View Full Version : Allergies

05-16-2005, 07:41 PM
Hi folks... I wanted some input here. I've been utterly MISERABLE for the past two weeks from allergies. Sooo congested, sleepy, etc. I even lost my voice last week from post nasal drip (yuck). It doesn't help that I am super busy with work and the new fosters. I just want to crawl into bed and go to sleep all the time -- I know its because my head feels so heavy from the congestion.

What I want to know is this: Does anyone else feel this way this year? Is it because of a bad pollen count already? What do you take for your allergies?

I called the doctor today and he called in a prescription for Allegra 180. He said if that doesn't work, he wants me to try a steriod based medicine, which doesn;t sound too good to me. I've tried Claritin - doesn't work. Singulair - doesn't work. Zyrtec (my most recent test) - didn't work. There were MANY others, but those are the ones at the top of my congested brain. Oh, I also do nasal sprays at night. Those seem to help more than the pills.

I'm sure sorrounding myself with all these cats isn't helping me any :rolleyes: but they aren't going anywhere. Besides, they wre here all winter and I wasn't miserable like this until Mother Nature decided to bloom.

05-16-2005, 07:42 PM
I know what you mean. I been sick for the past week with allergies. I am hoping it will hurry up and go away.

05-16-2005, 07:47 PM
I get bad this time of year. I usually use Benadryl or Reactine. Usually works for me

05-16-2005, 07:57 PM
I bet you're going to really like the Allegra...its what I take and it works great!!!

Kelly :)

05-16-2005, 08:08 PM

Although I don't have allergies, I have heard that because of the STRANGE weather changes, it has caused all the plants that have pollen, etc., to spring new junk into the air, wreaking havoc on people's allergies.

Feel better!!


05-16-2005, 08:17 PM
I feel that way most of the year--I'm allergic to dogs and straw! Two things that heavily populate my life! I have a host of other allergies too that get worse this time of year. Part of why I love winter is that is when I feel my best.

I take Reactine+Sinus. At the height of pollen season, I add a prescripiton nasal spray called Rhinalar. That combo works great for me.

05-16-2005, 08:25 PM
Recommended by my allergy doctor - get a thing of saline nasal spray. It's cheap, there's one called Ocean she specifically mentioned, I got it at CVS for about 6 dollars for two things of it. Every time you go outdoors, as soon as you come back in, spray it twice in each nostril, then blow your nose. It cuts down a lot of pollen reaction. The pollen is remarkably heavy this year.

I am an "alergic person." I am on an old antihistamine/decongestant called (originally) Rondec year round. It's great. It's now generic, too (Cardec or Andec, I forget which) and I don't have any post-nasal drip ever (unless I get a cold).

05-16-2005, 08:53 PM
Geez, I know exactly how you feel! It's just the time of year . . . at least that's what I'm hoping. Actually I never had allergies until this year :rolleyes: . . .

For now, Alavert works for me. Supposed to last 24 hours but sometimes I have to take a Benedryl Allergy tab at night to keep from draining.

My dad has allergies BAD and he does the nasel spray at night . . . helps him tremendously!!! I'm not sure what it's called.

Good luck . . . hope you can find something that will help! I know how it is to be sick . . . but when you work at home, you can't really "call in" . . . nobody else to keep you caught up! ;)

05-16-2005, 09:19 PM
Currently, I'm taking Zyrtec-D. It seems to be working fairly well, although I still don't have much of a voice. I don't like the prescription nasal sprays because they always seem to leave a bad taste in my mouth. The saline works fairly well, though.

05-16-2005, 09:51 PM
It's tree pollen allergy season. I've struggled with recurrent sinus infections, nose bleeds, bronchitis, pneumonia, and even asthma, for years, and finally got tested for allergies this past winter. My allergies are to tree pollens primarily, and I am getting weekly immunotherapy injections currently. I started them in January, and they are weekly for one year, then every two weeks for another year, then every three weeks for another 18 months, then every month for another 18 months---for a total of five years and then hopefully I won't have such severe reactions to the tree pollens any more!

I had sinus surgery two and one-half years ago; I've been on Clariten-D, until my heart went into SVT (SupraVentricular Tachycardia-over 200 beats/minute) a few years ago; I've been on Prednisone numerous times, Depo-Medrol (steroid) injections twice every Spring and twice again every Fall; Dallergy, Zyrtec, nasal sprays (aggravate nose-bleeds, so can't use them any more). I can't take decongestants because of the history of SVT. I hope these immunotherapy injections work, because after awhile the allergy symptoms can become life-threatening with continued exposure to the allergens.

Don't hesitate to take the steroids if nothing else works. They are usually only short-term, and the relief they provide is so remarkable it's almost unbelievable. If/when you get to the point the symptoms return, repeatedly, when the steroids are discontinued, your doctor should refer you to an allergy specialist for further testing!

05-17-2005, 04:14 AM
Oh guys, I am more than completely miserable. Tonight was/is the night from heck. Its only 5:15 in the AM here... and I'm wide awake. I couldn't sleep because laying down only brought all the sinus pressure to a blinding pressure. I think the Allegra isn't doing a thing. I just might take the doctor up on those steroids, just to get relief and start over with something new. Perhaps I too need those shots? I started maybe ten years ago with allergies and each year they've gotten progressively worse. This year has totally knocked me over. :(

05-17-2005, 04:37 AM
Oh Kim I really understand how miserable you must be feeling and I am really sorry to hear you feel so unwell, people who never suffer sinus or allergy problems really have no idea just how unwell one can feel.

I find some seasons are worse than others too, last year was not so bad for me, but the one prior was horrendous, we had so much wind too, which obviously helps spread all the pollens and allergans around.

For me I take an antihistimane LORATAB, non sedating one,and I use a nasal spray Alanase, I make sure I start the nasal spray much earlier than when spring arrives, seemed to help quite a bit, but truthfully sometimes nothing seems to work, because of my allergy to the kitties, I too have to take medication now and then all year round.

I sure hope you can get some relief soon Kim, know my thoughts and get well wishes are with you, take care and here's to Kim feeling much better and soon.:)

05-17-2005, 08:07 AM
All those prescription allergy meds worked great for me but got to expensive when I no longer have rx card for medications. Bless the generic over the counter of Claritin product. Equate brand at walmart for 30 days cost $ 8.00 and change. I take it year round. Cant do the 24 hr decongestant have to do 12 hr. makes me not sleep at night or dream wierd. I've been known to do the 4-6 hr sudefed at night.

We also sleep with an airfilter going on all night. That helps allot.

05-17-2005, 09:55 AM
Yeah, this time of year is really bad on me. It doesn't help also that one of my trees in the yard is in full bloom with it's white pollen makers. Beautiful tree, but H#$% on me.

This is what the Dr. told me to do, sense I'm suffer so many allergies. Take a Benadryl every day, even when I'm fine. What he said is the Benadryl builds up in my system. This way instead of waiting till an attack hits me, hard and then medicating, I'm already a head of the game. I've been doing this for a long time now and even though, I still get attacks, during pollen season, they are nothing like what I use to get. Mine use to be so bad that they put me in bed, for days, from the headache's, breathing problems etc etc. Not any more, I can now function through life.

I take the Benadryl Sinus and headache, non drowsy pills. That and, like Karen said, the saline nasal spray, has really saved me.

I hope you feel better soon.