing your foo...fishes! ha... ha... ha. :rolleyes: actually, they already had names in my mind but they're 'unannounced' yet! :) but you're right...if one dies, which one do I explain to you?!

the spotted's Speckles, three alikes are Chester (orangest), Chandler (black upperlip) & Spencer (longest tail)...so far they're fine.. *knock on wood*

whatcha think? :)

05-17-2005, 05:40 PM
Ah-Ha! a new cat toy.... Errr.... I mean, new pets! LOL!

We have had a fish tank for years - sometimes up to 4 tanks.... the fish are very entertaining and soothing.....

However, for us, it's a good thing that some of our fish (the loaches & eels) are known 'escape artists' who sometimes jump out of tanks (as Bettas are also known to do at times) This prepared us in advance for Pixel moving in - as all our tanks have complete and heavy glass covers - so no 'snacking' for Pixel! he can only watch... and dream.....



Still, he finds them VERY 'entertaining'!

05-17-2005, 06:17 PM
such a wonderful living toy... :rolleyes: ;) :)

but my quest...ran away later! ..lol. so far...had a betta for over a year -- not a single cat would try to find 'how-to-snap" like catmandu's pouncer! I guess I did a good job.. :o :D

King Spartacus
05-18-2005, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.

the spotted's Speckles, three alikes are Chester (orangest), Chandler (black upperlip) & Spencer (longest tail)...so far they're fine.. *knock on wood*

The double-S and the double-C! I like it!!!

05-30-2005, 03:35 AM
posted by king spartacus
The double-S and the double-C! I like it!!!
actually..not anymore. :( there's one S and C now.. and I don't want to make a new thread...too sad. :(

rest in peace, loving chandler & special spencer! :( they were such the beautiful explorers ... swim hard, guys!! through every color... watery hugs!

xoxxo, mubbomie.